Paramblynotus filippae, Liu, Ronquist & Nordlander, 2007

Liu, Zhiwei, Ronquist, Fredrik & Nordlander, Göran, 2007, The Cynipoid Genus Paramblynotus: Revision, Phylogeny, And Historical Biogeography (Hymenoptera: Liopteridae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2007 (304), pp. 1-151 : 103-104

publication ID[1:tcgprp];2

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Tatiana (2021-08-29 14:36:46, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 15:25:07)

scientific name

Paramblynotus filippae

sp. nov.

Paramblynotus filippae , new species

FEMALE: Length 3.0– 3.3 mm. Body brown to dark brown. Submedial pale ring of antenna consisting of F7–8 and sometimes also part of F6 and F9. Flagellomeres beyond pale ring black, and all other segments dark brown to black. Forewing with a deep ferruginous macula covering marginal cell and part of third cubital cell behind marginal cell. Body parts, except as specified below, with moderately dense silvery pubescence.

Antenna 13-segmented; flagellum filiform. Vertex foveate-reticulate. Eye prominent and distinctly extended laterally beyond outer margin of gena. Ocellar plate slightly raised, foveate-reticulate, defined laterally by carina, and with a row of large foveae along lateral carinae. Median frontal carina raised into a lamilate process and percurrent to clypeus. Upper face foveate to foveate-reticulate; antennal scrobe distinctly depressed, glabrate with fine punctures, and defined by distinct carina laterally. Gena foveate-reticulate. Lower face foveate-rugose with dense pubes- cence. Anterior tentorial pits distinct. Clypeus punctate. Lateral occipital carina not reaching to posterior part of vertex. Occiput glabrous.

Anterior flange of pronotum transversely striate; submedian pronotal depressions separated medially. Anterior plate of pronotum glabrous mostly and punctate dorsomedially. Pronotum dorsomedially not raised, distinctly lower than mesoscutum; pronotal crest not raised into a median process. Lateral pronotal carina distinct, reaching pronotal crest dorsomedially. Lateral surface of pronotum foveate-reticulate with pubescence and distinctly separated in the middle. Dorsal pronotal area glabrate, anteriorly with indistinct transverse striation, visible to end of posterior margin of pronotum. Mesoscutum strongly arched dorsally and heavily foveatereticulate. Scutellar sulcus divided by a medi- an longitudinal carina. Mesoscutellum foveate-reticulate; laterodorsal process of mesoscutellum not prominent; posterior margin projected and truncate in dorsal view. Pubescence in axillar area distinct but not conspicuous. Mesopleural triangle densely pubescent and well defined ventrally by a smoothly curved carina. Median mesopleural impression percurrent with a few indistinct transverse costae; mesopleuron glabrous; lower mesopleuron strongly depressed along ventral margin and sparsely pubescent ventrally. Metepisternum areolatereticulate in upper part and conspicuously pubescent ventrally. Lateral propodeal carina percurrent, dorsomedially strongly raised and distinctly curved laterad; median propodeal area glabrate with sparse pubescence; median longitudinal carina purcurrent and submedian transverse carina prominent. Rs+M of forewing arising from middle of basal vein. Marginal cell 3.1 times as long as wide and slightly longer than submarginal cell. Bulla on Sc+R 1 absent.

Petiole as long as wide in lateral view. Tergum 8 entirely covered by T7; relative length of T3–7: 1.4:1.0:1.2:1.9:1.5; T3–5 glabrous; T6 finely punctate; T7 finely punctate, with row of sparse pubescence anteriorly. Tibiae and tarsi conspicuously pubescent. Apical teeth of metatibia long, slender, and pointed apically. 1mt/2–5mt 5 0.70.

MALE: Length 2.8 mm. Antenna 14-segmented. Pale ring of antenna absent.

Paramblynotus filippae is very similar to P. yuani and P. stigi , and can be distinguished from both by several characters as discussed under P. yuani .

TYPE MATERIAL: HOLOTYPE: ♀, Indonesia: Sumatra, Aceh Gunung Leuser National Park, Ketambe Research Station (3 ° 41 9 N, 97 ° 39 9 E, 300 m, Rain Forest , Young Forest Terrace 3, light gap), 1990-II-1–28, D.C. Darling coll. ( ROM). PARATYPES: 3♀♀, 1 Oi: 1♀, data as holotype 1991-VI-17–29 ( ROM) GoogleMaps ; 2♀♀, data as holotype, 1991-VI-15–VIII-15 ( ROM) GoogleMaps ; 1 Oi, Malaysia: Sabah, near Danum Valley Field Center (ca. 140 m), 1987-II-24– III-24, C. v. Achterberg coll. ( RMNH) .

DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia: Sumatra.

ETYMOLOGY: This species is named after Filippa Ronquist, daughter of F.R.


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