Trichilia hirta

Pennington, Terence D., 2016, Systematic Treatment Of American Trichilia (Meliaceae), Phytotaxa 259 (1), pp. 18-162 : 48-50

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.259.1.5

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scientific name

Trichilia hirta


8. Trichilia hirta View in CoL L., Syst., ed. 10: 1020 (1759); T. D.Penn., Fl. Neotrop. 28: 51 (1981). Type:—Herb. Sloane VII, no. 30 Jamaica, fr. (BM-SL, lectotype (chosen in FN28: 54 (1981)). Map 11

For synonymy see FN 28: 51–52 (1981). Illustration: FN 28: 53, fig. 5 (1981).

Abbreviated Description. New growth usually subtended by a cluster of small bud scales, indument of simple hairs, leaflets mostly 13–21(–25), opposite, 3–11.5 cm long, 1–3 cm broad, usually oblong, elliptic or lanceolate, inflorescence 2–15 cm long, a thyrse with short lateral branches, petals free, 3–5 mm long, imbricate, filaments fused 1/4–3/4 their length, anthers (8–)10, hairy, nectary a small glabrous annulus, ovary 3-locular, locules with 1–2 collateral ovules, fruit 0.7–1.5 cm long, 3-valved, globose to broadly ovoid, granular-papillose, 1–2 collateral seeds in each valve, seed coat thin, soft and oily, seed almost completely surrounded by a thin fleshy arillode.

Field Characters. Bark dark grey, finely longitudinally fissured.

Distribution and Ecology. From Sonora ( Mexico) southwards throughout Central America, Greater and Lesser Antilles, western South America to Bolivia, northern Venezuela, eastern Brazil and Paraguay. It is absent from the Guianas and from the central Amazon basin. In Mexico, Central America, West Indies and eastern Brazil it is typically a species of seasonally dry tropical deciduous forest, but in Panama and along the eastern flanks of the Andes to Bolivia it is a component of lowland rain forest. It is generally a lowland species but it is recorded as high as 1100 m in dry forest.

Representative Additional Collections. MEXICO. Campeche: Municipio Tenabo, 8 km SE of Tinum (NW1990), Gutierrez 5854 (MEXU). Chiapas: Municipio Villa Corzo, Rancho Palmeiras (NW1593) , Hernandez et al. 867 (MEXU). Guerrero: between Acapulco and San Marcos, dirt road to El Tamarindo (NW1699), Miller & Tenorio 573 (K). Sonora: Municipio Alamos, Sierra de Alamos, Cañon Los Laureles (NW26108), Sanders et al. 14328 (K). Veracruz: Municipio Puente Nacional, Conejos (NW1996), Thomas & Villaseñor 3695 (K).

MAP 11. Distribution of Trichilia hirta L. Solid dots, distribution pre-1981, open dots new records 1981–2010.

GUATEMALA. Huehuetenango: Nentón (NW1591), Castillo 1316 (K). Petén: Lago Petén Itzá (NW1789), Wallnöfer et al. 9676 (K).

BELIZE. Cayo: 10 km S of San Francisco, next Ix Chel Farm (NW1789), Balick et al. 1381 (K). Toledo: San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research Center (NW1688), Reed 12 (K).

HONDURAS. Francisco Morazán: 10 km from Tegucigalpa (NW1487), Elvir 23 (K). La Paz: 4 km W of La Paz (NW1487), Soto 95 (K). Yoro: Municipio Olanchito, 27 miles W of Olanchito (NW1586), Davidse et al. 35531 (K).

NICARAGUA. Carazo: Refugio de Vida Silvestre Chococente (NW1186), Sandino 4979 (K). Madriz: Volcán de Somoto (NW1386), Araquistain & Moreno 2959 (K). Matagalpa: W slope of Cerro Musun (NW 1285), Stevens 11955 (K). Rio San Juan: road to San Miguelito between Rio Oyate and San Miguelito (NW1184), Grijalva & Almanza 3580 (K). Zelaya: Municipio de Siuna, Comarca El Hormiguero (N1384), Ortiz 570 (K).

COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Parque Nacional Palo Verde (NW1085), Chavarria 423 (K). Puntarenas: Buenos Aires, Cuenca Superior Rio Ceibo (NW0983), Valerio 30 (CR); Curú (NW0984), Sanders et al. 17813 (K). San José: Reserva Biológica Carara, Sector Tronco Negro (NW0984), Zuñiga 529 (K).

CUBA. Ciudad de La Habana: Jibacoa (NW2382), Acevedo-Rodríguez et al. 6511 (K). Piñar del Rio: Soroa (NW2283), Acevedo-Rodríguez et al. 6542 (K).

PUERTO RICO. Cabo Rojo, Sierra Bermeja, Cerro Mariquita (NW1867), Acevedo-Rodríguez et al. 4729 (K).

COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Municipio Turbo, Corregimiento Currulao, 19 km NE of Turbo (NW0776), Callejas et al. 4945 (K). Bolívar: Municipio de San Jacinto, 9 km NW of San Jacinto (NW0975), Zarucchi & Cuadros 3972 (K).

VENEZUELA. Aragua: road Maracay-Palo Negro-La Villa de Cura (NW1067) , Bunting & Fucci 6028 (K). Falcón: Sierra de San Luis, 3 km ENE of San Luis (NW1169), Wingfield 7566 (K). Lara: 2 km NE of Barquisimeto (NW1069), Agostini 2593 (K). Yaracuy: Sierra de Aroa (NW1068), Meier et al. 5421 (K). Zulia: Distrito Perijá, road Maracaibo-Machiques km 24 (NW1072), Bunting 6086 (K).

ECUADOR. El Oro: Bosque Petrificado de Puyango (SW0380), Lewis et al. 3392 (K). Guayas: Reserva Ecológica Manglares-Churute (SW0279), Cerón 20140 (K). Manabí: Santa Rosa de Manta (SW0180), Nicolalde et al. 425 (K).

PERU. Huánuco: prov. Pachitea, 26 km S of Puerto Inca, Sira Mountains (SW0974), Wallnöfer 15-011188 (K). Madre de Dios: Parque Nacional Manu, Rio Manu (SW1171), Foster et al. 11792 (K). Tumbes: Pampas Hospital, El Caucho (SW0380), Pennington et al. 12346 (K, MOL).

BRAZIL. Bahia: Municipio Feira de Santa Ana, Serra do Joâo José (SW1239), de Queiroz et al. 3052. Espirito Santo: Municipio Castelo Caxixe Quente (SW2041), Hatschbach et al. 69150 (K). Goias: Municipio Sâo Domingos, Gruta Terra Ronca (SW1346), Fonseca et al. 2344 (K). Mato Grosso do Sul: Municipio Aquidauana, Serra de Maracajú (SW2055), Hatschbach et al. 60717 (K).

BOLIVIA. Beni: Provincia Ballivián, Rurrenabaque (SW1467), Beck 8236 (K). Santa Cruz: Nuflo de Chavez, Lomerio, 12 km N of Las Trancas (SW1161), Mamani & Saucedo 623a (K).

PARAGUAY. Cordillera: Camino Altos Bernal Cue (SW2557), Soria & Ortiz 4255 (K).


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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