Trichilia septentrionalis C.DC.

Pennington, Terence D., 2016, Systematic Treatment Of American Trichilia (Meliaceae), Phytotaxa 259 (1), pp. 18-162 : 66-67

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.259.1.5

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Trichilia septentrionalis C.DC.


19. Trichilia septentrionalis C.DC. View in CoL in Mart., Fl. Bras. 11(1): 220 (1878); T. D.Penn. & Styles, Fl. Neotrop. 28: 126 (1981). Type :— BRAZIL. Amazonas , Rio Negro between Manaus and Barcellos, yfl., fr., Spruce 1890 (holotype, G-DC; isotypes, BM, G, K, LE, M, P). Map 25

Trichilia gustavoi Morales-Puentes, Caldasia View in CoL 23(2): 413 (2001). Type. COLOMBIA. Putumayo, Municipio de Mocoa, vereda Alto Campucana, Finca la Mariposa , Betancur et al. 5029 (holotype, COL; isotype, K).

For synonymy see FN28: 126 (1981). Illustration: FN28: 127, fig. 21 (1981).

Abbreviated Description. Indumentum of simple hairs, leaflets (5–)7–11, opposite, mostly 14–26 cm long, 5–12 cm broad, elliptic, oblong or oblanceolate, secondary veins mostly straight and parallel, inflorescence 10–40 cm long, a broadly pyramidal panicle, sepals strongly imbricate with rounded apex, petals 5–7, mostly 3–5.5 mm long, free, strongly imbricate, filaments usually completely fused, anthers 6–10, nectary annular, ovary usually 3-locular, pubescent, locules 1-ovulate, fruit 1.3–3.2 cm long, 3-valved, oblong, obovoid or ellipsoid, puberulous, seeds 1–2 in each fruit, almost completely covered by a fleshy arillode.

MAP 25. Distribution of Trichilia septentrionalis C.DC. Solid dots, distribution pre-1981, open dots new records 1981–2010.

Distribution & Ecology. Costa Rica, Panama and northern South America, including all the Andean countries as far south as Bolivia, Amazonian Brazil to 10 degrees south. It also occurs in the Windward Islands ( Dominica). A component of lowland and montane rain forest to 2000 m elevation, generally on non-flooded land.

Representative Additional Collections. COSTA RICA. Heredia: Braulio Carillo National Park (NW1084), Alcazar et al. 64 (K). Limón: S of Islas Buena Vista, SW of Barra del Colorado (NW1083), Davidse & Herrera 31144 (NY). Puntarenas: Parrita, Barrio Vasconia (NW0984), Estrada et al. 3088 (K). San José: Pérez Zelendon, Fila Tinamaste (NW0983), Valverde 998 (F).

PANAMA. San Blas: Cordillera de San Blas, Isla de Tubuala (NW0877), Herrera 1296 (NY).

COLOMBIA. Putumayo: Município Mocoa, San Antonio, Alto Campucana (NW0176), Betancur et al. 5029 (K, NY). Valle: Bajo Calima Concession, 16 km NW of Buenaventura (NW0377), Faber-Langendoen & Renteria 505 (K).

VENEZUELA. Aragua: Henri Pittier National Park (NW1067), Cardozo & Hidalgo 1712 (K). Bolívar: Municipio Autonomo Sucre, Bajo Rio Caura (NW0765), Aymard et al. 8626 (K). Distrito Federal: El Junquito (NW1067), Meier 2278 (K). Amazonas: Dept. Atabapo, between Cerro Curagua and mouth of Rio Matacuni on Rio Padamo (NW0365), Marin 866 (K).

GUYANA. Potaro-Siparuni region, Mt. Ayanganna, east face (NW0559), H.D.Clarke et al. 9755 (U).

SURINAM. Sipaliwini: vicinity of Ulemari village, 99 km upstream from Litani River (NW0254), Hammel & Koemar 21416 (K).

FRENCH GUIANA. Saül, Mont Galbao trail (NW0353), Mori & Gracie 18651 (K).

ECUADOR. Carchi: Gualpi Alto (NW0078), Thomsen 58826 (K, NY). Esmeraldas: 2–4 km SE of San Lorenzo (NW0178), Boom 2613 (K). Morona-Santiago: Cordillera de Cutucú, Mendez-Morona road (SW0278), van der Werff & Palacios 10354 (K). Napo: Rio Napo, 8 km below Puerto Misahualli (SW0177), Neill & Palacios 7095 (K). Orellana: Rio Huashito, 30 km NNW of Coca (SW0077), Pennington 10599 (K). Pastaza: Rio Curaray, Laguna Garzayacu (SW0176), Neill & Palacios 6706 (K).

PERU. Amazonas: Huambisa, valley of Rio Santigao (SW0377), Tunqui 846 (K). Cuzco: Prov. Cuzco, Camisea, Campamento Segakiato (SW1172), Acevedo-Rodríguez et al. 10110 ( US). Huánuco: Pachitea, Codo de Pozuzo (SW0975), Foster 9328 (K). Madre de Dios: 39 km SW of Puerto Maldonado (SW1269), S.F.Smith et al. 721 (NY). Pasco: Prov. Oxapampa, Palcazu, Rio Alto Iscozacin (SW1075), Foster & d’Achille 9991 (K). Loreto: Rio Napo, Explorama Inn (SW0373), Thomas 6793 (K). Puno: Rio Tavara, base camp (SW1369), Gentry et al. 76711 (K). Ucayali: Coronel Portillo, Yarinacocha (SW0874), Vásquez & Jaramillo 10449 (K).

BRAZIL. Acre: Municipio Marechal Taumaturgo, Rio Jurua, Seringal Damião (SW0972), Daly et al. 7766 (K). Amazonas: Municipio Manaus, 80 km N of Manaus, Fazenda Porto Alegre (SW0259), Dick 113 (K).

BOLIVIA. Pando: Manuripi, 35 km N of Puerto America (SW1167), Jardim 731 (K).


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Trichilia septentrionalis C.DC.

Pennington, Terence D. 2016

Trichilia gustavoi

Morales-Puentes 2001: 413
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