Trichilia tuberculata (Triana & Planch.) C.DC. subsp. tuberculata

Pennington, Terence D., 2016, Systematic Treatment Of American Trichilia (Meliaceae), Phytotaxa 259 (1), pp. 18-162 : 114-115

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.259.1.5

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Trichilia tuberculata (Triana & Planch.) C.DC. subsp. tuberculata


57a. Trichilia tuberculata (Triana & Planch.) C.DC. subsp. tuberculata View in CoL . Map 64

Trichilia maynasiana C.DC. in A. & C. DC., Monogr. Phan. 1: 700 (1878); T. D.Penn., Fl. Neotrop. 28: 142 (1981). Type:— PERU. Maynas, fl., Poeppig s.n. (lectotype, P (designated FN 28: 145 (1981)).

Trichilia tocacheana C.DC. in A. & C.DC., Monogr. Phan. 1: 701 (1878). Type:— PERU. (San Martín), Tocache, fl., Poeppig 1956 (holotype, B, destroyed; lectotype, US, here designated). In Flora Neotropica 28: 155 (1981) this species was erroneously placed in the synonymy of T. quadrijuga and details of the type collection were omitted.

Trichilia sexanthera C.DC., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 6: 501 (1917). Type:— PERU. San Martín, Loreto, Tarapoto, fl., Ule 6593c (lectotype, G (designated FN 28: 145 (1981)).

Trichilia sexanthera C.DC. forma b C.DC., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 6: 501 (1917). Type:— PERU. San Martín (Loreto), fl., Ule 6593 (lectotype, G (designated FN 28: 145 (1981); isolectotype, K, but invalidly published (no name)).

MAP 64. Distribution of Trichilia tuberculata (Tr. & Pl.) C.DC. subsp. tuberculata . Solid dots, distribution pre-1981, open dots new records 1981–2010.

Distribution & Ecology. Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Amazonian Brazil, in lowland non-flooded rain forest. Not recorded from the Guianas.

Collections Examined. COSTA RICA. Puntarenas: Corcovado National Park, Lower Danta Loop (NW0883), Kernan & Phillips 731 (K); Garabito, PN Carara, Cuenca del Tarcoles (NW0984), Acosta et al. 779 (CR).

PANAMA. Canal Zone: Barro Colorado Island (NW0979), Schmalzel 648 (NY). Panama: Isla Maje, Bayano (NW0978), Aguilar 204 (NY).

COLOMBIA. Meta: Parque Natural Nacional Tinigua, Serrania Chamusa (NW0273), Stevenson 282 (MO).

VENEZUELA. Barinas: Ticoporo Forest Reserve, Socopo (NW0870), Stergios et al. 5672 (MO). Bolívar: basin of R. Caura, Cano el Pavo (NW0464), Stergios 15450 (K). Zulia: Perija, Los Angeles de Tocuco (NW0972), Morillo et al. 9270 ( US).

ECUADOR. El Oro: E of Piedras (SW0379), Escobar 1371 (QCA). Esmeraldas: Cerro Mutiles (NW0079), Cornejo & Bonifaz 5195 (K). Morona Santiago: El Centro Shuar Pampants, Rio Cangaime (SW0277), Juwa RBAE 67 (K). Napo: Cantón Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station (SW0177), Cerón 6056 (MO). Orellana: 30 km NNW of Coca, Rio Huashito (SW0077), Pennington 10598 (K). Pastaza: 35 km NE of Montalvo, Pozo petrolero “Garza” (SW0176), Zak & Espinoza 4619 (MO). Sucumbios: Limoncocha, Laguna Limoncocha (SW0076), Freire et al. 3591 (K). Santiago-Zamora: Taisha (SW0277), Cazalet & Pennington 7556 (K).

PERU. Amazonas: Distrito Imaza, Rio Cenepa, Yamayakat (SW0478), Hodges & Gorham 73 (MO). Loreto: Maynas, Sucusari (SW0372), Vásquez & Jaramillo 8244 (MO). Madre de Dios: Cocha Cashu Biological Station (SW1171), Gentry 43493 (AMAZ). San Martín: San Martín, above Boca Toma del Shilcayo (SW0676), Knapp & Alcorn 7372 (F). Ucayali: Prov. Purus, Rio Curanja (SW1071), Graham & Schunke 1016 (K).

BRAZIL. Acre: Tarauaca, Bacia do Alto Jurua (SW0871), Silveira et al. 1041 (K). Amazonas: Municipio Atalaia do Norte, Rio Javari (SW0471), Cid Ferreira et al. 9953 (K). Pará: Marabá, Carajas, (SW0549), Maciel et al. 814 (K). Rondonia: Municipio Costa Marques BR-429 (SW1264), Cid Ferreira 8728 (K).

BOLIVIA. Beni: Ballivian Province, Escuela Técnica Agrícola Rio Colorado (SW1467), Killeen et al. 2921 (K). La Paz: Alto Madidi (SW1368), Gentry & Estensoro 70690 (K). Pando: Cobija (SW1168), Dominguez & Gonzales 43 (MO).


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