Chalcis pilicauda (Cameron)

Saguiah, Pâmella Machado, Molin, Ana Dal & Tavares, Marcelo Teixeira, 2020, The South American species of Chalcis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), Zootaxa 4885 (3), pp. 353-383 : 372-375

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Plazi (2020-11-29 20:04:54, last updated 2024-11-27 03:19:23)

scientific name

Chalcis pilicauda (Cameron)


Chalcis pilicauda (Cameron) View in CoL

Figs 14 View FIGURE 14 a–f, 15a–e, 16a–c

Octosmicra pilicauda Cameron, 1909: 429 View in CoL . Type data: Mendoza. Lectotype ♀ (NHMUK type no. 5-229, examined), lectotype designation by Delvare (1992: 189).

Smicra spinicoxus Cameron, 1909: 426 View in CoL Type data: Mendoza. Lectotype ♂ (NHMUK type no. 5-170, images examined), lecto-type designation and synonymy by Delvare (1992: 189–190).

Chalcis spinicoxus (Cameron) View in CoL : De Santis (1967: 214).

Spilochalcis pilicauda (Cameron) View in CoL : De Santis (1967: 213).

Chalcis pilicauda (Cameron) View in CoL : Delvare (1992: 189).

Diagnosis. Both sexes. Antennal scape with inner face flattened ( Figs 14c, d View FIGURE 14 ); metafemur ventrally with 7–9 teeth along outer margin, the basal tooth larger and distant from second tooth ( Fig. 15b View FIGURE 15 ); inner face of metacoxa glabrous. Female. Tarsomeres 4 and 5 of all legs pubescent similarly to basal tarsomeres; protarsomeres 4 and 5 ventrally with distal spines about as long as the tarsomere width ( Fig. 14f View FIGURE 14 ); protarsal claws only slightly curved, ventrally with 3 or 4 basal denticles followed by 3 peg-like setae ( Fig. 15a View FIGURE 15 ). Male. Ventral plaque on distal third of antennal scape and with distinct elongate sensillum ( Fig. 16b View FIGURE 16 ); hypopygium with distal U-shaped notch and the medial portion of the notch concave ( Fig. 16c View FIGURE 16 ).

Description. FEMALE. Length 6.1–7.2 mm. Color: Body predominantly black, with the following parts yellow to orange ( Figs 14 View FIGURE 14 a–c, 15b): spot on parascrobal area ( Fig. 14c View FIGURE 14 ), outer orbit of eye, distal 1/4 of scape, pedicel, anellus, pronotal collar posteriorly and anterolaterally (sometimes only posteriorly), median lobe of mesoscutum laterally ( Fig. 14b View FIGURE 14 ), anterolateral margin of lateral lobe (sometimes), tegula, mesoscutellum laterally, propodeal callus, inner face of profemur and protibia, outer and anterior faces of mesofemur, inner face of mesotibia, outer face of metafemur anteroventrally and diagonally (from dorsal base and bifurcate apically) ( Fig. 15b View FIGURE 15 ), inner face metafemur apically, metatibia basally ( Fig. 15c View FIGURE 15 ), tarsi, petiole dorsally, transverse band on Gt1 (sometimes with additional transverse band), Gt2 – Gt7+8, and hypopygium apically. Wings infuscate ( Figs 14a, b View FIGURE 14 ).

Head. Lower face not bulging above clypeus, with elongate umbilicate fovea enclosed by diagonal irregular carinae; parascrobal area densely foveate, interstices raised as irregular diagonal rugae, median intumescence present; malar space 0.6–0.7× eye height ( Fig. 14c View FIGURE 14 ); malar sulcus inconspicuous, sinuous, internal and external carinae fine and inconspicuous, almost complete; gena rugose, genal carina absent; mandibular formula 2:3; antennal scrobe from coriaceous ventrally to slightly strigulate dorsally and with transverse carina below median ocellus ( Fig. 14c View FIGURE 14 ); interantennal projection with median carina dorsally, carina extending to median ocellus midway. MOD:POL:APL: OOL = 0.16:0.40:0.12:0.30. Scape 4.0–4.9× as long as wide, inner face flattened ( Fig. 14d View FIGURE 14 ); anellus about 0.5× as long as wide; Fu1 longer than all other funicular segments, about 2× as long as wide and 1.1× as long as Fu2 length ( Fig. 14d View FIGURE 14 ).

Mesosoma . Mesoscutum with interstices coriaceous and dull, narrower than diameter of umbilicate foveae; mesoscutellum convex, frenal carina forming two sublateral lobes; mesopleuron with mesepisternum puncticulatecoriaceous dorsally to irregularly areolate-rugulose ventrally ( Fig. 14e View FIGURE 14 ); propodeum with irregular median carina, submedian carina absent, anterior and posterior costulae irregular, adpetiolar area with a narrow and irregular areola medially, anterosubmedial area areolate-rugose ( Fig. 15d View FIGURE 15 ); tarsomeres 4 and 5 of all legs pubescent at least laterally and with the pair of distal setae, similar to basal tarsomeres ( Fig. 14f View FIGURE 14 ); protarsomeres 4 and 5 ventrally without pairs of distinct peg-like spines, distal spines about as long as the tarsomere width ( Fig. 14f View FIGURE 14 ); protarsal claws only slightly curved, ventrally with 3 or 4 basal denticles followed by 3 peg-like setae ( Fig. 15a View FIGURE 15 ); mesocoxa densely pubescent posteriorly; mesotibial spur 0.6× as long as the width of the mesotibial apex; metacoxa punctate-rugose dorsally, inner face glabrous; metafemur with outer face very densely punctate and interstices weakly coriaceous, ventrally without inner basal tooth but with 7–9 teeth along outer margin, outer basal tooth the largest and distant from second tooth, teeth 3–5 similarly-sized ( Fig. 15b View FIGURE 15 ); metatibia with apical spine robust and longer than the apical width of metatibia ( Fig. 15c View FIGURE 15 ); metatarsomere 1 slightly longer than any of tarsomeres 2–5. Fore wing SMV:MV: PMV 2.28:1.15:1.08.

Metasoma. Petiole about 1.8–2.6× as long as wide, dorsal face flat and with dorsolateral carina along the length of petiole (occasionally irregular and incomplete), ventrally with submedian carina along basal three-quarters; hypopygial median projection apically with dense set of short appressed bristles ( Fig. 15e View FIGURE 15 ), ventrally with some bristles, the latter bristles at most as long as the width of hypopygial projection in lateral view; ovipositor sheath rounded apically, with some long setae ( Fig. 15e View FIGURE 15 ).

MALE. Length: 6.1 mm. Similar to female ( Fig. 16a View FIGURE 16 ), except: antennal scape with ventral plaque on distal third and with distinct elongate sensillum ( Fig. 16b View FIGURE 16 ); all tarsomeres distinctly pubescent; tarsal claws bifid and pectinate; hypopygium with concave surface and U-shaped distal, the medial portion of the notch concave ( Fig. 16c View FIGURE 16 ).

Material examined. Type material. Octosmicra pilicauda , ♀ ( NHMUK), ‘ Lectotype / Delvare’ ‘ P. Cameron Col. 1914-110’ ‘ Octosmicra pilicauda Cam. Type Mendoza [ Argentina]’ ‘ B.M. Type Hym. 5.229 Lectotype /Del-vare, 1989’ ‘[QR Code] NHMUK 013456440 About NHMUK ’.

Smicra spinicoxus , ♂ ( NHMUK), ‘ Lectotype /Delvare’ ‘P. Cameron Col. 1914-110’ ‘ Smicra spinicoxis [sic] Cam. Type’ ‘ Mendoza [ Argentina] XII’ ‘ S. spinicoxis [sic] (1909) Cameron’ ‘B.M. Type Hym. 5.170’ ‘ Lectotype / Delvare, 1989’ ‘[QR Code] NHMUK 013456439’.

Other specimens examined (8♀ and 1♂). Argentina. Buenos Aires. La Plata, City Bell, A ° [Arroyo] Rodriguez , X.1975, emerged from puparium of Odontomyia sp., Denizi col. (1♂, MLPA) . Córdoba. Ascochinga , Fritz col. (1♀ NHMUK) ; Capilla del Monte , Prf. Hosseus col. (1♀, NHMUK) . La Rioja. Famatina , 22.II.1959, Torres-Gardella col. (1♀, MLPA) . Mendoza. Mendoza, 02.XII.1906, Jansen Hearup V. col. (1♀, NMPC) . Rio Negro [written as ‘Chile: R.N.’]. El Bolson, 01.XII.1962, A. Kovacs col., B.M. 1964–193 (1♀, NHMUK) . Tucuman. S[an] P[edro] Colalao, Arnau , I.1948, Foerster, J. col. (1♀, ZSM) . Brazil. Mato Grosso. Cáceres , 09.I.1985, C. Elias col. (1♀, DZUP) . Rio Grande do Sul. Arroio Grande, 32°3’22’S, 53°11’57’’W, 101 m, Malaise , 02.IV.2004, R. F. Krüger col. (1♀, UFES) .

Biology. Emerged from puparium of Odontomyia sp. ( Diptera , Stratiomyidae ).

Distribution. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, La Rioja, Mendoza, Rio Negro, Tucuman) and Brazil (Mato Grosso, Rio Grande do Sul).

Remarks. See discussion about synonymic history and differential diagnosis of C. pilicauda under C. ornatifrons .

Cameron, P. (1909) A contribution to the knowledge of the parasitic Hymenoptera of Argentina. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 35 (4), 425 - 429.

De Santis, L. (1967) Catalogo de los Himenopteros Argentinos de la Serie Parasitica, incluyendo Bethyloidea. Comision de Investigacion Cientifica, La Plata, 337 pp.

Delvare, G. (1992) A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species. In: Delvare, G. & Boucek, Z. (Eds) On the New World Chalcididae (Hymenoptera). Associated Publishers, Florida, pp. 119 - 376.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 14a–f. Chalcis pilicauda (Cameron), female: a, habitus, lateral; b, habitus, dorsal; c, head, frontal; d, head and antenna, frontolateral; e, pro- and mesopleura; f, protarsus.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 15a–e. Chalcis pilicauda (Cameron), female: a, protarsal claw; b, metafemur, outer face; c, metatibia, outer face; d, propodeum; e, metasoma, lateral.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 16a–c. Chalcis pilicauda (Cameron), male: a, habitus, lateral; b, antennal scape, frontolateral; c, hypopygium, ventral.


Natural History Museum, London


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


National Museum Prague


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo











