Andaniotes wallaroo Barnard, 1972

Berge, JØrgen, 2001, Revision of the Amphipod (Crustacea: Stegocephalidae) genera Andaniotes Stebbing, 1897 and Metandania Stephensen, 1925, Journal of Natural History 35 (6), pp. 787-832 : 820-821

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Felipe (2021-08-27 00:00:42, last updated 2021-08-27 00:00:43)

scientific name

Andaniotes wallaroo Barnard, 1972


Andaniotes wallaroo Barnard, 1972

Andaniotes wallaroo Barnard, 1972: 307 .

Material examined

VictoriaÐJ2321, two specimens, 39 ss 32.8 ¾ S, 144 ss 16 ¾ E, 18 m; J2322, one specimen, 39 ss 32.8 ¾ S, 144 ss 21 ¾ E, 27 m; J2638, one specimen, 40 ss 38.0 ¾ S, 145 ss 23 ¾ E, 36 m; J7618, six specimens, 39 ss 6.83 ¾ S, 144 ss 49.64 ¾ E, 65 m; J45324 View Materials , three specimens (one male, two females) , 39 ss 43.7 ¾ S, 147 ss 19.6 ¾ E, 59 m; J45325 View Materials , ®ve specimens, 38 ss 55.5 ¾ S, 145 ss 17.0 ¾ E, 70 m; J45326 View Materials , one specimen , 39 ss 06.7 ¾ S, 143 ss 28.7 ¾ E, 92 m; J45327 View Materials , one specimen , 39 ss 45.55 ¾ S, 145 ss 33.82 ¾ E, 79 m; J45328 View Materials , two specimens , 38 ss 55 ¾ S, 143 ss 25 ¾ E, 67 m; J45329 View Materials , three specimens , 40 ss 56.04 ¾ S, 146 ss 5.39 ¾ E, 68 m; J45330 View Materials , ®ve specimens, 39 ss 12.9 ¾ S, 146 ss 27.3 ¾ E, 65 m; J45331 View Materials , four specimens (two males, two females) , 40 ss 33.07 ¾ S, 145 ss 44.69 ¾ E, 68 m; J45332 View Materials , nine specimens , 40 ss 49.75 ¾ S, 146 ss 31.33 ¾ E, 68 m; J45333 View Materials , one specimen , 40 ss 00.0 ¾ S, 144 ss 20.90 ¾ E, 45 m; J45334 View Materials , nine specimens , 38 ss 32.0 ¾ S, 142 ss 28.6 ¾ E, 52 m; J45335 View Materials , 34 specimens , 40 ss 9.95 ¾ S, 147 ss 31.83 ¾ E, 51 m; J45336 View Materials , 301 specimens , 38 ss 52.6 ¾ S, 148 ss 25.2 ¾ E, 130 m.

Distribution Known only from Victoria, 18± 130 m.


Length of males and females: 5±9 mm.

Rostrum very small.

Antennae short. Antenna 1 longer than antenna 2; ¯agellum four-articulate; accessory ¯agellum article 2 present. Antenna 2 peduncle (articles 3±5) longer than ¯agellum; article 3 short, about as long as broad; article 4 longer than article 5.

Epistome produced laterally, broad and round; epistomal plate (medial keel) produced into a small elongate medial ridge covering the entire epistome.

Mouthparts not elongate or pointed.

Mandible incisor transverse, smooth; left lacinia mobilis present, reduced, laterally straight, conical.

Maxilla 1 palp uni-articulate, rectangular, setae long, simple, slender; apex not reaching above the apex of outer plate; outer plate distally rounded; ST in two parallel rows, ®rst marginal and second submarginal, ST ®rst row with six setae (ST1±5, ST7), ST 1 ordinary (similar to ST 2±4), gap between ST 5 and ST 7; ST A±C present, part of second row; inner plate without a well developed shoulder, setae pappose.

Maxilla 2 ordinary; outer plate setae without distal hooks or cleft; inner plate setae row A covering the entire margin, clearly separated from row B, row A setae pappose, ®rst three or four setae diOEerentiated from the other setae (weakly pappopectinate); row B setae proximally simple, distally with cusps; row C present; row D absent.

Maxilliped palp four-articulate; article 2 distally unproduced; dactylus distally simple (pointed); inner plate not exceeding base of palp article 2, with three nodular setae; medial setae-row present, not reduced, vertical, setae cuspidate; distal setaerow present; inner setae-row present, not reduced (more than two setae), setae conspicuously large and strong; outer plate outer setae-row present, marginal, setae attached normally, long, robust, straight; inner setae-row present but strongly reduced, setae long, robust, slender, parallel but not appressed to outer setae-row; distal setae-group absent.

Labrum very short; lobes symmetrical and reduced.

Labium distally broad, oval.

Coxal plates and basis on the pereopods smooth. Coxae 1±3 contiguous.

Pereopod 1 coxal plate not as deep as basis; propodus subovate.

Pereopod 2 longer and thinner than pereopod 1; ischium elongate, ratio length:- breadth exceeding 1.5; ischium distal posterior margin with plumose setae; propodus subovate; palm developed.

Pereopod 4 coxa posteroventral lobe medium sized, not reaching the base of pereon segment 7; basis anterior margin without long setae, posterior margin with long setae, plumose setae on distal anterior margin, no plumose setae on distal posterior margin; ischium with plumose setae on posterior distal margin.

Pereopod 6 basis posteriorly expanded, expansion conspicuous, rounded posteriorly, without a row of long plumose setae.

Pereopod 7 basis anterior margin straight, distally rounded; with a medial row of setae, setae short and robust.

Oostegites on pereopods 2±5. Gills on pereopods 2±7.

Pleonites 1±3 dorsally smooth.

Urosomites 2 and 3 fused. Uropod 1 peduncle longer than rami, outer ramus longer than inner. Uropod 2 peduncle longer than rami, outer ramus as long as inner. Uropod 3 peduncle at least as long as rami, outer ramus two-articulate, outer ramus as long as inner.

Telson as long as broad; shorter than uropod 3 peduncle; submarginal setae on apex of each lobe; cleft; apically pointed.

Males. Pereopod 2 propodus equally sized in males and females. Urosome conspicuously larger than in females; uropod 1 outer ramus enlarged, curved upwards; uropod 2 outer ramus ordinary; uropod 3 rami reduced.


A male of the present species is herein described for the ®rst time.

As for A. linearis , the present species shows considerable allometry on the basis of pereopod 6, but also on the basis on pereopod 7 and in epimeral plate 3. All these three appendages are conspicuously more rounded in young specimens than in mature ones.

BARNARD, J. L., 1972, Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, part I, Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 103, 1 ± 333.











