Parastrombidinopsis minima Tsai et al., 2008

Song, Wen, Li, Jiamei, Huang, Yaoyao, Al-Rasheid, Khaled A. S., Liu, Weiwei, Hu, Xiaozhong & Miao, Miao, 2018, Morphology of Three Aloricate Choreotrich ciliates, Including Description of a New Species Parastrombidinopsis costalis sp. n. (Ciliophora, Choreotrichia), and phylogeny of the genus Parastrombidinopsis, Acta Protozoologica 57 (3), pp. 153-167 : 161

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.18.013.10089

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scientific name

Parastrombidinopsis minima Tsai et al., 2008


Parastrombidinopsis minima Tsai et al., 2008 View in CoL View at ENA ( Fig. 6 View Fig , Table 2)

Although the morphology of Parastrombidinopsis minima was well studied by Tsai et al. (2008), some new features have been found in the Haikou population. Thus, a brief description of the new population is supplied, along with a phylogenetic analysis based on its SSU rRNA gene sequence.

Locality of the Haikou population: Brackish water in Haikou (20°06´N, 110°33´E), China, Salinity about 18.2 GoogleMaps ‰.

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