Trisaccopharynx westbladi Karling, 1940

Willems, Wim R., Sandberg, Maria I. & Jondelius, Ulf, 2007, First report on Rhabdocoela (Rhabditophora) from deep parts of Skagerrak, with the description of four new species, Zootaxa 1616, pp. 1-21 : 16

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.179102

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scientific name

Trisaccopharynx westbladi Karling, 1940


Trisaccopharynx westbladi Karling, 1940 View in CoL

Localities. Loc. 2 and Loc. 6.

Known distribution. Northern Atlantic: Norway ( Karling 1940).

Material. Two individuals studied alive and whole mounted (in poor condition).

Description and remarks. The specimens were identified based on observations on live material. The eye (= two eyes that are fused) is not visible in the preserved material. This was also observed earlier by Karling and explained as a result of the preservation method (pers. obs: info. on the label of a whole mount; see also Karling 1940).

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