Allotrichosiphum cyclobalanopsidis, Qiao, Gexia, Jiang, Liyun & Martin, Jon H., 2006
publication ID | 10.5281/zenodo.172659 |
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treatment provided by |
Plazi |
scientific name |
Allotrichosiphum cyclobalanopsidis |
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sp. nov. |
Allotrichosiphum cyclobalanopsidis sp. nov.
( Figs. 1–25 View FIGURES 1 – 10 View FIGURES 11 – 20 View FIGURES 21 – 25 )
Locus typicus
China ( Hong Kong).
The new species is named after its host genus.
The species is related to A. kashicola , but is different from the latter: 1. in apterous viviparous females: ultimate rostral segment long; with 5–8 pairs of accessory setae (in kashicola : short, with 1 pair of accessory setae); 2. in alate viviparous females: processus terminalis 1.46 times as long as basal part of antennal segment VI (in kashicola : 0.91 times); 3. the hostplant: Cyclobalanopsis neglecta (in kashicola : Quercus acuta and Q. myrsinaefolia ).
Apterous viviparous female. Body oblong oval ( Fig.11 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ). General measurements — see Table 1 View TABLE 1 .
Mounted specimens. Antennae, legs and siphunculi pale brown, other parts colourless. Antennal segments III–VI with transverse imbrications; inner distal halves of femora and second tarsal segments with spinulose imbrications, distal halves of tibiae spinulose, particularly toward the apex. Mesosternal furca with a short stem ( Figs. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 17 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ). Dorsum membranous. Dorsal hairs of body thick and long, capitate and each with a tuberculate base ( Figs. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 19 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ); ventral hairs fine, long and pointed. Length of dorsal body hairs 2.00–3.00 times as long as ventral hairs. Head fused with prothorax. Head ( Figs.1 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 12 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ) with 1 pair of frontal hairs, 1 pair of dorsal hairs between antennae, and 2 pairs of dorsal hairs between eyes; pronotum with 2 pairs of spinal and 2 pairs of marginal hairs; metanotum with 5 spinal, 1 pair of pleural and 2 pairs of marginal hairs; mesonotum with 1 pair of spinal, 1 pair of pleural and 2 pairs of marginal hairs; abdominal tergites I–II each with 1 pair of spinal, 1 pair of pleural and 1 pair of marginal hairs; tergite III with 9 spinopleural hairs and 3 pairs of marginal hairs; tergite IV with 7 spinopleural hairs and 2 pairs of marginal hairs; tergite V with 2 pairs of spinal, 1 pair of pleural and 2 pairs of marginal hairs; tergite VI with 2 pairs of spinal and 3 pairs of marginal hairs, pleural hairs absent; tergite VII with 1 pair of spinal hairs and 1 pair of very short and stout pleural hairs; tergite VIII with 2 stout hairs. Length of hairs on vertex 0.11–0.13, length of marginal hairs on abdominal tergite I 0.098–0.13, and length of dorsal hairs on tergite VIII 0.12–0.14, about 4 times as long as widest diameter of antennal segment III, respectively. Median portion of front slightly convex, antennal tubercles poorly developed. Eyes multilensed, with ocular tubercles. Antennae 6segmented or occasionally 5segmented ( Figs. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 13–15 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ); antennal hairs longer on outer edge, capitate or stout at apex; segments I–VI each with 4 or 5, 4–7, 13–17, 4–6, 4–6, 2–4+0 or 1 hairs, respectively; apex of processus terminalis with 4 short hairs; length of hairs on segment III 0.032–0.065, 1.60 times as long as widest diameter of the segment. Primary rhinaria ciliated. Rostrum reaching abdominal segment II ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ); ultimate rostral segment slender and long wedgeshaped ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ), 10.50 times as long as its basal width, 3.32 times as long as second hind tarsal segment; with very short primary hairs of which only 2 are readily visible, and up to 16 fine and pointed accessory hairs, irregularly paired, longer than primary hairs. Legs normal. Hind femur 0.63 times as long as antennal segment III, hind tibia 0.43 times as long as body. Hairs on legs blunt at apex, hairs on femora fewer and longer, those on tibiae more numerous and shorter, and inner hairs on tibiae fewer and shorter than outer ones; length of hairs on hind tibiae 0.043–0.049, 1.33 times as long as midwidth of the segment. First tarsal chaetotaxy: 7, 7, 7. Siphunculi extremely long ( Figs. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 18 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ), with indistinct flange, pale brownish, with sparse spinulation, except for the apical 1/10 which is densely spinulose; 19.38 times as long as its basal width, 31.00 times as long as its distal width, 0.72 times as long as body; with about 100 long and short point hairs; length of longest hairs on siphunculi 0.152, 1.75 times as long as basal width of siphunculi. A cluster of small, rounded, tubercles is located at each siphuncular base. Cauda and anal plate spinulose. Cauda roundedtriangular ( Figs. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 20 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ), 0.46 times as long as its basal width, with 8 thick and long hairs. Anal plate rounded ( Figs. 8 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 20 View FIGURES 11 – 20 ), with 8 thick and long hairs and 2 or 3 fine and short hairs and a transverse band of celllike markings. Genital plate transverse oval, with 6 hairs.
Alate viviparous female. Body elliptical ( Fig.21 View FIGURES 21 – 25 ). Measurements: Body 1.88 long, 0.633 wide. Antenna 1.88 long, length of segments I–VI: 0.073, 0.056, 0.56, 0.21, 0.33, 0.26+0.38, respectively. Ultimate rostral segment 0.33 long, 0.032 basal width. Hind femur 0.65 long, hind tibia 1.07 long, second hind tarsal segment 0.098 long. Siphunculus 1.63 long, 0.076 basal width. Cauda 0.072 long.
Mounted specimen. Antennae, distal halves of femora, tibiae, tarsi, and siphunculi blackish brown; dorsum of head, thoracic nota and other appendages dusky brown; pterostigma and vein Sc of fore wings dark brown, and other veins dusky brown. Dorsum of abdomen somewhat sclerotic. Abdominal tergite I with one dark brown spinopleural patch and 1 pair of small marginal patches; tergite II with 1 pair of spinopleural patches, each fused with its marginal patches; tergites III–V each with one spinopleural patch, and fused each other into a large dorsal patch with irregular edges, marginal patches on tergites III–IV fused with that patch, but that on tergite V free; tergite VI with one spinopleural transverse band and 1 pair of marginal patches; tergites VII–VIII pale ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 21 – 25 ). Dorsum of body smooth, ventral side with sparse spinulations; antennal segments III–VI with transverse imbrications; distal halves of femora and second tarsal segments with spinulose imbrications; distal halves of tibia more spinulose toward apex; abdominal segments VII–VIII with weak rows of spinules. Dorsal hairs of body long and stout, on tuberculate bases ( Figs.10 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 24 View FIGURES 21 – 25 ); ventral hairs fine and long, acute. Vertex with 2 pairs of anterior, and 2 pairs of posterior discal hairs. Pronotum with 2 pairs of spinal and 2 pairs of marginal hairs; abdominal tergites I–VI each with 2–3 pairs of marginal hairs and in general, with 8–12 spinopleural hairs; tergite VII with 1 pair of spinal and 1 pair of very short and stout pleural hairs; tergite VIII with 2 stout hairs. Length of hairs on vertex 0.10 X marginal hairs on abdominal tergite I 0.041, of those on tergite VIII 0.097, 4.00 times, 1.60 times and 3.80 times as long as widest diameter of antennal segment III, respectively. Median portion of front slightly convex, antennal tubercles poorly developed. Antenna 6 segmented ( Figs. 9 View FIGURES 1 – 10 , 22 View FIGURES 21 – 25 ), antennal hairs on segments III–V stout, long and blunt at apex, others short and blunt; segments I–VI each with 4, 3, 18, 5, 8, 3+1 hairs, respectively; apex of processus terminalis with 3 or 4 short hairs; length of hairs on segment III 0.087, 3.40 times as long as widest diameter of the segment. Secondary rhinaria oval, on segment III 11–14 over its whole length; primary rhinaria round and weakly ciliated. Rostrum reaching abdominal segment II; ultimate rostral segment slender, wedgeshaped, 10.00 times as long as its basal width, 3.33 times as long as second hind tarsal segment; with 9 pairs of fine and pointed accessory hairs. Legs normal. Hairs on legs stout; length of hairs on hind tibia 0.055, 2.00 times as long as midwidth of the segment. First tarsal chaetotaxy: 7, 7, 7. In fore wings media once or twice branched; pterostigma long wedgeshaped; hind wings normal, with 2 oblique veins. Siphunculi long and same as in apterous vivipara. Anal plate rounded, with 12 long and short hairs. Genital plate transverse oval, dark brown.
Firstinstar nymph. Body oval. Eyes with less than 10 facets, ocular tubercles developed. Antennae 5segmented, antennal hairs short and stout. Rostrum reaching abdominal segment IV, ultimate rostral segment slender, 0.21, 8.00 X as long as its basal width, 0.63 X siphunculi, 1.58 X antennal segment III. Legs normal. First tarsal chaetotaxy: 5, 5, 5. Hairs on legs slightly longer than antennal hairs, stout at apex. Dorsal hairs of body thick and long, capitate, with some fine, short and blunt at apex; all thick long hairs with welldeveloped tubercles and sclerites at base, ventral hairs of body fine, short and acute. Head with 1 pair of thick and long cephalic hairs, 2 pairs of thick and long spinal hairs and 1 pair of short and stout pleural hairs; pronotum with 2 pairs of spinal and 2 pairs of pleural thick and long hairs; meta and mesonotum each with 1 pair of spinal and 2 pairs of pleural hairs; abdominal tergites I–V each with 1 pair of spinal, 1 pair of pleural and 3 pairs of marginal hairs; tergite VI with 1 pair of pleural hairs and 3 pairs of marginal hairs, tergite VII with 1 pair of spinal and 1 pair of short and stout pleural hairs; tergite VIII with 1 pair of spinal hairs. Siphunculi 0.33 long, with about 30 long and point hairs. Cauda and anal plate round at apex; cauda with 4 hairs, anal plate with 6 hairs.
Fourthinstar alatoid nymph ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 21 – 25 ) As in apterous vivipara but differing as follows: Antennae 6segmented, antennal hairs short and stout. Rostrum reaching abdominal segment I; ultimate rostral segment slender, 0.27 long, 8.33 times as long as its basal width, 0.22 times as long as siphunculi, 0.83 times as long as antennal segment III. Legs normal. First tarsal chaetotaxy: 7, 7, 7. Hairs on legs slightly longer than antennal hairs, stout at apex. Dorsal hairs of body mostly stout and long, capitate at apex, but also fewer that are fine, short and apically blunt; all long thick hairs on tuberculate bases on small sclerites, ventral hairs of body fine, short and acute. Head with 1 pair of stout and long cephalic hairs, 2 pairs of thick and long spinal hairs and 1 pair of short and stout pleural hairs; pronotum with 2 pairs of spinal and 2 pairs of marginal thick and long hairs; meso and metanotum each with 1 pair of spinal and 2 pairs of marginal hairs; abdominal tergites I–V each with 1 pair of spinal, 1 pair of pleural and 3 pairs of marginal hairs, tergites II–IV each with 1 more pair of spinal hairs; tergite VI with 1 pair of pleural and 3 pairs of marginal hairs, tergite VII with 1 pair of spinal hairs and 1 pair of short and stout pleural hairs; tergite VIII with 1 pair of spinal hairs. Siphunculi 1.25 long, with about 90 long and short hairs. Cauda and anal plate round at apex, each with 8 hairs.
Host plant
Cyclobalanopsis neglecta (Fagaceae) .
Type material
Holotype: apterous viviparous female, CHINA, Hong Kong Island, Stubbs Road near Wanchai Gap, 0 8 December 2003, on Cyclobalanopsis neglecta (J.H.Martin 7912) ( BMNH). Paratypes: 6 apterous viviparous females, 1 alate viviparous female and 8 nymphs, other data same as holotype ( BMNH). All material is distributed between three slides.
No. | Body length | Body width | Hind femur | Hind tibia | 2nd hind tarsus | URS |
1 | 2.299 | 0.835 | 0.629 | 0.998 | 0.108 | 0.336 |
2 | 1.876 | 0.629 | 0.651 | 1.074 | 0.108 | 0.325 |
3 | 2.256 | 0.803 | 0.629 | 0.998 | 0.108 | 0.325 |
4 | 2.039 | 0.748 | 0.597 | 0.954 | 0.098 | 0.347 |
5 | 2.169 | 0.900 | 0.531 | 0.824 | 0.098 | 0.315 |
6* | 2.267 | 0.889 | 0.618 | 0.976 | 0.108 | 0.336 |
7 | 1.996 | 1.443 | 0.542 | 0.900 | 0.098 | 0..325 |
Average | 2.129 | 0.892 | 0.600 | 0.961 | 0.104 | 0.330 |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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SubFamily |
Greenideinae |
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