Neocollyris (Isocollyris) sharovae Matalin, 2021

Matalin, A. V., 2021, A new species of the genus Neocollyris W. Horn, 1901, subgenus Isocollyris Naviaux, 1994, from southern Vietnam (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae), Russian Entomological Journal 30 (4), pp. 390-392 : 390-392

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.4.02

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scientific name

Neocollyris (Isocollyris) sharovae Matalin

sp. nov.

Neocollyris (Isocollyris) sharovae Matalin , sp.n.

Figs 1–8 View Figs 1–8 .

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype, ♀ — S Vietnam, Lam Dong Province, 5 km S of Dung K’No , at light, 19–21.IV.2010, leg. A. Prokofiev ( ZIN).

How to cite this article: Matalin A. V. 2021. A new species of the genus Neocollyris W. Horn, 1901 , subgenus

COMPARATIVE MATERIAL. Two paratypes, ♂, ♀ of Neocollyris (Isocollyris) apiceflava Dheurle, 2017 : Vietnam, Hue Province , Bach Ma National Park, 16°12´N 107°51´E, alt. 400– 1,200 m, 16–20.IV.2012, E. Jendek leg. (cCD, cJW) GoogleMaps .

DIAGNOSIS. Head elongate, black with violet lustre, frontal grooves convergent in anterior and posterior thirds, interocular excavation with an oval central impression; eyes slightly protruding. Labrum short and transverse, monochromous yellow, with eight submarginal setae and seven apical teeth. Palps entirely yellowish except for yellow-brown apical joints. Pronotum metallic bluish-green, glabrous, expand- ed in basal third, straight in lateral view. Prothorax bluish-green, mesothorax dark with metallic green tinge, metathorax yellow. Coxae and trochanters yellow; fore- and mid-femora dark yellow, hind femora bichromous; tibiae and tarsi mostly dark yellow. Elytra long, with sloping shoulders, expanded apically, bright metallic green, with numerous, regularly distributed, rounded, blue pits; maculation consisting of a three-lobed humerobasal spot, a subquadrate middle spot, and a wide, crescent, apical spot. Insinuator (sternum 8 th) with two sharp apical spines.

DESCRIPTION: TL, 9.4 mm. Head elongate, HL/HW: 1.32, with thin isodiametric microsculpture, temples gradually convergent towards base ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–8 ); black with violet lustre, anterior margin of genae with blue reflection; clypeus with two setae; frons narrow, frontal grooves deep, strongly convergent in anterior and posterior thirds, interocular excavation with an oval central impression and golden-green reflection in anterior half; eyes slightly protruding, LE/TE: 1.19; each supra-orbital plate with two long setae (right posterior one double); vertex in anterior third with sparsely arranged shallow wrinkles; occiput smooth ( Figs 5–6 View Figs 1–8 ). Labrum short and transverse, LW/LL: 2.4; monochromous yellow with extremely narrow light brown anterior and posterior margins; with eight long submarginal setae and seven apical teeth: with a very short central tooth and a pair of relatively large latero-apical teeth, as well as a small laterobasal tooth on both sides ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–8 ). Mandibles dark yellow with brown apices and molars ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1–8 ). Maxillary ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–8 ) and labial ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–8 ) palps entirely yellowish except for yellow-brown apical joints with straight and truncate apices. Antennae relatively long, slightly projected towards base of pronotum; antennomere 3 the longest; scape yellow with a single apical seta, antennomeres 2–5 brown on dorsal face and yellow-brown on ventral face, antennomeres 6–11 entirely brown, antennomeres 7–10 finely pubescent on ventral face, antennomere 11 entirely and finely pubescent ( Figs 1, 6 View Figs 1–8 ).

Pronotum relatively long, with a short collar, distinctly expanded in basal third ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–8 ), straight in lateral view ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1–8 ); PL/PW: 2.38, PL/HL: 1.48; metallic bluish-green, glabrous with sparse, shallow, transverse wrinkles at the centre of disc; anterior and posterior sulci wide and shallow, anteri- or one distinctly wider; apical and, especially, basal lobe with distinct golden-green lustre, lateroventral portion of basal lobe yellow with a group of thin, soft, sparse and white hairs. Prothorax bluish-green, pro-episternum indistinctly transversely wrinkled, prosternum sparsely pubescent with long, soft, white hairs ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1–8 ). Mesothorax dark with metallic green tinge, except for yellow supracoxal area and mesepisternum; the latter, as well as the centre of posterior margin of mesosternum with groups of sparse, soft, white hairs. Metathorax entirely yellow, metepisternum with a deep, longitudinal, central groove and very sparse, thin, white hairs in posterior third. Abdominal sternites dark brown, sternites 5 and 6 each with five thin and pale setae on each side; sternite 7 with at least 32 similar setae in anterior third and with ca. 35 yellow setae extending directly from anterior margin. All coxae and trochanters yellow; fore- and mid-femora dark yellow except for brown anterior margins, hind femora bichromous: dark-yellow in proximal half and dark brown in distal half; fore- and mid-tibiae dark yellow, indistinctly brownish at base, hind tibia yellow except for its 3/4 brown inner face; tarsomeres 1–3 of fore- and mid-tarsi yellowish-brown, of hind tarsi light yellow; two apical tarsomeres of all tarsi dark brown, all claws dark yellow ( Figs 1, 6 View Figs 1–8 ).

Elytra long, distinctly expanded towards apex, with sloping shoulders, EL/EW: 3.1, EL/PL: 2.95, EW/SW: 1.58; bright metallic green with light golden lustre except for light purple reflection along suture; covered with isodiametric microsculpture, with numerous relatively regularly distribut- ed, rounded, blue pits, denser along suture and sparser at base and apex ( Figs 1, 6–7 View Figs 1–8 ); scutellum black-blue, small, with a blunt apex; suture dark, slightly protruding; epipleura brown with greenish metallic tinge. Elytral maculation consisting of three large yellow patches: a three-lobed humerobasal spot with a long juxtasutural portion, a long sublateral part (the latter extended to the level of the middle of the metepisternum), and a short central portion ( Figs 1, 6–7 View Figs 1–8 ), a large, subquadrate, middle spot ( Figs 1, 7 View Figs 1–8 ) separated from lateral edge by one row of pits, and a wide crescent apical spot extending from lateral edge to suture ( Figs 1, 7 View Figs 1–8 ).

Insinuator (sternum 8) oblong-oval, sparsely pubescent with short pale setae in anterior quarter including lateral sides, with two sharp spines with apices slightly curved towards ventral side, and a short oblong ridge under notch between spines ( Fig. 8 View Figs 1–8 ).

Male unknown.

ETYMOLOGY. The new species honours my late teach- er, the famous Russian entomologist, Professor Inessa Khristianovna Sharova.

COMPARISON. Neocollyris (Isocollyris) sharovae sp.n. seems to be especially close to N. (I.) apiceflava Dheurle, 2017 (male and female paratypes, cCD, cJW, revised), but is easily distinguished by the entirely yellow labrum (vs. bichromous in N. (I.) apiceflava ); the frontal grooves strongly convergent in anterior and posterior thirds (vs. first subparallel and then divergent in N. (I.) apiceflava ); the bright green colouration of the pronotum and elytra (vs. dark blue, cobalt-blue or blue-green in N. (I.) apiceflava ); the shape and size of the elytral maculae: very wide bright yellow spots in N. (I.) sharovae sp.n., vs. narrower dull yellow spots in N. (I.) apiceflava .

To accommodate the new species, the first two couplets in the key to the species of the subgenus Isocollyris from Vietnam [ Wiesner et al., 2017] must be modified as follows: 1. Elytral apex with a yellow band .................................. A — Elytral apex without yellow band ................................. 2 A(1). Labrum bichromous with a pale central area; head,

pronotum and elytra dark blue or blue-green; elytral spots dull yellow and relatively narrow ...................................

.................................... N. (I.) apiceflava Dheurle, 2017 View in CoL — Labrum uniformly pale; head dark violet, pronotum and elytra bright green; elytral spots bright yellow and very wide ............................................. N. (I.) sharovae sp.n.

Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to Artem Prokofiev and Pavel Udovichenko (both Moscow, Russia), as well as to Charles Dheurle (Langres, France) and Jürgen Wiesner (Wolfsburg, Germany) who kindly lent material for this study. Sergei Golovatch (Moscow, Russia) kindly checked the English.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Neocollyris (Isocollyris) sharovae Matalin

Matalin, A. V. 2021

N. (I.) sharovae

Matalin 2021

N. (I.) apiceflava

Dheurle 2017
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