Fannia anthracina ( Walker, 1836 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 299-301

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Fannia anthracina ( Walker, 1836 )


Fannia anthracina ( Walker, 1836) View in CoL

Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 A-D

Anthomyia anthracina Walker, 1836:356 View in CoL .

Homalomyia erythropsis Bigot, 1888:30 View in CoL ; Stein, 1907b:274; Enderlein, 1912:101.

Coelomyia erythropsis Schnabl, 1902:160 View in CoL . [Junior secondary honomyn in Fannia View in CoL of Homalomyia erythropsis Bigot, 1888 View in CoL ]; Schnabl & Dziedzicki, 1911:132-133. synonymy with erythropsis Bigot View in CoL by Albuquerque, 1953:496.

Fannia erythropsis View in CoL ; Stein, 1919:131; Malloch, 1934:203 (possibly = errata Malloch View in CoL ) ( armata Bigot View in CoL nec Meigen); Séguy, 1937:167 (syn.: armata Bigot View in CoL ); Séguy, 1938:119; Albuquerque, 1953:496; Pont, 2000a:101; 2000b:12.

Fannia anthracina View in CoL ; Malloch, 1934:205; Ortiz, 1946:156; Hennig, 1955b:26; 1957:411; 1965:11-20; Pont, 1965:427; 1972:3; Albuquerque et al., 1981:10, 11 and 21; Carvalho et al., 1993:7; Pont & Carvalho, 1994:231-232; Carvalho et al., 2003:8.

albibasis; Malloch, 1934:202. Synonymy by Pont, 1965:428.

Diagnosis: Medium size black steely blue species. Frontal vitta at narrowest point 1.5x width of anterior ocellus. Eye short setulose. Parafacial bare. Antenna and palpus black. Thorax lacking vittae. One pral near spal 0.33x length of same and a second pral near the transverse suture, shorter than the first. F1 with five to six rows of long hair-like p. Fore tarsomeres 1 and 2 slightly expanded and completely white, the remaining black and without modifications in shape. Mid tarsomere 1 with a basal ventral crest, followed by short strong setae. F3 with a weak preapical tubercle on posteroventral surface and a tuft of hair-like pv, slightly longer than femoral width, coinciding with preapical tubercle; posterior surface covered with hair-like setae as long as femoral width, extending up to preapex. Hind coxa bare. Wing faintly smoky. Halter black.

Material examined: Argentina: Neuquen 1 n, Pucará, Parque Nacional Lanín , X-1952 / II-1952, col. Schajovsky ( FIML) . Chile: Valparaíso 4 o, Archipiélago Juan Fernández , Isla Robinson Crusoe, Mirador Selkirk , 30-XII-1992, cols. Marshall & González ( CEUM) . 1 o, Isla Juan Fernández, Masafuera, Quebrada de las Casas , 11-II-55, col. G. Kuschel ( CEUM) . 1 o, Miradero , 550 m, 15-II-51 ( CEUM) . X Región 1 o, Magallanes , 11-X-68, col. J. Riesco ( MNHN) . 1 o, Punta Arenas , Ea. Gueyrabo, 23-XII-1979, col. G. Cerda ( MNCN) . 2 o, Punta Arenas, Parcelas , 21-XI-1972 and 25-XI-1972, col. G. Cerda ( MNCN) .


Male: body length 6.4-6.60 mm.

Head: Frontal vitta light brown, at narrowest point 1.5x width of anterior ocellus. Fronto-orbital plate dark grey to black, at uppermost fr 0.7x width of anterior ocellus. Twenty fr, 1.4x length of flagellomere. Eye very short setulose; antero-internal eye facets larger than remaining; pocl of irregular length at vertex, and biserial after first 15. Face and parafacial dark grey to black; parafacial 0.6x width of flagellum at base of same and bare. Facial carena dark grey to black, gena dark brown. Scape and pedicel black, flagellum 1.9x as long as broad and covered with thick grey pruinescence. Arista entirely black, pubescence shorter than aristal width at base. Palpus black and elongated, the apex 1.5x width of the base. Lower oral margin convex and grooveless.

Thorax: Scutum, scutellum and pleura uniformly black to steely blue, mainly shining; 3+4 acr, with 1 strong acrs; 2+3 dc; pprn with numerous and long setulae; 1 pral near spal, 0.33x length of same and 1 pral near the transverse suture, shorter than the first; prealar area with several long setulae; 2 prepm surrounded by numerous setulae.

Legs: Completely black. F1 normal (length/width = 5); with 1 row of pd setae as long as femoral width; 5 to 6 rows of long hair-like p; 1 row of pv longer than femoral width, thin and spaced at the base, broader and shorter at apex. T 1 with 1 subapical pd; with 1 apical v and 1 apical pv setae; with 1 submedial and 1 apical ad, lacking medial row. Fore tarsomeres 1 and 2 slightly expanded and completely white, the remaining black and without modifications in shape ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). F2 with 1 row of ad, longer than femoral width; 3 rows of a; 1 row of av, long and straight at base, stouter and shorter at apex; 1 row of pv hair-like at base, forming a short and hooked tuft at apex; 1 row of p, thin and setulose at base, stouter and ventrally directed at apex. T 2 slightly curved, constricted at base and with a subbasal protuberance; ventral pubescence short, 0.5x width of tibia; with 1 submedian and 3 apical a; 1 subapical ad; 1 strong and slightly curved apical av, 1 submedian and 1 smaller apical pd; 1 very long apical p; 1 apical pv. Mid tarsomere 1 with a basal ventral crest, followed by short strong seta. C3 bare on posterior surface. F3 normal (length/width = 7), posteroventral surface with a weak preapical tubercle; 1 row of ad setae, longer and dorsally directed towards apex; 1 row av as long as femoral width, interrupted preapically, and 2 to 3 long apical av; tuft of hair-like pv slightly longer than femoral width, coinciding with preapical tubercle; posterior surface covered with hair-like setae as long as femoral width, that extend up to preapex. T 3 with 1 long submedian and a slightly shorter subapical d; with a submedian and apical ad, lacking medial row; 2 medial and 1 apical av; ventral and posteroventral surfaces with a weak ctenidium at apex.

Wing: Faintly smoky. Lower calypter slightly oval, the uppermost rounded, both dark brown to black, black

on distal margin; knob of halter black, dark brown at base.

Abdomen: Heart-shaped, tergite 2 more than 2x width of tergite 4, black to steely blue, mainly shining.

Postabdomen: Posterior margin of sternite 5 indented and covered with setae ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ). Hypandrium thin; postgonites inconspicuous; aedeagus membranous ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ). Posterior margin of epandrium slightly broadened, bell-shaped; cercal plate fused, tapering at apex; baciliform processs corkscrew shaped; surstyli simple, long and central respect to epandrium (Fig. D).

Female: body length 4.5-4.7 mm. Differs from male as follows:

Head: Ocellar triangle short, extending up to the third fr. Fron and frontal vitta broad, the distance between eye margins wider than 0,33x width of the head. Ten strong fr, slightly longer than flagellum and bearing 6 to 7 setulae half as long, in between. Upper and lower orb present, and 2 rows of fronto-orbital setulae.

Legs: F1 with 1 row of short p. Fore tarsi normal in shape, dark brown to black. F2 with 1 row of very short and setulose av in basal half; row of pv setae very short. T 3 cone-shaped, the base norrower than the apex, pubescence on ventral surface absent. F3 with 1 row of short av, and 2 subapical long av; posteroventral surface bare.

Carvalho, 1994:234; Pont, 2000a:97; 2000b:7; Carvalho et al., 2003:9.

Diagnosis: Frontal vitta at narrowest point 2.5x width of anterior ocellus. Eye slightly setulose.Parafacial bare. Antenna and palpus black. Thorax black, dark blue shining. One pral near spal, shorter than surrounding setulae but stouter, and a second very reduced pral near the transverse suture. Fore tarsomere 1 expanded and white at tip, fore tarsomeres 2-5 expanded, flattened and partially white. T 2 strongly curved, with a very conspicuous subbasal protuberance. Mid tarsomere 1 with a basal ventral crest, followed by 1 short strong setae. C3 bare at apex of posterior surface. F3 normal to thin with a strong preapical protuberance on ventral surface, as wide as femoral width; 1 row of hair-like and a preapical tuft of long pv, 1.5x width of femur, coinciding with the ventral protuberance. Wing faintly smoky. Halter black. Abdomen elongated, slightly lighter coloured at middle and posterior margin of tergites 2, 3 and 4.

Type material examined: Paralectotype o, “ Chile ” ( ZMHU) .

Abdomen: Heart-shaped, tergite 2 more than 2x width of tergite 4, this shaped more pronounced than in male. Dark grey to black, with metallic blue reflections.

Postabdomen: Cerci normal, short; anal plate longer than broad and uniformly covered with setulae; sternite 8 reduced to an anterior pair of circular plates bearing two setae and 4 to 5 setulae; postabdominal spiracles 7 and 8 on tergite 6. Three pear-shaped spermathecae slightly grooved, with partially sclerotized ducts.

Distribution: ANDEAN: Argentina, Chile.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitaet














Fannia anthracina ( Walker, 1836 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia 2007

Fannia anthracina

Carvalho, C. J. & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 2003: 8
Pont, A. C. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de 1994: 231
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 1993: 7
Albuquerque, D. de & Pamplona, D. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de 1981: 10
Pont, A. C. 1972: 3
Hennig, W. 1965: 11
Pont, A. C. 1965: 427
Hennig, W. 1957: 411
Hennig, W. 1955: 26
Ortiz, C. S. 1946: 156
Malloch, J. R. 1934: 205

Fannia erythropsis

Pont, A. C. 2000: 101
Pont, A. C. 2000: 12
Albuquerque, D. de 1953: 496
Seguy, E. 1938: 119
Seguy, E. 1937: 167
Malloch, J. R. 1934: 203
Stein, P. 1919: 131

Coelomyia erythropsis

Albuquerque, D. de 1953: 496
Schnabl, J. & Dziedzicki, H. 1911: 132
Schnabl, J. 1902: 160

Homalomyia erythropsis

Enderlein, G. 1912: 101
Stein, P. 1907: 274
Bigot, J. - M. - F. 1888: 30

Anthomyia anthracina

Walker, F. 1836: 356
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