Begonia, L.

Camfield, Rebecca & Hughes, Mark, 2018, A revision and one new species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae, Cucurbitales) in Northeast India, European Journal of Taxonomy 396, pp. 1-116 : 5-10

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Valdenar (2020-05-05 16:33:24, last updated by Carolina 2025-03-13 14:36:09)

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Identification keys for Begonia View in CoL of Northeast India

In order to make the account easier to use by non-specialists and to aid identification of sterile material, the species are divided into seven groups based on overall leaf similarity, and each group given a key. First choose a group by comparing leaf outlines in Figs 2–4 View Fig View Fig View Fig , and choosing one of the seven groups. Several species appear in more than one group due to variation in leaf morphology within species.

Group 1 – Leaves scalloped, lobed or incised ( Fig. 2A View Fig )

1. Leaves peltate .......................................................................................................... B. josephi View in CoL A.DC.

– Leaves basifixed ................................................................................................................................ 2

2. Leaves deeply incised up to ¾ of way to petiole base ...................................................................... 3

– Leaves scalloped, lobed or shallowly incised up to ¼ of way to petiole base .................................. 6

3. Plant with main stem, leaves rarely over 20 cm long, inflorescence from leaf axils ........................ 4

– Plant stemless, leaves at least 20 cm long, inflorescence from rhizome ........................................... 5

4. Plant up to 100 cm high, generally hirsute, petiole 10–30 cm long, flowers and fruit red setose ..................................................... B. difformis (Irmsch.) W.C.Leong, C.I Peng & K.F.Chung View in CoL

– Plant up to 200 cm high, generally glabrous, petiole 5–15 cm long, flowers and fruit glabrous ................................................................................................................ B. sikkimensis View in CoL A.DC.

5. Petiole with sparse hairs, lobes branched with acuminate tips, male flowers with 4 tepals, female flowers with 4–6 tepals, main wing up to 3 cm long, oblong side wings 3–5 mm long that do not extend along pedicel .......................................................................... B. koelzii R.Camfield View in CoL sp. nov.

– Petiole with dense hairs, lobes linear with caudate tips, male flowers with 2 tepals, female flowers with 2 tepals, main wing up to 2 cm long, curved side wings 1–2 mm long that extend along pedicel ........................................................................ B. shilendrae Rekha Morris & P.D.McMillan View in CoL

6. Stem, petioles and tepals glabrous .................................................................................................... 7

– Stem, petioles, and tepals with hairs ................................................................................................. 8

7. Leaves broadly dentate (scalloped), anther connective not extended, styles 2 .. B. megaptera View in CoL A.DC.

– Leaves acutely dentate, anther connective extended, styles 3 ......................... B. sikkimensis View in CoL A.DC.

8. Stipules <15 mm long, flowers yellow, styles 3, fruit capsule <1 cm long ..... B. flaviflora H.Hara View in CoL

– Stipules> 15 mm long, flowers white to pink, styles 2, fruit capsule> 1 cm long .......................... 9

9. Leaf upper surface hispidulous on veins only, outer tepals red setulose on reverse, fruit capsule red setulose, longest wing curved and up to 3 cm long ............................................................................ ................................................................ B. difformis (Irmsch.) W.C.Leong, C.I Peng & K.F.Chung View in CoL

– Leaf upper surface hirsute/strigose or verrucose all over, outer tepals tomentose on reverse, fruit capsule glabrous or with tomentose, longest wing oblong and up to 2 cm long .. B. palmata D.Don View in CoL

Group 2 – Leaves ovate, entire/undulate and asymmetric ( Fig. 2B View Fig )

1. Leaves glabrous above (or with very sparse microscopic hairs) ...................................................... 2

– Leaves hairy above ........................................................................................................................... 6

2. Plant with a main stem, up to 120 cm high, leaves not variegated, primary peduncle 2–5 mm ........ ................................................................................................................ B. roxburghii (Miq.) View in CoL A.DC.

– Plant rhizomatous, up to 30 cm high, leaves variegated or not, primary peduncle 5–20 cm .......... 3

3. Leaves broadly ovate, smoothly bullate, styles 2, winged fruit ........................................................ 4

– Leaves narrowly ovate, not bullate, styles 4, wingless fruit ............................................................. 5

4. Lamina variegated with a broad ring, flowers white to pink ........................................... B. rex Putz. View in CoL

– Lamina variegated with markings between main veins, flowers yellow .............. B. xanthina Hook. View in CoL

5. Leaves usually variegated, outer tepals 1–3 cm long and acute, stamens in a globose cluster, fruit 2 cm long and rhomboid-elliptic ............................................................................. B. burkillii Dunn View in CoL

– Leaves uniform pale green, outer tepals 2–5 cm long and rounded, stamens in loose rosette, fruit 1 cm long and obpyramidal ................................................................................. B. handelii Irmsch. View in CoL

6. Leaves variegated ............................................................................................................................. 7

– Leaves not variegated ..................................................................................................................... 10

7. Plant 20–30 cm high, leaves ovate with ring/band markings .......................................................... 8

– Plant <20 cm, leaves ovate-orbicular with spot/dot markings ........................................................ 9

8. Leaf surface bullate, peduncles, flowers and fruit glabrous, anther connective acuminate, wing rounded oblong ................................................................................................................ B. rex Putz. View in CoL

– Leaf surface with strigose/verrucose, peduncles, flowers and fruit with hairs, anther connective rounded, longest wing crenulated ...................................................................... B. annulata K.Koch View in CoL

9. Leaves 4–10 cm long, upper leaf surface densely villose, 2–3 flowers, male outer tepals 15–20 mm long, 30–40 stamens, 3 styles ............................................................................ B. scintillans Dunn View in CoL

– Leaves 10–30 cm long, upper leaf surface sparsely puberulous, 10–20 flowers, male outer tepals 10 –17 mm long, 15–25 stamens, 2 styles ........................................................... B. iridescens Dunn View in CoL

10. Plants> 40 cm .................................................................................................................................11

– Plants <40 cm ................................................................................................................................ 12

11. Plant covered in long red hairs (5 mm long), peduncles 5–10 cm ....................... B. aborensis Dunn View in CoL

– Plant with sparse short brownish or red pubescence on petioles and under surface of leaf, peduncles 15 –25 cm ...................................................................................... B. silletensis View in CoL (A.DC.) C.B.Clarke

12. Plant with sparse puberlous hairs, styles 4, fruit wingless ..................... B. tessaricarpa C.B.Clarke View in CoL

– Plant with dense tomentose or villose hairs, styles 2–3, fruit winged ........................................... 13

13. Leaves large, 15–20 cm long, apex acuminate, primary peduncle> 10 cm, fruit with equal wings, 2–6 mm long ................................................................................................. B. obversa C.B.Clarke View in CoL

– Leaves small, 5–15 cm long, apex acute, primary peduncle <5 cm, fruit with unequal wings, longest wing 12 –30 mm long ........................................................................................ B. thomsonii View in CoL A.DC.

Group 3 – Leaves lanceolate, dentate and very asymmetric ( Fig. 3A View Fig )

1. Leaves> 15 cm long, flowers white ................................................................................................. 2

– Leaves <15 cm long, flowers usually pink ..................................................................................... 3

2. Plant with red hirsute hairs, fruit 2-locular, covered in red hairs ..................... B. cathcartii Hook. View in CoL f.

– Plant with puberulous hairs, fruit 3-locular, glabrous ......... Begonia View in CoL × chungii C.I Peng & S.M.Ku

3. Leaves deltoid, male flowers with over 10 stamens .............................. B. lushaiensis C.E.C.Fisch. View in CoL

– Leaves lanceolate, male flowers with less than 10 stamens ............................ B. pedunculosa Wall View in CoL .

Group 4 – Leaves linear to lanceolate, entire to denticulate ( Fig. 3B View Fig )

1. Plant small, up to 20 cm high, stipules 5–7 mm long, flowers with striped outer tepals ................... ................................................................................. B. hatacoa var. meisneri (C.B.Clarke) Golding View in CoL

– Plant large, up to 2 m high, stipules 5–15 mm, tepals not striped .................................................... 2

2. Plant pendent, petioles <2 cm, peduncles branching many times, peduncle> 3 cm long, 20–40 stamens connective not extended, styles 2, fruit with 1 enlarged wing ............................................ 3

– Plant erect, petioles 2–10 cm long, peduncles branching only a few times, peduncle <3 cm, around 60 or more stamens with connectives extended, styles 3–4, fruit wingless or ridged ..................... 4

3. Leaves 2–4 cm wide, male flowers with 4 tepals, pedicel on female flower 1 cm ............................ ............................................................................................................. B. griffithiana View in CoL (A.DC.) Warb.

– Leaves 4–11 cm wide, male flowers with 2 tepals, pedicel on female flower 2–3 cm ...................... .............................................................................................................. B. nepalensis View in CoL (A.DC.) Warb.

4. Plant monoecious, styles 3, fruit spherical, with 3 locules ................................ B. longifolia Blume View in CoL

– Plant dioecious, styles 4, fruit rhomboid, with 4 locules ..................................... B. acetosella Craib View in CoL

Group 5 – Leaves ovate and symmetric to sub-symmetric ( Fig. 4A View Fig )

1. Plant with an erect stem, peduncles arising from leaf axils .............................................................. 2

– Plant without an erect stem, peduncles arising from rhizome or tuber ............................................ 3

2. Leaves 2–7 cm long, tepals under 5 mm long, stamens 8–12 with a short connective, female flowers with 5–6 tepals, fruit wings oblong, straight edged .................................... B. wengeri C.E.C.Fisch. View in CoL

– Leaves 5–20 cm long, tepals 5–10 mm long, stamens ± 30 with a very long connective, female flowers with 4–5 tepals, fruit wings rounded oblong ....................................... B. brevicaulis View in CoL A.DC.

3. Upper surface of leaves glabrous ...................................................................................................... 4

– Upper surface of leaves with sparse to dense hairs .......................................................................... 7

4. Stipules over 1 cm long, flowers with striped outer tepals,> 30 stamens, styles 2 ............................ ...................................................................................................... B. hatacoa Buch. View in CoL -Ham. ex D.Don

– Stipules under 1 cm, flowers without stripes, up to 20 stamens, styles 3 ......................................... 5

5. Leaves 3–10 cm long, tepals ca 5 mm long ....................................................... B. ovatifolia View in CoL A.DC.

– Leaves (5–) 10–20 cm long, tepals 5–20 mm long .......................................................................... 6

6. Leaves puberulous below, stipules 2 mm long, tepals with pale fine hairs, stamens 20, female flowers with 4–5 tepals, longest fruit wing 2.5–3 cm ......................................... B. adscendens C.B.Clarke View in CoL

– Leaves sparse pilose below, stipules 5–6 mm long, tepals with dark hairs, stamens 8–10, female flowers with 3–4 tepals, longest fruit wing 1–1.5 cm .......................................... B. labordei H.Lév. View in CoL

7. Stipules> 5 mm long, fruit capsule glabrous ................................................................................... 8

– Stipules <5 mm long, fruit capsule covered in hairs ....................................................................... 9

8. Leaves up to 25 cm long, tepals with dark hairs, stamens 8–10, styles 3, longest fruit wing curved ................................................................................................................... B. labordei H.Lév. View in CoL

– Leaves 3–15 cm long, tepals with pale fine hairs, stamens 15–40, styles 2, longest wing triangular ............................................................................................................... B. wattii C.B.Clarke View in CoL

9. Leaves variegated, 3–16 cm long, petiole 5–12 cm, outer tepals serrate, pink, fruit with long fine white hairs, longest fruit wing triangular, 20–24 mm long ............................................ B. picta Sm. View in CoL

– Leaves uniform green, 5–30 cm long, petioles 2–8 cm, outer tepals entire, white, fruit with scattered simple hairs, longest fruit wing rounded, 8–16 mm long ................................. B. brevicaulis View in CoL A.DC.

Group 6 – Leaves ovate, shallowly dentate to denticulate and asymmetric ( Fig. 4B View Fig )

1. Leaf margin denticulate .................................................................................................................... 2

– Leaf margin shallowly, broadly dentate ............................................................................................ 3

2. Plant with an erect stem, with coarse red hairs, tepals 15–25 mm long, stamens 60–80, styles 3, fruit with thick red hairs, longest wing oblong ......................................................... B. cathcartii Hook. View in CoL f.

– Plant stemless, with fine hairs, tepals 5–15 mm long, stamens 15–20, styles 2, fruit glabrous, longest wing triangular ................................................................................................... B. wattii C.B.Clarke View in CoL

3. Leaves with short tomentose hairs above, 5–15 cm long .................................. B. annulata K.Koch View in CoL

– Leaves glabrous (may have very sparse microscopic hairs) above, 10–25 cm long ....................... 4

4. Plant caulescent, styles 2 .................................................................................. B. megaptera View in CoL A.DC.

– Plant acaulescent, styles 3–4 ............................................................................................................ 5

5. Leaves unvariegated, primary peduncle under 10 cm, outer tepals 2–5 cm long, female flowers with 4 tepals, styles 4, fruit wingless ........................................................................... B. handelii Irmsch. View in CoL

– Leaves variegated with pale spots, primary peduncle over 10 cm, outer tepals up 2 cm long, female flowers with 5–8 tepals, styles 3, fruit winged .................................................... B. beddomei Hook. View in CoL

Group 7 – Leaves lanceolate (deltoid), symmetric ( Fig. 4C View Fig )

1. Plant with an erect stem, inflorescences arising from leaf axils or terminal ...................................... ................................................................................................................ B. lushaiensis C.E.C.Fisch. View in CoL

– Plant stemless, inflorescences arising from rhizome ........................................................................ 2

2. Plant hairy, tepals serrate, female flowers with 4–5 tepals, stamens 30 ........................ B. picta Sm. View in CoL

– Plant glabrous to slightly hairy, female flowers with 2–3 tepals, stamens <20 .............................. 3

3. Leaves 3–13 × 2–7 cm, stamens 15–20, dioecious, tepals glabrous, fruit with 3 equal rounded wings, tepals persistent ................................................................... B. dioica Buch. View in CoL -Ham. ex D.Don

– Leaves 9–20 × 6–16 cm, stamens 8–10, monoecious, tepals hairy, fruit with 1 long triangular wing and 2 short wings, tepals deciduous ..................................................................... B. labordei H.Lév. View in CoL

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Fig. 2. Leaf tracings. A. Group 1: scalloped, lobed or incised leaves. B. Group 2: ovate, asymmetric, and entire leaves.

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Fig. 3. Leaf tracings. A. Group 3: lanceolate, dentate and very asymmetric leaves. B. Group 4: linear to lanceolate, and entire to denticulate leaves.

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Fig. 4. Leaf tracings. A. Group 5: ovate and symmetric to slightly asymmetric leaves. B. Group 6: ovate, asymmetric and shallow dentate to denticulate leaves. C. Group 7: lanceolate (deltoid) and symmetric leaves.