Tympanoterpes virgulata, Sanborn, 2019

Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Bolivia including the descriptions of fifteen new species, the resurrection of one genus and two species, seven new combinations, six new synonymies, and twenty-eight new records, Zootaxa 4655 (1), pp. 1-104 : 21-24

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Plazi (2019-08-12 06:47:08, last updated 2023-06-20 18:01:01)

scientific name

Tympanoterpes virgulata

n. sp.

Tympanoterpes virgulata View in CoL n. sp.

( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 )

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype. “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, 3.7 km / SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora / & Fauna 430m; 5–15– XI–2001 / coll. M.C. Thomas & B. Dozier / tropical transition forest, BLT” male ( FSCA) . Paratypes. Same data as holotype, four males and three females ( FSCA), four males and three females ( AFSC) ; “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, 3.7 km / SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora / & Fauna 430m; 14–19–X–2000 / coll. M.C. Thomas / tropical transition forest, BLT” one male ( FSCA) ; “RURRENABAQUE / Beni River // 450 m. / Bolivia, 1956 // LEPena col.” (one male FSCA; one male AFSC); “ BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz / 40km NW Santa Cruz / Portrerillo del Guendà / 400m, Rio Concha, on sand / Gino Neams 18–XII–2004 ” one male ( FSCA), one male ( AFSC) ; “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz / 5 km SSE Buena Vista / Hotel Flora & Fauna 440m / W63º39.128’ S17º29.925’ / 10–22–X–2004, J.E. Eger // Coll. at UV, MV and / Incandescent Lights ” one female ( AFSC) GoogleMaps ; “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz / 3km. N. Buena Vista / 430m, Flora & Fauna / Hotel, 31–X–1999 / C. Porter & L. Strange / Trop. Transition / Forest” one female ( FSCA) ; “ Prov. del Sara / Bol Steinbach” / C M Acc 5064 // Nov. / 1910” one female ( CMNH), one female ( AFSC) ; “ Prov. del Sara / Bolivia, 450 m. / J. Steinbach // Carn. Mus. / Acc. 6443” one male and four females ( CMNH), one female ( AFSC) ; “ Prov. del Sara / Bolivia, 450 m. / J. Steinbach ” // Nov. / 1910 // Carn. Mus. / Acc. 4549” three males ( CMNH), one male ( AFSC) ; “ BOLIVIA Cochabamba / Dept. Villa Tunari / 240m elev. 2–6–IX–1983 / R. Wilkerson coll.” one male ( FSCA) ; “ PERU Alt.: 670m / Huanuco Dept., / Tingo Maria / 8–IX–1971 J. Schuster” one female ( FSCA) ; “ PERU Madre de Dios / nr Puerto Maldonado / Posadas Amazonas / S12 48.115 W69 18.019 / 609ft;(30–IX)–(3–X)–2004 / C R Bartlett” three males and two females ( UDCC), three males and one female ( AFSC) GoogleMaps ; “ PERU Madre de Dios / nr Puerto Maldonado / Posadas Amazonas / lodge@ Rio Tambopata / S12 48.115 W69 18.019 / 609ft;(7–10)– X–2004 / C R Bartlett” one male ( UDCC) GoogleMaps ; “ PERU Madre de Dios / Tambopata Res. Zone / Tambopata Research / Cntr on Rio Tambopata // S13 08.305 W69 36.502 / 622 ft (3–7)– X–2004 / CRBartlett” one male and one female ( UDCC), one female ( AFSC) GoogleMaps .

REMARKS. I have seen this species mislabeled in various collections as Tympanoterpes serricosta ( Germar, 1834) . However, this new species is larger and is marked with piceous in a significantly different manner. The holotype specimen of T. serricosta can be seen on the website (http://zoomus.lviv.ua/en/germar_collection/) of the Zoological Museum, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, L’viv, Ukraine (ZMD) for comparison.

ETYMOLOGY. The name is in reference to the numerous transverse piceous fasciae across the dorsal abdominal tergites (L., virgulatus, striped).

DESCRIPTION. Ground color of head and thorax castaneous marked with piceous, tawny and green, abdomen tawny marked with piceous. The green coloration has faded or been chemically altered by the light traps to ochraceous in most specimens including the holotype. Green is considered the original color over ochraceous as half of the Peruvian series is colored in this manner with the remaining half exhibiting the ochraceous markings. I will use green instead of ochraceous in the description with the understanding that green can be replaced by ochraceous.

Head. Head wider than mesonotum, slightly narrower than lateral angles of pronotal collar, castaneous with tawny posterolateral vertex, sinusoidal transverse piceous fascia surrounding medial margin of eye continuing across vertex to supra-antennal plate, through and surrounding ocelli, mark expanding anterolaterally along suture with supra-antennal plate and anteriorly in entire frons to frontoclypeal suture except for castaneous spot near middle of epicranial suture anterior arm, piceous mark reduced, incomplete or almost absent in some paratypes, supraantennal plate piceous except for transverse castaneous fascia, piceous reduced anteriorly and/or laterally in some paratypes. Head covered with short golden pile dorsally, longer and denser posterior to eye. Ocelli rosaceous, eyes castaneous, tawny in some paratypes. Ventral head green with transverse piceous fascia along ventral supra-antennal plate and anterior half of gena fusing to mark surrounding anteromedial eye and piceous ventral margin of eye not meeting transverse fascia, lorum green. Postclypeus centrally sulcate with ten transverse ridges, green except castaneous dorsal surface, castaneous and tawny in some paratypes, with piceous along dorsal midline connecting to transverse piceous fascia in medial half of first transverse groove, entire second transverse groove and lateral part of third transverse groove, piceous reduced in some paratypes. Anteclypeus green. Long white pile on lorum and gena, white pubescence on gena, lorum, lateral postclypeus and anteclypeus, very dense in some paratypes. Mentum green, labium green becoming piceous distally. Rostrum reaching to abdominal sternite II in males, sternite IV in females. Scape green, remaining antennal segments piceous, proximal pedicel green in some paratypes.

Thorax. Dorsal thorax castaneous marked with green and piceous. Prothorax with green transverse green fascia anterior to posterior margin almost reaching posterior terminus of lateral fissures, green extends anteriorly along midline expanding into a drop shape terminating and margined laterally in piceous mark posterior to anterior margin, anterior margin castaneous, green in some paratypes, piceous within anterior and posterior paramedian fissure, mark extends posteriorly from middle of paramedian fissure curving laterad, piceous in posterior lateral fissure, small transverse piceous fascia across midline in ambient fissure, piceous reduced or expanded in some paratypes, golden pile anteriorly between fissures, golden pile on disc in some paratypes. Pronotal collar green with angled castaneous fascia across posterior lateral part of pronotal collar, short piceous pile radiating from lateral part of pronotal collar, golden pile on pronotal collar in some paratypes. Mesothorax castaneous with piceous submedian sigillae, anterior lateral sigillae, within the wing groove, posterior lateral to cruciform elevation, scutal depressions, and dorsal midline expanding from pointed anterior between submedian sigillae, curving laterad to posterior of submedian sigillae, angling to about middle of anterior arm of cruciform elevation, curving laterally along anterior arm of cruciform elevation and extending posteriorly onto midline of cruciform elevation, comma-shaped green mark lateral to medial piceous mark extending between submedian and lateral sigillae, green lateral to lateral sigillae, lateral margin of wing groove green. Cruciform elevation green, castaneous along dorsal midline in some paratypes. Golden pile on anterolateral and lateral mesonotum, in medial wing groove and on posterolateral cruciform elevation, very dense in some paratypes, between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, anterolateral cruciform elevation and along posterior margin of cruciform elevation. Metanotum piceous with tawny posterior margin with dense golden pile. Ventral thoracic segments green except piceous basisternum 2 and piceous spot on lateral basisternum 3, extending to medial episternum 3 in some paratypes. Thoracic sternites covered with white pubescence and white pile, very dense in some paratypes.

Wings. Fore wing and hind wings hyaline with eight and six apical cells respectively. Venation green at base, becoming castaneous and finally piceous distally, subcostal vein and radius anterior 1 castaneous almost to apex, proximal anal vein 2 + 3 piceous. Basal cell green except hyaline along cubitus anterior base, pterostigma extending to about half length of apical cell 1, proximal clavus, posterior clavus along distal anal vein 2 + 3 infuscated, basal membrane of fore wing dark grayish. Hind wing venation similarly colored except tawny anal veins 2 and 3. Costal cell and cubital cell 2 infuscated at base. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3, anal cell 1 along anal vein 2, proximal half of cubital cell 2 along cubitus posterior vein, and basal cubital, radial and medial cells grayish.

Legs. Legs green, distal tibiae and tarsi tawny, pretarsal claws tawny with piceous tips. Fore femora with proximal spine angled, intermediate in length of the three, secondary spine slightly angled and longer than primary spine, tertiary spine very small, angled about the same as the primary spine, all spines green. Tibial spurs and tibial combs castaneous with darker tips. Legs with long and short golden pile, coxae, trochanters and femora with white pubescence.

Operculum. Male operculum green with a piceous base and lateral margin, covered with white pubescence, very dense in some paratypes, slightly expanded at lateral base, lateral margin straight, angled slightly mediad forming a right angle to straight posterior margin, slight angle anteriorly to rounded medial margin, not meeting medially, barely covering tympanal cavity reaching to anterior of sternite II, domed laterally. Meracanthus sinuate, pointed, green with piceous spot on base, not reaching posterior opercular margin. Female operculum similarly shaped and colored except posterior margin slightly curved, reaching to posterior of sternite II. Female meracanthus similar to male except longer than operculum reaching to anterior of sternite IV.

Abdomen. Male abdominal tergite 1castaneous medially, piceous laterally, tergites 2–3 with piceous on dorsal surface between medial timbal cavities except for posterior margin bordered by castaneous with tawny laterally regions, timbal cover domed with rounded anterior margin and slightly ventrally angled ventral margin, incomplete coving about lower third of timbal, piceous reduced in some paratypes, tergites 3–7 similarly colored with posterolateral surfaces castaneous, degree of castaneous increasing in posterior segments, tergite 8 castaneous with green posterior margin, tergites covered with golden pile, piceous pile on dorsal surface of tergites 6–7, 4– 7 in some paratypes, tergite 8 with golden pile, tergites 7–8 with longer pile radiating laterally, female tergites similar to male tergites 3–8 with similar distribution of pile. Timbal white with dark castaneous markings visible through opening in timbal cover. Male sternite I green, sternite II–VI tawny, sternite II with castaneous spot on midline, sternite VII and anterior sternite VIII darker in holotype, same color tawny in most paratypes, sternite VIII with U-shaped notch posteriorly, sternites III–VI translucent, long golden pile radiating from sternites, epipleurites dark tawny, epipleurite 7 darker, sternites covered with white pubescence, denser laterally. Female tergites similarly colored to male, piceous reduced or replaced with castaneous in some paratypes. Female sternite VII with single notch, posteriorly angled posterior margin to rounded posterolateral margin. Female abdominal segment 9 with piceous dorsoanterior surrounded by castaneous tawny posterior margin and piceous dorsal beak, radiating long golden pile. Dorsal beak extending about as long as tawny anal styles. Posterior margin of abdominal segment 9 forming an oblique angle.

Genitalia. Male pygofer tawny, castaneous dorsally, distal shoulder smoothly curved. Dorsal beak absent, posterior margin slightly arched between distal shoulders. Pygofer basal lobe extended, flattened with semicircular apex. Uncal dorsal crest small, slightly arching, with rounded terminus. Lateral branch of uncus lobate, terminus curling laterad, meeting under the median uncus lobe to surround aedeagus. Aedeagus castaneous with a ochraceous terminal membrane.

Female gonocoxite IX tawny or castaneous. Gonapophysis IX castaneous, gonapophysis X piceous. Ovipositor sheath extends barely beyond anal styles. Long golden pile radiating from ovipositor sheath.

MEASUREMENTS (MM). N = 10 males or 10 females, mean (range). Length of body: males 21.36 (20.35–23.7), females 19.87 (18.9–20.55); length of fore wing: males 29.73 (27.0–31.7), females 29.64 (27.7–30.95); width of fore wing: males 9.25 (8.4–9.7), females 9.03 (8.55–9.3); length of head: males 2.93 (2.7–3.0), females 2.92 (2.85–2.95); width of head including eyes: males 8.35 (7.8–8.85), females 8.22 (8.0–8.5); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: males 8.63 (7.9–9.0), females 8.46 (8.15–8.7); width of mesonotum: males 7.60 (6.8–7.9), females 7.25 (6.95–7.55).

DIAGNOSIS. Tympanoterpes virgulata n. sp. can be distinguished easily from T. elegans Berg, 1882 , T. perpulchra ( Stål, 1854) , and T. xanthogramma ( Germar, 1834) by the extensive infuscation in the fore wings of these species. The smaller body size and primarily green prothorax with a longitudinal piceous fascia on the midline and heavily piceous dorsal abdomen quickly distinguished T. serricosta ( Germar, 1834) from the new species. Finally, T. cordubensis Berg, 1884 also has a prothorax that contrasts to the heavy piceous marking on the mesothorax with a longitudinal dorsal piceous fascia and heavily piceous dorsal abdomen distinguish it from the new species.

DISTRIBUTION. The species is known only from the type series collected in Bolivia and Peru.

Germar, E. F. (1834) Observations sur plusieurs especes du genre Cicada, Latr. Revue Entomologique Publiee par Gustav Silbermann, 2, 49 - 82.

Stal, C. (1854) Nya Hemiptera. Ofversigt af Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien Forhandlingar, 11, 231 - 255.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Tympanoterpes virgulata n. sp.: A, holotype male and paratype female habitus; B, holotype male dorsum; C, paratype male timbal; D, paratype male operculum; E, paratype female operculum; F, holotype male lateral view of genitalia; G, holotype male posterior view of genitalia; H, paratype female lateral view of genitalia; I, paratype female ventral view of genitalia. Scale bar: A, 2 cm; B, 5 mm; C–E, 2 mm; F–G, 1 mm; H–I, 2 mm.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle


University of Montana Museum


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


University of Delaware











