Carineta gemella Boulard, 1986a

Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Bolivia including the descriptions of fifteen new species, the resurrection of one genus and two species, seven new combinations, six new synonymies, and twenty-eight new records, Zootaxa 4655 (1), pp. 1-104 : 63-64

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scientific name

Carineta gemella Boulard, 1986a


Carineta gemella Boulard, 1986a View in CoL

Carineta gemella Boulard 1986a: 417 View in CoL . (Cano Wiraki, 460 m, Venezuela)

REMARKS. This is one of a group of species in Bolivia including C. doxiptera , C. ensifera n. sp., C. gemella , C. hamata n. sp., C. socia , and C. viridicata that are similar in size and monochromatic coloration. It can be distinguished from C. socia and C. viridicata by the lack of bronzing of the distal fore wings and longitudinal lines within of the fore wing apical cells in these species. Both C. ensifera n. sp. and C. hamata n. sp., have light bronzing in the distal fore wings rather than the dark bronzing characteristic of C. doxiptera and C. gemella . It is most similar to C. doxiptera but can be distinguished reliably from C. doxiptera only by the male genitalia with the basal lobe appendage cross on the midline returning the tip to the ipsilateral side, the tip widens before bifurcating into two thin extensions with the lateral extension about twice as long as the medial extension in C. gemella but the basal lobe appendage being smoothly curved with a bifurcated tip with tips of equal length forming a C-shaped depression in the terminus in C. doxiptera .

DISTRIBUTION. The species has been reported from Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela ( Sanborn 2013; Sanborn & Heath 2014; Dias et al. 2017) with recent additions of records for Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador ( Barreto & Porfiro 2015). The range is further expanded here with the new records for Paraguay with specimens that were not available for the previous faunal analysis of that country (Sanborn 201lb).

MATERIAL EXAMINED. “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, 3.7 km / SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora / & Fauna Hotel , 430m, 5–15–X– / 2001, coll. M.C. Thomas / tropical transition forest ” 15 males and three females ( AFSC); “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz / Potrerillos del Guenda / Res., elev. 1322 ft. / 17º 40.262’S, 63º 27.445’W / 6–12 January 2005 / J. McHugh lab. exped.” seven males and two females ( UGCA), GoogleMaps one male and four females ( AFSC); GoogleMaps “ BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz / 4–6k SSE Buena Vista / F&F Hotel 2–12 Feb. / 2000 JE Wappes // transition tropical / forest 420–450m ” two males and one female ( UGCA), one male ( AFSC); “ Reyes / Beni-BOLIV. / 2/ 20-XII-1956 / LEPena, Col.” one male ( AFSC); “ BOLIVIA: Saavedra / Dept. Santa Cruz / Agr. Exp. Sta. // R.B. Cumming / 22–IX–59 / blacklight trap ” one male ( AFSC); “ BOLIVIA: Saavedra / Dept. Santa Cruz / Agr. Exp. Sta. // R.B. Cumming / 27–XII–59 / blacklight trap ” one male ( AFSC); “ BOLIVIA: Saavedra / Dept. Santa Cruz / Agr. Exp. Sta. // R.B. Cumming / 30–XII–59 / blacklight trap ” one female ( AFSC); “ BOLIVIA: Saavedra / Dept. Santa Cruz / Agr. Exp. Sta. // R.B. Cumming / 5–I–60 / blacklight trap ” one male ( AFSC); “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz / Buena Vista, 410m / 29–X–1999, C. Porter & / L. Strange, Disturbed / Trop. Transition / Forest ” one male ( AFSC); “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz / Prov., E. of Marnes / 30–XII–1983 / R.C. Wilkerson / insect flight trap ” one male ( AFSC); “ Prov. del Sara / Bolivia, 450 m. / J. Steinbach ” // Nov 1909 // Carn. Mus. Acc. 4549” one female ( CMNH); “ Prof. del Sara / Bol. Steinbach / C. M. Acc. 5064 // Dec 1911 ” one male ( CMNH).

MATERIAL EXAMINED FOR NEW RECORD FOR PARAGUAY. “ PARAGUAY: Dept. / Canindeyu, Reserva / Natural del Bosque / Mbaracayú 19–22– XI / 2016, J. E. Eger, coll. // S24º08.055’ W055º / 31.724’ 598 ft. coll. / permit #271/2016 / At MV & UV Light ” one male ( FSCA), GoogleMaps one male ( AFSC).

Barreto, M. R. & Porfiro, J. M. (2015) Especies de Carineta (Hemiptera: CIcadidae) no estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Entomo- Brasilis, 8, 246 - 248. https: // doi. org / 10.12741 / ebrasilis. v 8 i 3.52 3

Boulard, M. (1986 a) Nouvelles cigales guyano-amazoniennes du genre Carineta (Homoptera, Tibicinidae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (New Series), 2, 415 - 429.

Dias, H. C., Duarte, M. O. & Maccagnan, D. H. B. (2017) Levantamento de cigarras (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) em area de mata seca no municipio de Israelandia, Goias. CEPE IV Congresso de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensao da UEG, 18 a 20 de Outubro de 2017, Campus Pirenopolis, Universidade Estudul de Goias, 8 pp. [no pagination]

Sanborn, A. F. (2013) Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea). With contributions to the bibliography by Martin H. Villet. Elsevier / Academic Press, San Diego, 1001 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / B 978 - 0 - 12 - 416647 - 9.00001 - 2

Sanborn, A. F. & Heath, M. S. (2014) The cicadas of Argentina with new records, a new genus and fifteen new species (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae). Zootaxa, 3883 (1), 1 - 94. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3883.1. 1




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