Berteroa species

Yüzbaşioğlu, Sirri, Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A., Yüzbaşioğlu, Elif & Dalyan, Eda, 2017, Berteroa physocarpa (Brassicaceae), a new species from NW Turkey based on morphological and molecular data, Phytotaxa 305 (2), pp. 87-96 : 93

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.305.2.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Berteroa species


Key to Berteroa species in Turkey

1. Petals pale yellow; fruit about as long as wide, orbicular or obovate-orbicular ........................................................... B. orbiculata View in CoL

- Petals white or pale cream; fruit 1.5–3 times longer than broad, ovoid or oblong-elliptic .............................................................. 2

2. Fruit flattened .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

- Fruit inflated ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Fruit glabrous .................................................................................................................................................................. B. mutabilis View in CoL

- Fruit pubescent with stellate hairs ………………………………………………..………...……………………..….…. B. obliqua View in CoL

4. Annuals; fruit pubescent with stellate hairy; seeds margined but not conspicuously winged; petals 4.5–6 mm ................ B. incana View in CoL

- Perennials; fruit glabrous; seeds broadly winged; petals 6.3–8.5 mm ........................................................................ B. physocarpa View in CoL

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