Perinereis cariboea De León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998 Perinereis species, 1865
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Perinereis cariboea De León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998 Perinereis species |
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Perinereis cariboea De León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998
Perinereis cariboea de León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998: 677–680 , figs 3a–e.
Type material examined
Holotype MEXICO • 1 spec.; Quintana Roo, Bahia Ascencion, Pajaros Point ; 6 Oct. 1983; V. Solís-Weiss leg.; USNM 180694 About USNM .
Additional material examined
MEXICO • 2 ♂♂; Quintana Roo, Isla Contoy ; 2 Mar. 2001; S.I. Salazar-Vallejo and L.F. Carrera-Parra leg.; ECOSUR P3209 View Materials .
Description of male
BODY AND MEASUREMENTS. Two specimens (ECOSUR P3209), one specimen complete, 20 mm long, 2.5 mm wide at chaetiger 10 excluding parapodia, 67 chaetigers ( Fig. 12A View Fig ), another one incomplete, 19 mm long, 2 mm wide at chaetiger 10 excluding parapodia, 62 chaetigers. Pigmentation present in anterior end, dark brown pigment in the anterior margin of prostomium and inner margins of palps, a continuous broad band with a row of white spots at the tentacular belt and dorsum of chaetigers 1–3, pigment fades at the center of the chaetigers 4–7, and become in two lateral rows until chaetiger 13 ( Fig. 12A–C View Fig ).
PROSTOMIUM. 1.6× as wide as than long, subpentagonal, anterior margin directed downward, dorsal groove present ( Fig. 12A–C View Fig ).
ANTENNAE. Subconical, oriented downward, half as long as prostomium, not extending beyond palps ( Fig. 12A–C View Fig ).
PALPS. Palpophores ovoid, swollen, as long as wide, shorter than prostomium, subdistal transverse groove present ( Fig. 12C View Fig ). Palpostyles globose.
EYES. Black, rounded, subequal, in rectangular arrangement, diameter 4–5 × longer than basal diameter of antennae, anterior and posterior pairs overlapped, lenses not visible, posterior pair slightly covered by tentacular belt ( Fig. 12A–C View Fig ).
TENTACULAR BELT. As long as chaetiger 1, with straight anterior margin ( Fig. 12A–C View Fig ).
TENTACULAR CIRRI. Smooth, cirrophores conspicuous, longest cirri extending backwards up to chaetiger 4 ( Fig. 12A–B View Fig ).
PHARYNX. Everted in one specimen ( Fig. 12C–D View Fig ); jaws brown, cutting edge with 6–7 rounded teeth. Maxillary ring: I = 9 cones in round; II = 13–14 cones in arc; III = 22 cones in ellipse; IV = 17–18 cones in round ( Fig. 12C–D View Fig ). Oral ring: V = none; VI = 2–2 smooth bar; VII–VIII = 19 cones in two bands: anterior band with 6 paragnaths in furrow row with 1 cone on the regions a–c, and 7 paragnaths in ridge row with 1 cone on the regions A–D; posterior band with 6 paragnaths in a single ridge row with 1 cone on the regions C–E ( Figs 12C–D View Fig , 13 View Fig ). Furrow pattern of areas VI–V–VI, λ-shaped ( Figs 12C View Fig , 13 View Fig ).
BODY REGIONS. Two regions: 1) pre-natatory region includes chaetigers 1–13, subdivided into two subregions: a) dorsal cirri in chaetigers 1–7 and ventral cirri in chaetigers 1–5 pyriform or cattail-like, and 2) chaetigers 8–13 with both dorsal and ventral cirri cirriform; 2) natatory region includes chaetigers 14 to end of body, chaetiger 14 with upper lamella in dorsal cirrus and both upper and lower lamellae in ventral cirrus, in chaetiger 15 and remaining ones also appear lower lamella in dorsal cirrus, a lamella below median ligule, ventral lamella and a basal, dorsal protrusion in neuropodial ventral ligules.
PRE- NATATORY REGION. Parapodia resembling atokous ones ( Fig. 12E–G View Fig ). Dorsal cirrus pyriform in chaetigers 1–7, and filiform in remaining chaetigers ( Fig. 12E–G View Fig ); 1.8 × as long as distal lobe of dorsal ligule in chaetigers 2–6, 1.6× in chaetiger 12 ( Fig. 12E–G View Fig ); 7.5× as long as proximal lobe of dorsal ligule in chaetiger 2, 2× in chaetiger 6, 1.7× in chaetiger 12. Dorsal ligule rounded in first chaetigers, becoming subconical with blunt tip toward posterior ones; distal lobe of dorsal ligule 1.2× as long as median ligules in chaetigers 6–12 ( Fig. 12E–G View Fig ). Median ligule digitiform throughout, 2× as long as neuroacicular ligule in chaetigers 6–12 ( Fig. 12E–G View Fig ). Neuroacicular ligule subconical throughout; 1.7× as long as ventral ligule in chaetiger 2, 1 × in chaetigers 6–12 ( Fig. 12E–G View Fig ). Neuropodial superior and inferior lobes very small, almost inconspicuous; neuropodial postchaetal lobe rounded, half as long as neuroacicular ligule. Ventral ligule digitiform throughout; 1.2× as long as ventral cirrus in chaetiger 2,
1× in chaetiger 6, 0.7× length in chaetiger 12 ( Fig. 12E–G View Fig ). Ventral cirrus pyriform in chaetigers 1–5, filiform thereafter ( Fig. 12E–G View Fig ).
NATATORY REGION. Parapodia distinct from atokous ones ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ). Dorsal cirrus filiform, crenulations present from chaetiger 15, decreasing in size and number toward posterior chaetigers until disappear ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ); 1.8× as long as distal lobe of dorsal ligule in chaetiger 14, 1.4× in chaetiger 18, 1.7× in chaetiger 35 ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ). Upper lamella of dorsal cirrus present since chaetiger 14, digitiform in chaetiger 14, flabellate thereafter, larger in middle chaetigers, as long as dorsal cirrus in chaetiger 35 ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ); ventral lamella since chaetiger 14, flabellate and smaller than upper lamella of dorsal cirrus throughout ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ). Dorsal ligule subconical in chaetiger 14, digitiform thereafter, becoming narrower toward posterior chaetigers ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ); distal lobe of dorsal ligule 1 × length of median ligule in chaetiger 14, 1.5 × longer in chaetigers 18–35 ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ). Notopodial prechaetal lobe rounded, lamelliform, present since chaetiger 15; 0.3× as long as dorsal ligule in chaetigers 18–35 ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ); small basal lamella of median ligule present since chaetiger 15, flabellate throughout ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ). Neuroacicular ligule subconical in chaetiger 14, digitiform thereafter ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ), superior and inferior lobes absent; 1 × as long as ventral ligule in chaetiger 14, 1.2× longer in chaetiger 18–35 ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ). Neuropodial postchaetal lobe rounded in chaetiger 14, transformed into broad flabellate ventral lamella with a basal, dorsal protrusion thereafter ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ); 1.5× as long as neuroacicular ligule in chaetigers 18–35 ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ). Ventral ligule digitiform and with small basal, dorsal lobe starting in chaetiger 15 ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ); 0.7× as long as ventral cirrus in chaetiger 14, 0.8 × in chaetigers 18–35 ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ). Ventral cirrus filiform throughout ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ); upper lamella divided in two subequal, digitiform lobes ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ); lower lamella flabellate, 4–5 × as wide as upper ones throughout ( Fig. 12H–J View Fig ).
ACICULAE. Basally amber and distally dark brown, amber region enlarges toward posterior chaetigers. Notoaciculae absent in first two chaetigers, proximal end rectangular in non-natatory region and becoming flabellate in natatory one.
NOTO- AND NEUROCHAETAE. Resembling atokous ones in non-natatory region, replaced with paddle-like, heterogomph chaetae with short bosses in natatory region.
PYGIDIUM. Crenulated, with a rosette of papillae formed by two or three rows of papillae; anal cirri missing ( Fig. 12A View Fig ).
Perinereis cariboea has been scarcely recorded since its description; here is described its epitokal morphology, unknown until now. This species is easily identified among the species herein studied by its pharyngeal arrangement: no paragnaths in area V, two smooth bars on each area VI, and a discontinuous posterior band of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII. Atokes of P. cariboea are similar to P. bairdii because of the short tentacular cirri and the similar development of parapodia along the body. Regardless of the pharyngeal arrangement, the males of this species can be differentiated from males of P. bairdii as follows: 1) in P. cariboea , dorsal cirri are pyriform in chaetigers 6–7, whereas in P. bairdii they are cattail-like; 2) in P. cariboea , ventral cirri are longer than ventral ligules in chaetigers 12–13, whereas in P. bairdii they are shorter; 3) in P. cariboea , dorsal and ventral ligules are subequal in chaetiger 14, whereas in P. bairdii dorsal ligule is 2.7 × as long as ventral one; 4) in P. cariboea , upper lamellae of dorsal cirri in natatory chaetigers are as long as dorsal cirri in chaetigers 30–35, whereas in P. bairdii they are 0.7 × the length; 5) in P. cariboea , ventral lamella is 1.5× as long as neuroacicular ligules in chaetiger 30, whereas in P. bairdii they are 2.5 × longer.
Caribbean Sea.
Key to Atlantic Perinereis species (excluding the Mediterranean Sea) 1,4
1. A single bar-shaped paragnath on each area VI ................................................................................ 2
– Two or more bar-shaped paragnaths on each area VI ..................................................................... 12
2. Lacking paragnaths in area V ....... P. capensis ( Kinberg, 1865) (Cape of Good Hope, South Africa)
– Having paragnaths in area V ............................................................................................................. 3
3. A single paragnath in area V ............................................................................................................. 4
– More than one paragnath in areas V ................................................................................................11
4. Tentacular cirri extending back up to chaetiger 4 (i.e., short tentacular cirri) .................................. 5
– Tentacular cirri extending back beyond chaetiger 6 (i.e., long tentacular cirri) ............................... 9
5. One or two paragnaths in area I ........................................................................................................ 6
– Three or more paragnaths in area I ................................................................................................... 8
6. Areas VII–VIII with a single broad band with several rows of paragnaths (> 100 paragnaths) ......... ............................................................................... P. falklandica (Ramsay, 1914) ( Falkland Islands)
– Areas VII–VIII with 3–4 rows of paragnaths (about 19–43 paragnaths) ......................................... 7
7. Paragnath in area V aligned with bars in areas VI, forming a straight row; each bar in areas VI almost as long as wide as area VI (i.e., long bars) ................................ P. oliveirae ( Horst, 1889) ( Portugal)
– Paragnath in area V displaced backward, not aligned with bars in areas VI; each bar in areas VI up to half as long as wide as area VI (i.e., short bars) ................ P. atlantica ( São Vicente, Cape Verde)
8. Dorsal ligules 2.3× as long as median ligules and ventral ligules shorter than neuroacicular ligules in posterior chaetigers ........................................... P. ponteni Kinberg, 1865 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
– Dorsal ligules 3.3× as long as median ligules and ventral ligules longer than neuroacicular ligules in posterior chaetigers .................................................................. P. bairdii ( Webster, 1884) ( Bermuda)
9. Dorsal cirri subequal or shorter than distal lobes of dorsal ligules and ventral ligules longer than neuroacicular ligules in posterior chaetigers ...................................................................................... ................................................................... P. floridana ( Ehlers, 1868) (Captiva Key, Florida, USA)
– Dorsal cirri longer than distal lobes of dorsal ligules and ventral ligules shorter than neuroacicular ligules in posterior chaetigers ......................................................................................................... 10
10. A single paragnath in area I; ventral cirri shorter than ventral ligules in posterior chaetigers ........... ................................................................ P. falsovariegata Monro, 1933a (Preekstoel, South Africa)
– Three or more paragnaths in area I; ventral cirri longer than ventral ligules in posterior chaetigers. ............................................................................................................ P. websteri sp. nov. ( Bermuda)
11. Two bands of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII; dorsal ligules several times longer than median ligules in posterior chaetigers ..................................... P. anderssoni Kinberg, 1865 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
– A single band of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII; both dorsal and median ligules subequal in posterior chaetigers ........................................... Perinereis taorica Langerhans, 1881 (Canary Islands, Spain)
12. Nine to ten bar-shaped paragnaths on each area VI ............................................................................ ................................................... P. latipalpa (Schmarda, 1861) (Cape of Good Hope, South Africa)
– Two bar-shaped paragnaths on each area VI .................................................................................. 13
13. Paragnaths absent in area V; posterior band of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII discontinuous ............. ................................... P. cariboea de León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998 (Quintana Roo, Mexico)
– Paragnaths absent in area V; posterior band of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII continuous ............. 14
14. Notopodial prechaetal lobes present at least in anterior chaetigers; rows in areas VII–VIII with paragnaths of distinct size ................................................ P. brevicirrata ( Treadwell, 1920) ( Brazil) 2
– Notopodial prechaetal lobe absent; rows in areas VII–VIII with paragnaths of similar size ......... 15
15. Distal lobes of dorsal ligules subequal or shorter than medial ligules in posterior chaetigers; blades of neuropodial falcigers with rod-like tips .......................................................................................... ................................... P. rookeri de León-González & Goethel, 2013 (Rookery Bay, Florida, USA)
– Distal lobes of dorsal ligules longer than medial ligules in posterior chaetigers; blades of neuropodial falcigers with falcate tips .......... P. mochimaensis Liñero-Arana, 1983 (Mochima Bay, Venezuela) / .................................................. P. cariacoensis Liñero-Arana, 1983 (Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela) 3
1 Nereis marionii Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833 (type locality: Vendée, France) (synonyms: P. longipes de Saint-Joseph, 1898 from Guettary, France, and Nereis crassipes de Quatrefages, 1866 from Normandy, France) and N. aculeata Hansen, 1882 (type locality: Brazil) are excluded from the key. Nereis marionii differs in several pharyngeal and parapodial features from Perinereis species, such as having a continuous band of paragnaths in the oral ring, and the presence of notopodial prechaetal lobes and additional upper lobe in dorsal ligules ( Audouin & Milne-Edwards 1833; Fauvel 1923), so likely it belongs to a distinct genus. The original description of Nereis aculeata is succinct ( Hansen 1882) and allows to identify it as a Perinereis , but further study is needed to determine if it is a valid species.
2 Treadwell (1920: fig. 2) described a parapodium from chaetiger 10 (likely depicted upside down in his figure) with three notopodial ligules. The species needs further re-evaluation to ensure it is a Perinereis species.
3 As pointed out by de León-González & Goethel (2013), both species are very similar. Both species were proposed based on a single specimen each (even one of them incomplete), and differences in head and parapodial morphology between them are very subtle. Chances are that the transverse bar in area V is due to the partial merging of two or more conical paragnaths like in melted paragnaths, which have been observed in some specimens of P. websteri sp. nov. in additional paragnaths in areas VI. A revision of the type and additional material of both species is needed to clarify their validity.
4 References consulted: Horst (1889); Treadwell (1920); Monro (1933a); Hartman (1938b); Day (1967); Liñero-Arana (1983); de León-González & Solís-Weiss (1998); Núñez (2004); de León-González & Goethel (2013); Darbyshire (2014); Coutinho et al. (2015); Paiva et al. (2018); Villalobos-Guerrero (2019).
Key to Atlantic Perinereis species (excluding the Mediterranean Sea) 1,4
1. A single bar-shaped paragnath on each area VI ................................................................................ 2
– Two or more bar-shaped paragnaths on each area VI ..................................................................... 12
2. Lacking paragnaths in area V ....... P. capensis ( Kinberg, 1865) (Cape of Good Hope, South Africa)
– Having paragnaths in area V ............................................................................................................. 3
3. A single paragnath in area V ............................................................................................................. 4
– More than one paragnath in areas V ................................................................................................11
4. Tentacular cirri extending back up to chaetiger 4 (i.e., short tentacular cirri) .................................. 5
– Tentacular cirri extending back beyond chaetiger 6 (i.e., long tentacular cirri) ............................... 9
5. One or two paragnaths in area I ........................................................................................................ 6
– Three or more paragnaths in area I ................................................................................................... 8
6. Areas VII–VIII with a single broad band with several rows of paragnaths (> 100 paragnaths) ......... ............................................................................... P. falklandica (Ramsay, 1914) ( Falkland Islands)
– Areas VII–VIII with 3–4 rows of paragnaths (about 19–43 paragnaths) ......................................... 7
7. Paragnath in area V aligned with bars in areas VI, forming a straight row; each bar in areas VI almost as long as wide as area VI (i.e., long bars) ................................ P. oliveirae ( Horst, 1889) ( Portugal)
– Paragnath in area V displaced backward, not aligned with bars in areas VI; each bar in areas VI up to half as long as wide as area VI (i.e., short bars) ................ P. atlantica ( São Vicente, Cape Verde)
8. Dorsal ligules 2.3× as long as median ligules and ventral ligules shorter than neuroacicular ligules in posterior chaetigers ........................................... P. ponteni Kinberg, 1865 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
– Dorsal ligules 3.3× as long as median ligules and ventral ligules longer than neuroacicular ligules in posterior chaetigers .................................................................. P. bairdii ( Webster, 1884) ( Bermuda)
9. Dorsal cirri subequal or shorter than distal lobes of dorsal ligules and ventral ligules longer than neuroacicular ligules in posterior chaetigers ...................................................................................... ................................................................... P. floridana ( Ehlers, 1868) (Captiva Key, Florida, USA)
– Dorsal cirri longer than distal lobes of dorsal ligules and ventral ligules shorter than neuroacicular ligules in posterior chaetigers ......................................................................................................... 10
10. A single paragnath in area I; ventral cirri shorter than ventral ligules in posterior chaetigers ........... ................................................................ P. falsovariegata Monro, 1933a (Preekstoel, South Africa)
– Three or more paragnaths in area I; ventral cirri longer than ventral ligules in posterior chaetigers. ............................................................................................................ P. websteri sp. nov. ( Bermuda)
11. Two bands of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII; dorsal ligules several times longer than median ligules in posterior chaetigers ..................................... P. anderssoni Kinberg, 1865 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
– A single band of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII; both dorsal and median ligules subequal in posterior chaetigers ........................................... Perinereis taorica Langerhans, 1881 (Canary Islands, Spain)
12. Nine to ten bar-shaped paragnaths on each area VI ............................................................................ ................................................... P. latipalpa (Schmarda, 1861) (Cape of Good Hope, South Africa)
– Two bar-shaped paragnaths on each area VI .................................................................................. 13
13. Paragnaths absent in area V; posterior band of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII discontinuous ............. ................................... P. cariboea de León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998 (Quintana Roo, Mexico)
– Paragnaths absent in area V; posterior band of paragnaths in areas VII–VIII continuous ............. 14
14. Notopodial prechaetal lobes present at least in anterior chaetigers; rows in areas VII–VIII with paragnaths of distinct size ................................................ P. brevicirrata ( Treadwell, 1920) ( Brazil) 2
– Notopodial prechaetal lobe absent; rows in areas VII–VIII with paragnaths of similar size ......... 15
15. Distal lobes of dorsal ligules subequal or shorter than medial ligules in posterior chaetigers; blades of neuropodial falcigers with rod-like tips .......................................................................................... ................................... P. rookeri de León-González & Goethel, 2013 (Rookery Bay, Florida, USA)
– Distal lobes of dorsal ligules longer than medial ligules in posterior chaetigers; blades of neuropodial falcigers with falcate tips .......... P. mochimaensis Liñero-Arana, 1983 (Mochima Bay, Venezuela) / .................................................. P. cariacoensis Liñero-Arana, 1983 (Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela) 3
1 Nereis marionii Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833 (type locality: Vendée, France) (synonyms: P. longipes de Saint-Joseph, 1898 from Guettary, France, and Nereis crassipes de Quatrefages, 1866 from Normandy, France) and N. aculeata Hansen, 1882 (type locality: Brazil) are excluded from the key. Nereis marionii differs in several pharyngeal and parapodial features from Perinereis species, such as having a continuous band of paragnaths in the oral ring, and the presence of notopodial prechaetal lobes and additional upper lobe in dorsal ligules ( Audouin & Milne-Edwards 1833; Fauvel 1923), so likely it belongs to a distinct genus. The original description of Nereis aculeata is succinct ( Hansen 1882) and allows to identify it as a Perinereis , but further study is needed to determine if it is a valid species.
2 Treadwell (1920: fig. 2) described a parapodium from chaetiger 10 (likely depicted upside down in his figure) with three notopodial ligules. The species needs further re-evaluation to ensure it is a Perinereis species.
3 As pointed out by de León-González & Goethel (2013), both species are very similar. Both species were proposed based on a single specimen each (even one of them incomplete), and differences in head and parapodial morphology between them are very subtle. Chances are that the transverse bar in area V is due to the partial merging of two or more conical paragnaths like in melted paragnaths, which have been observed in some specimens of P. websteri sp. nov. in additional paragnaths in areas VI. A revision of the type and additional material of both species is needed to clarify their validity.
4 References consulted: Horst (1889); Treadwell (1920); Monro (1933a); Hartman (1938b); Day (1967); Liñero-Arana (1983); de León-González & Solís-Weiss (1998); Núñez (2004); de León-González & Goethel (2013); Darbyshire (2014); Coutinho et al. (2015); Paiva et al. (2018); Villalobos-Guerrero (2019).
Audouin J. V. & Milne-Edwards H. 1833. Classification des Annelides, et description de celles qui habitent les cotes de la France (Suite 1). Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie) Serie 8 29: 195 - 269. Available from https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 6044727 [accessed 17 Dic. 2021].
Coutinho M. C. L., Paiva P. C. & Santos C. S. G. 2015. Morphometric analysis of two sympatric species of Perinereis (Annelida: Nereididae) from the Brazilian coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 95 (5): 1 - 7. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0025315415000247
Darbyshire T. 2014. Intertidal and nearshore Nereididae (Annelida) of the Falkland Islands, southwestern Atlantic, including a new species of Gymnonereis. ZooKeys 427: 75 - 108. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 427.7296
Day J. H. 1967. A Monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. Part I. Errantia. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 8596
de Leon-Gonzalez J. A. & Solis-Weiss V. 1998. The genus Perinereis (Polychaeta: Nereididae) from Mexican littoral waters, including the description of three new species and the redescriptions of
de Leon-Gonzalez J. A. & Goethel C. A. 2013. A new species of Perinereis (Polychaeta, Nereididae) from Florida, USA, with a key to all Perinereis from the American continent. ZooKeys 312: 1 - 11. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 312.4535
Ehlers E. 1868. Die Borstenwurmer (Annelida Chaetopoda) nach systematischen und anatomischen Untersuchungen. Erster Band. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 2081
Fauvel P. 1923. Polychetes Errantes. Faune de France 5: 1 - 488.
Hansen G. A. 1882. Recherches sur les Annelides Recueillies par M. le professeur Edouard Van Beneden pendant son voyage au Bresil et a La Plata. Memoires couronnes et Memoires des Savants etrangers publies par l'Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique 44 (3): 1 - 29. Available from https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 5943290 [accessed 25 Nov. 2021].
Hartman O. 1938 b. Nomenclatorial changes involving types of polychaetous annelids of the family Nereidae in the United States National Museum. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 28 (1): 13 - 15. Available from https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 39690754 [accessed 25 Nov. 2021].
Horst R. 1889. Contribution towards the knowlegde of the Annelida Polychaeta. On species of Nereis, belonging to the sub-genus Perinereis. Notes from the Leyden Museum 11: 161 - 186.
Kinberg J. G. H. 1865. Annulata Nova (Nereidum Dispositio Nova. Leonnatidea, Nereidea, Aretidea, Pisenoidea, Niconidea). Ofversigt af Kongelige Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar 22 (2): 167 - 179. Available from https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 32339443 [accessed 25 Nov. 2021].
Linero-Arana I. 1983. Dos nuevas especies de Nereidae (Polychaeta: Errantia) de la costa oriental de Venezuela. Boletin del Instituto Oceanografico de Venezuela 22 (1 - 2): 3 - 6.
Monro C. C. A. 1933 a. Notes on a collection of Polychaeta from South Africa. Journal of Natural History 11 (64): 487 - 509. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933308673679
Nunez J. 2004. Familia Nereididae. In: Vieitez J. M., Alos C., Parapar J., Besteiro C., Moreira J., Nunez J., Laborda J. & San Martin G. Annelida Polychaeta I. Ramos M. A. et al. (eds) Fauna Iberica 25: 293 - 390. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, Madrid.
Paiva P. C., Mutaquilha B. F., Coutinho M. C. L. & Santos C. S. G. 2018. Comparative phylogeography of two coastal species of Perinereis Kinberg, 1865 (Annelida, Polychaeta) in the South Atlantic. Marine Biodiversity 49 (3): 1537 - 1551. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 12526 - 018 - 0927 - 0
Treadwell A. L. 1920. A new polychaetous annelid of the genus Nereis from Brazil. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 58: 567 - 468. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.58 - 2347.467
Villalobos-Guerrero T. F. 2019. Redescription of two overlooked species of the Perinereis nuntia complex and morphological delimitation of P. nuntia (Savigny in Lamarck, 1818) from the Red Sea (Annelida, Nereididae). Zoosystema 41 (24): 465 - 496. https: // doi. org / 10.5252 / zoosystema 2019 v 41 a 24
Webster H. E. 1884. Annelida from Bermuda, collected by G. Brown Goode. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 25: 305 - 327. Available from https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 7725366 [accessed 25 Nov. 2021].
Fig. 12. Perinereis cariboea De León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998. Non-types (ECOSUR P3209). A. Whole specimen, dorsal view. B. Anterior end, dorsal view. C. Anterior end, dorsal view. D. Same, ventral view. E. Chaetiger 2, right parapodium. F. Chaetiger 6, right parapodium. G. Chaetiger 12, right parapodium. H. Chaetiger 14, right parapodium. I. Chaetiger 18, right parapodium. J. Chaetiger 35, right parapodium in anterior (left) and posterior (right) views. Scale bars: A = 5 mm; B–D = 1 mm; E = 0.25 mm; F–J = 0.5 mm.
Fig. 13. Arrangement of paragnaths in the ridge and furrow regions of areas VII–VIII in species of Perinereis Kinberg, 1865. Filled figures with solid edges represent paragnaths observed in all specimens examined, no-filled figures with dashed edges represent paragnaths observed in some specimens only.
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Mexico) |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Perinereis cariboea De León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998 Perinereis species
Conde-Vela, Víctor Manuel 2022 |
Perinereis cariboea de León-González & Solís-Weiss, 1998: 677–680
de Leon-Gonzalez J. A. & Solis-Weiss V. 1998: 680 |
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