Polyplectropus vanda, Oláh & Johanson, 2010

Oláh, János & Johanson, Kjell Arne, 2010, Generic review of Polycentropodidae with description of 32 new species and 19 new species records from the Oriental, Australian and Afrotropical Biogeographical Regions 2435, Zootaxa 2435 (1), pp. 1-63 : 36-37

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Felipe (2021-08-22 22:29:46, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 10:29:53)

scientific name

Polyplectropus vanda

sp. nov.

Polyplectropus vanda , new species

Figures 56–58 View FIGURES 56–58

Diagnosis: This species from the Fiji Islands ( Vanua Levu ) belongs to the P. fijianus diagnostic species group. It resembles P. wainimbuk , new species, from which it is separated by having gonopods that narrow apically in lateral and ventral views, and are not broad apically as in P. wainimbuk ; also its cerci are simple, broad and foliaceous, not complex.

Description: Male. Body uniformly brown. Maxillary palp formula (I,II)-IV-III-V; 3rd segment of each maxillary palp originating subapically on lateral face of segment 2. Forewing length 7 mm; each with discoidal cell and median cell closed; apical forks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 present. Hind wings each with discoidal cell open; apical forks 1, 2, and 5 present.

Male genitalia. Sternite IX ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 56–58 ) triangular with strongly narrowing anteroventral corner and short mesoapical projection; tergite IX large and slightly sclerotized, located above fulcra; fulcrum on each side forming meeting point of cercus, paraproctal complex and membranous segment X. Segment X forming transparent, membranous, long, posterad-projecting lobe continuous with tergum IX; together with sclerotized part of tergite VIII forming dorsal cover above phallic apparatus. Cerci each monolobed, broadly foliaceous. Paraproctal complexes fused with cerci, projecting anterad well before fulcra; dorsal paraproctal process on each side well-developed, arising from anterad-projecting base of paraproct; curving ventrad to gonopods; paraproctal subphallic sclerite modified into pair of clavate processes with setose apices having enlarged setal alveoli, its apical half enlarged and downward directed in lateral view. Gonopods monolobed, subtriangular, narrowing apically both in lateral and ventral views ( Figs. 56, 57 View FIGURES 56–58 ); backward-directed, basomesad process present on each gonopod, with globular apex; mesal process near base invisible through sternite IX and gonopods in cleared preparations. Phallic apparatus ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 56–58 ) located dorsally in genitalia, guided by dorsal paraproctal processes and modified processes of subphallic sclerite; phallic apparatus comprising of arching, tube-like, sclerotized phallotheca with broadening basal part and with dorsal lobe and ventral membranous endotheca or endophallus, additional sclerites not visible.

Holotype male: FIJI ISLANDS: Vanua Levu : Nuivanda Forest , 3–5.ix.1975 [G.S. Robinson & P.A. Maddison]—( BMNH).

Paratypes: same data as holotype— 6 males ( BMNH); Niuvudi Navonu forest area, 3–6.ix.1975, M.V.light FUA 1253 [P.A. Maddison]— 1 male ( OPC) .

Distribution: Fiji Islands.

Etymology: Vanda, named after the type locality.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 56–58. Polyplectropus vanda, new species, holotype. 56—genitalia, left lateral; 57—left gonopod, ventral; 58—phallic apparatus, left lateral.