Ancistrothyrsus Harms, Notizbl.

Feuillet, Christian, 2020, Ancistrothyrsus scopae (Passifloraceae), a new species from Amazonian Brazil and Guyana, with keys to the genus and species, Phytotaxa 438 (3), pp. 207-212 : 209

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.438.3.5

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scientific name

Ancistrothyrsus Harms, Notizbl.


Ancistrothyrsus Harms, Notizbl. View in CoL 11:146. 1931. Type: A. tessmannii Harms

Tall woody climbers with young branches terete. Trichomes of more than one kind, including appressed multicellular patelliform. Tendrils axillary on stems and terminal on inflorescences, circinate when young, usually with an apical swollen hook. Leaves alternate, petiolate, simple, unlobed, margin entire. Inflorescences axillary, bracteate. Flowers 4-merous; white, sepals 4, white; petals 4, white; corona tubular, laciniate or filamentous at margin; operculum and limen lacking; short androgynophore; stamens 8; ovary with 4 placentae; styles 4. Fruits 4-valved, pericarp coriaceous, thick. Seeds somewhat laterally depressed, with reduced arils.

Etymology. From Latin adjective ancistrus meaning with hooks, and substantive thyrsus meaning thyrse referring to the inflorescences with tendrils usually ending in a hooks.

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