Colura cristata Jovet-Ast, Rev. Bryol. Lichénol.

Sangrattanaprasert, Jiroat, Chantanaorrapint, Sahut & Zhu, Rui-Liang, 2019, The genus Colura section Gamolepis (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Malesian region, with the description of Colura sigmoidea, Phytotaxa 387 (1), pp. 40-54 : 41-42

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.387.1.3


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scientific name

Colura cristata Jovet-Ast, Rev. Bryol. Lichénol.


Colura cristata Jovet-Ast, Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. View in CoL 22: 291. 1953. ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 )

Type: — INDONESIA. East Kalimantan: Samarinda District, Tandjong Bankgo, West of estuary of the Mahakam river , mangrove forest, 1 August 1952, W. Meijer 3010 (holotype: BO!; isotype: PC) .

Plants pale green, 0.5–1 cm long; shoots 0.8–1.5 mm wide; irregularly pinnately branched, branches of the Lejeunea - type. Stems 64–96 μm in diameter, in transverse section consisting of 7 cortical cells (20–34 × 20–30 μm) and 3 medullary cells (14–20 × 8–16 μm); ventral merophyte of stem 2 cells wide. Rhizoids numerous, fasciculate at base of underleaves. Leaves remote, spreading from stem at 50°–80° angle. Lobes 0.32–0.64 mm long, 0.18–0.32 mm wide; dorsal margin entire to crenulate. Lobe cells thin-walled, trigones small or absent, intermediate thickenings distinct or absent; marginal cells isodiametric to rectangular, 20–34 × 14–20 μm; median cells rectangular to isodiametric, 22–50 × 16–36 μm; basal cells rectangular to hexagonal, 30–58 × 10–30 μm. Cuticle smooth. Oil bodies 6–11 per cell, homogenous to finely segmented, ellipsoid, 5–7 × 3 μm. Lobules narrowly tubular, flaring toward sac, 0.6–1.04 mm long. Lobule sacs elliptic, strongly inflated, 0.44–0.72 mm long, 0.26–0.4 mm wide, sac surface mamillose, apex acute, ending in apical crest consisting of 7–17 cells. Valves intermediate-type, lingulate to elliptic, 100–130 × 76–100 μm, composed of one circle of 25–36 hyaline marginal and 31–43 median cells with one basal median cell, basal median cell adnate with hinge cell not forming a sigmoid curve in outline. Hyaline papillae spherical to bulbous, 12–16 μm in diameter. Valve frames outline semicircular with triseriate cells, 110–140 μm wide. Underleaves distant, deeply bilobed, sinus obtuse; lobes lanceolate to filiform, 160–240 × 50–92 μm, 7–11 cells long, 4–6 cells wide at base; margin entire. Asexual reproduction not seen.

Autoicous. Androecia terminal or intermediate on main stems and lateral branches; male bracts in 1–5 pairs, hemispherical, apical keels crenulate with one projecting cell row, free margin entire; bract lobes elliptic to oblong, 280–320 × 160–240 μm; bract lobules semicircular, 200–272 × 96–152 μm; antheridia 2 per bracts; male bracteoles bilobed to round, 160–200 × 40–74 μm. Gynoecia terminal on lateral branches with 1 pycnolejeunoid innovation; female bracts falcate to lanceolate,464–560 × 120–224 μm, apical keels entire; bract lobules narrowly oblong, 400–440 × 64–96 μm; female bracteoles similar to underleaves, 180–200 × 84–100 μm. Perianths obovate, 0.8–0.94 mm long, 0.34–0.48 mm wide, with 3 keels; keels short, ridge-like; surface of the perianth strongly mamillose; beak 1 cell long. Sporophytes. Setae articulate, ca. 9 cells long; in transverse section with 4 inner and 12 outer cells. Capsules spherical, ca. 240 μm in diameter, splitting to ± 2/3 of its length into four erect valves after dehiscence; capsule valve 240–280 × 156–186 μm, wall 2–3 stratose, hyaline. Outer layer of capsule valve apex formed by 1 quadrate cell; cells of upper half of valve slightly rhombic to rectangular, large, thin-walled; hinge butterfly-shaped, hinge cells rectangular to subquadrate, smaller than cells of upper half, thin-walled; marginal cells rectangular, formed by 1–2 rows. Inner layer of capsule valve cells in centre rectangular, walls with nodular thickenings; marginal cells of upper half quardrate, walls nodulose, formed by 1–2 rows, marginal cells of lower half rectangular to suquardrate, walls smooth; basal cells subquadrate with smooth walls. Elaters of 2 types: marginal and additional; marginal elaters 22 per capsules, each valve contains 4 or 5 upper marginal and 2 or no lower marginal elaters; upper marginal elaters attached to upper half of valve margin by one end, 164–212 μm long, 8–22 μm wide, hyaline to yellowish, with irregular thickening, end attached to valve margin rounded, not expanded, free end dilated; lower marginal elaters attached to valve at both ends (near and parallel to basal margin), 134–144 μm long, 8–14 μm wide, hyaline, with irregular to annular thickening, upper end narrowly tapered, lower end obtuse; additional elaters 4 per capsules (1 per each valve), 170–200 μm long, 4–8 μm wide, hyaline, with smooth thickening, attached along their whole length to median part of valve, even upon dehiscence. Spores green, irregular-oblong or elongate-rectangular, 36–38 × 26–30 μm; spore surface covered with irregular lamellae; sporelings not seen.

Habitat and Ecology: —The species occurs on living leaves and bark in lowland evergreen and mangrove forests.

Distribution: — Indonesia ( Jovet-Ast 1953), Fiji ( Pócs & Eggers 2007), new to Malaysia.

Specimens examined: — FIJI. Kadavu Island : 2 km Northeast of Tavuki village, 19° 03.829 –04.102 ʹS, 178°07.771– 921ʹE, 170–200 m, 13 & 15 September 2003, S. & T. Pócs 03304/ AA ( EGR) GoogleMaps ; 19°04.097–101ʹS, 178° 07.980 –08.249 ʹE, 15 September 2003, S. & T. Pócs 03309/ BA ( EGR) GoogleMaps . INDONESIA. East Kalimantan: Samarinda District, Tandjong Bangko, West of estuary of Mahakam River , 1 August 1952, W. Meijer B.3001b ( BO) . MALAYSIA. Sabah: Sandakan city, Sepagara Forest Reserve, along trail to Silam water spring, 04°59ʹ08.88ʺN 118°11ʹ21.87ʺE, 253 m, R.- L. Zhu, L. Shu & X. B. Yin 20160916-2 ( HSNU) GoogleMaps

Taxonomic notes: — Colura cristata is distinguished by the lobule sac ca. 1/2 of lobule length, the large triangular crest comprised of 7–17 cells at lobule sac apex, autoicous and the small size or absence of trigones and intermediate thickenings of leaf cell.


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Herbarium Bogoriense


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Non-vascular Plants and Fungi


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Ministry of Science, Academy of Sciences


Eszterházy Károly College


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


East China Normal University














Colura cristata Jovet-Ast, Rev. Bryol. Lichénol.

Sangrattanaprasert, Jiroat, Chantanaorrapint, Sahut & Zhu, Rui-Liang 2019

Colura cristata Jovet-Ast, Rev. Bryol. Lichénol.

Jovet-Ast 1953: 291
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