Propristis schweinfurthi Dames, 1883

Zouhri, Samir, Gingerich, Philip D., Khalloufi, Bouziane, Bourdon, Estelle, Adnet, Sylvain, Jouve, Stéphane, Elboudali, Najia, Amane, Ayoub, Rage, Jean-Claude & Tabuce, Rodolphe, 2021, Middle Eocene vertebrate fauna from the Aridal Formation, Sabkha of Gueran, southwestern Morocco, Geodiversitas 43 (5), pp. 121-150 : 129

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Felipe (2021-03-15 17:13:15, last updated 2024-11-26 04:12:25)

scientific name

Propristis schweinfurthi Dames, 1883


Propristis schweinfurthi Dames, 1883

EXAMINED MATERIAL. — Five rostral denticles, figured material includes FSAC Bouj-348.


Propristis schweinfurthi ( Fig. 4J View FIG ) is a rare but widespread sawfish, and is easily distinguishable from all the other fossil or living Pristidae , Pristis cf. lathami included, by short and rounded rostral teeth without posterior barbs ( Fig. 4J View FIG ). This species is known in the middle to late Eocene of the Neotethysian realm from Caribbean ( Case 1981; Case & Borodin 2000; Cappetta & Stringer 2002) to Egypt ( Case & Cappetta 1990; Strougo et al. 2007; Underwood et al. 2011) and Atlantic coasts (e.g., White 1926; Dartevelle & Casier 1959; Cappetta & Traverse 1988).

CAPPETTA H. & TRAVERSE M. 1988. - Une riche faune de selaciens dans le bassin a phosphate de Kpogame-Hahotoe (Eocene moyen du Togo): Note preliminaire et precisions sur la structure et l'age du gisement. Geobios 21 (3): 359 - 365. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / S 0016 - 6995 (88) 80058 - 5

CAPPETTA H. & STRINGER G. 2002. - A new batoid genus (Neoselachii: Myliobatiformes) from the Yazoo (late Eocene) of Louisiana, USA. Tertiary Research 21: 51 - 56.

CASE G. R. 1981. - Late Eocene selachians from South-central Georgia. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 176 (1 - 3): 52 - 79.

CASE G. R. & CAPPETTA H. 1990. - The Eocene Selachians Fauna from the Fayum Depression in Egypt. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 212: 1 - 30.

CASE G. R. & BORODIN P. D. 2000. - Late Eocene selachian from the Irwinton Sand Member of the Barnwell Formation (Jacksonian), WKA mines, Gordon, Wilkinson County, Georgy. Munchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 39: 5 - 16.

DARTEVELLE E. & CASIER E. 1959. - Les poissons fossiles du Bas- Congo et des regions voisines. Annales du Musee du Congo belge, Serie A 3 (2, 3): 257 - 568.

STROUGO A., CAPPETTA H. & ELNAHAS S. 2007. - A remarkable Eocene ichthyofauna from the El Gedidia glauconitic sandstone, Bahariya oasis, Egypt, and its stratigraphic implications. MERC Ain Shams University, Earth Science Series 21: 81 - 98.

UNDERWOOD C. J., WARD D. J., KING C., ANTAR S. M., ZAL- MOUT I. S. & GINGERICH P. D. 2011. - Shark and ray faunas in the middle and late Eocene of the Fayum area, Egypt. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 122: 47 - 66. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. pgeola. 20

WHITE E. I. 1926. - Eocene fishes from Nigeria. Bulletin of the Nigerian Geological Survey 10: 1 - 82.

Gallery Image

FIG. 4. — Elasmobranchii from Sabkha of Gueran collected around the Archaeocete whale carcasses.A-C, Physogaleus sp.: A, FSAC Bouj-340 anterolateral tooth (A1) labial and (A2) lingual views; B, FSAC Bouj-341 more anterolateral tooth in (B1) labial and (B2) lingual views; C, FSAC Bouj-342 lateral tooth in (C1) labial and (C2) lingual views; D, FSAC Bouj-343 Hemipristis curvatus lateral upper tooth in (D1) labial and (D2) lingual views; E, F, FSAC Bouj-344 Abdounia sp. lateral teeth in labial (E1, F1) and lingual (E2, F2) views; G-I, Cf. Carcharhinus sp.: G, FSAC Bouj-345 lateral upper tooth in (G1) labial and (G2) lingual views; H, FSAC Bouj-346 lateral lower tooth (H1) labial and (H2) lingual views; I, FSAC Bouj-347 anterior lower tooth in (I1) labial and (I2) lingual views. J, Propristis schweinfurthi FSAC Bouj-348 rostral “tooth” in (J1) dorsal and (J2) lateral views. Scale bars: 10 mm.















