Notoprotella, Takeuchi & Lowry, 2019

Takeuchi, Ichiro & Lowry, James K., 2019, A taxonomic study on Orthoprotella and related genera (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) of New South Walesı Australia, Journal of Natural History 53 (17), pp. 1023-1059 : 1049-1050

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Valdenar (2020-02-18 12:03:37, last updated 2024-11-30 07:12:14)

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Notoprotella View in CoL sp.

( Figure 13 View Figure 13 )

Material examined

One mature femaleı AM P.54266 ı 33 °17 ʹ S 151°41 ʹ Eı east of Norah Headı New South Walesı June 1921 ı coll. A.A. Livingstoneı F.A. McNeillı S. T. Goonambee ( Figure 13 View Figure 13 ).


East of Norah Headı New South Walesı Australia.


Mature female ı body length 12.63 mmı AM P.54266. Head 0.86 mm; pereonite 1ı 0.82 mm; pereonite 2ı 2.49 mm; pereonite 3ı 2.37 mm; pereonite 4ı 2.17 mm; pereonite 5ı 2.64 mm. Pereonites 6 and 7 partially fusedı 1.27 mm.

Head/pereonite 1 fused (suture present); head with paired anteriorly forwarded dorsal projections; eyes largeı distinctive. Antenna 1 at least 0.9 × body length; peduncle article 2 longest; flagellum at least 0.5 × peduncular lengthı with 14 + articlesı flagellum proximal article composed of 3 fused articles. Antenna 2 with short setae along posterior margin; flagellum about 0.2 × of peduncular lengthı flagellum with 2 articles.

Pereon. Pereonite 2 longestı with small anterolateral projectionı with small midlateral projectionı with small paired mid-dorsal projections. Pereonite 3 with subacute anterolateral projection. Pereonite 4 with round anterolateral projection.

Gnathopod 2 begins 0.3 along anterior margin of corresponding pereonite; coxa vestigial; basis subequal in length to pereonite 2ı with anterodistal projection; ischium with anterodistal projection; carpus 0.17 × propodus length; propodus largeı elongated (subrectangular)ı length 2.3 × widthı anterodistal margin narrowly concaveı with small anterodistal triangular projection; palm proximal projection with 1 robust (grasping) setaı palm smoothı setoseı with midpalmar projectionı with narrow sinusı with distal shelfı with 1 large projection.

Gill 3 elongateı length 0.7 × corresponding pereonite. Pereopod 3 slenderı with 2 articles; length 5 × width; Gill 4 elongateı length 0.6 × corresponding pereoniteı curved anteriorly. Pereopod 4 ı similar to pereopod 3.


The present species is closest to Notoprotella gordoni (Guilerı 1954) ı but differs clearly from N. gordoni by the paired dorsal projection on headı instead of the single projection in N. gordoni (Guilerı 1954) . Most of the descriptions of Notoprotella and related genera were based on the large male specimens. Howeverı only one mature female has been found until now. Thusı we retain the present specimen as sp. belonging to Notoprotella .

Gallery Image

Figure 13. Notoprotella sp. from east of North Head, New South Wales. Female, 12.63 mm, AM P. 54266. Bars indicate 1.0 mm.


Australian Museum


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics