Notoprotella gordoni (Guilerı 1954)

Takeuchi, Ichiro & Lowry, James K., 2019, A taxonomic study on Orthoprotella and related genera (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) of New South Walesı Australia, Journal of Natural History 53 (17), pp. 1023-1059 : 1045-1049

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Valdenar (2020-02-18 12:03:37, last updated 2024-11-30 07:12:14)

scientific name

Notoprotella gordoni (Guilerı 1954)


Notoprotella gordoni (Guilerı 1954) View in CoL

( Figures 11 View Figure 11 ı 12)

Orthoprotella gordoni Guilerı 1954: 548 – 551 View in CoL ı figs. 16 – 18. – McCain and Steinberg 1970: 57. – Lowry and Stoddart 2003: 27. – Guerra-García and Takeuchi 2004: 1017 – 1018 ı fig. 39.

Material examined

1 mature femaleı AM E.6563 ı 39 °00 ʹ S 148°40 ʹ Eı eastern slope of Bass Straitı Tasmaniaı FIS ‘ Endeavour ’ ı 1909 – 1914; 1 mature and 1 immature femalesı AM P.47825 ı 34 °05 ʹ S 151°15 ʹ Eı 3 – 4 km off Botany Bayı New South Walesı Australiaı HMCS Thetis Stn . 37ı mudı 91 – 95 m depthı 11 March 1898ı coll. E. R. Waite; 2 malesı 1 premature femaleı AM P.47826 ı 34 °03 ʹ 30 ʺ S 151°12 ʹ 30 ʺ Eı 2 – 3 km off Port Hackingı New South Walesı Australiaı HMCS Thetis Stn 35ı sandyı 40 – 69 m depthı 10 March 1898ı coll. E. R. Waite; 1 mature femaleı AM P.98913 ı 43 °15 ʹ S 147°16 ʹ Eı d ’ Entrecasteaux Channelı possibly an Endeavour collection; 1 fragment (male)ı AM P.101912 ı 34 °05 ʹ S 151°15 ʹ Eı 3 – 4 km off Botany Bayı New South Walesı Australiaı HMCS Thetis Stn 37ı mudı 91 – 95 m depthı 11 March 1898ı coll. E. R. Waite .

Type localities

Mountain Creek and Mountain Riverı Tasmaniaı Australia.

Other localities

Off Botany Bay and off Port Hackingı New South Wales and Eastern slope of Bass Straightı Tasmaniaı Australia.


Male ı body length 13.49 mm (estimated based on fig. 39 in Guerra-García and Takeuchi 2004)ı AM P. 101912. Head 1.01 mm; pereonite 1ı 0.86 mm; pereonite 2ı 2.62 mm.

Head with anteriorly forwarded triangular dorsal projection; eye largeı distinctive. Antenna 1 slenderı 13.39 mm; peduncle article 2 longest; peduncular article 3 straight; flagellum 1.2 × peduncular lengthı with 24 articlesı proximal article composed of 2 articles. Antenna 2 slenderı 0.45 × antenna 1 length.

Upper lip notchedı forming rounded quadrilateral projections. Mandible right incisor with 5 teeth; lacinia mobilis with 5 teethı with 2 bundled accessory setal rows; palp 3- articulateı palp article 2 with 5 lateral setae; palp article 3 setal formula 1 – 20 – 5 – 1; molar well developed; left incisor with 5 teeth; lacinia mobilis with 5 teethı with 3 bundled setal rows; palp 3-articulate; palp article 2 with 6 lateral setae; palp article 3 setal formula 1 – 21 – 4 – 1. Lower lip finely setose on inner and outer lobes. Maxilla 1 outer plate with 7 stout apical setal-teeth; palp distal margin with 3 triangular projectionsı each with a slender or robust setaı with 2 setaeı with a row of slender setae. Maxilla 2 triangular with 8 apical setae; outer plate rectangular with 11 apical setae. Maxilliped inner plate ovalı with 4 setae near distal margin; outer plate 2.5 × length of inner plateı inner marginı with 3 setae on outer margin; palp article 2 setose on inner margin; palp article 3ı with 15 distal to lateral setae; palp article 4 weakly falcate.

Pereon. Pereonite 2 with small anterolateral projectionı with tiny midlateral projectionı with paired mid-dorsal projections.

Mature female ı body length 17.90 mmı AM E.6563. Head 1.02 mm; pereonite 1ı 1.10 mm; pereonite 2ı 3.54 mm; pereonite 3ı 3.54 mm; pereonite 4ı 2.98 mm; pereonite 5ı 3.59 mm. Pereonites 6 and 7 partially fusedı 2.15 mm.

Head/pereonite 1 fused (suture present); eyes largeı distinctiveı with anterodorsal projection. Antenna 1 at least 0.8 × body length; peduncle article 2 longest; flagellum with 11 + articlesı flagellum proximal article composed of 3 fused articles. Antenna 2 ı without dense concentration of long slender setae along posterior margin; flagellum about 1/6 (0.17 ×) of peduncular lengthı flagellum with 2 articles.

Pereon. Pereonite 2 with anterolateral bifurcated projectionı with midlateral projectionı with paired mid-dorsal projection. Pereonite 3 with anterolateral bifurcated projectionı with round distolateral projection. Pereonite 4 with round anterolateral projection.

Gnathopod 2 begins 0.40 along anterior margin of corresponding pereonite; coxa vestigial; basis subequal in length to pereonite 2ı with anterodistal projection; ischium with anterodistal projection; carpus 0.17 × propodus length; propodus largeı elongate (subrectangular)ı length 2.3 × widthı anterodistal margin narrowly concaveı with anterodistal triangular projection; palm proximal projection with 1 robust (grasping) setaı palm smoothı setoseı with large midpalmar projectionı with deepı narrow sinusı with well-developed distal shelfı with 1 large projection.

Gill 3 elongateı length 0.6 × corresponding pereoniteı curved anteriorly. Pereopod 3 elongateı with 2 articles; length 3 × width. Gill 4 elongateı length 0.65 × corresponding pereoniteı curved anteriorly. Pereopod 4 ı similar to pereopod 3.


No specimens were reported after the type material was collected from Mountain Creek and Mountain Riverı Tasmania in Marchı 1954 ( Guiler 1954). We found additional specimens for this species from the collection of the Australian Museum ; these specimens were collected prior to the 1920s from New South Wales and Tasmania.

Guerra-García and Takeuchi (2004) noted that the condition of the type specimens deposited at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery were in very poor condition and partially dried up. Of the old collections at the Australian Museumı the damaged maleı estimated as 13.49 mm in body lengthı collected from off Botany Bayı New South Wales was described and figured in detail. The mature female from the eastern slope of Bass Straightı Tasmania was also described. The present description of O. gordoni including mouth parts agrees well with the generic diagnosis of Notoprotella gen. nov.

Guerra-Garcia JMi Takeuchi I. 2004. The Caprellidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Tasmaniai Australia. J Nat Hist. 38: 967 - 1044. doi: 10.1080 / 0022293021000054497.

Guiler ER. 1954. Some collections of caprellids from Tasmania. Ann Mag Nat Hist. 7 (79): 531 - 553. doi: 10.1080 / 00222935408651752

Lowry JKi Stoddart HE. 2003. Crustacea: malacostraca: peracarida: amphipodai Cumaceai Mysidacea. In: Beesley PLi Houston WWKi editors. Zoological Catalogue of Australia (Vol. 19.2 B). Melbourne: CSIRO Publishingi Australia; p. 1 - 531.

McCain JCi Steinberg JE. 1970. Amphipoda 1 Caprellidea 1. Fam. Caprellidae. In: Gruner HEi Holthuis LBi editors. Crustaceorum Catalogus. Vol. 2; Den Haag (the Netherlands): W. Junk; p. 1 - 78.

Gallery Image

Figure 11. Notoprotella gordoni (Guiler, 1954) from off Botany Bay, New South Wales and eastern slope of Bass Strait, Tasmania. Male, 13.49 mm (estimated based on fig. 39 of Guerra-García and Takeuchi 2004), AM P.101912; female, 17.90 mm, AM E.6563. Bars indicate 1.0 mm.


Australian Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











