Allograpta obliqua
publication ID | 10.5281/zenodo.189912 |
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Allograpta obliqua |
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Allograpta obliqua View in CoL species group
Diagnosis. Face straight, with low indistinct tubercle; oral opening about 1.5 times as long as wide, with oral apex at level of antennal base; antennal pits confluent; plumula well developed; subscutellar fringe distinct; wing partially bare basomedially, without apical dark macula ; alula broad, about 1.5 times as broad as cell BM; metasternum pilose; abdomen elongate.
Included species. AFROTROPICAL: borbonica Kassebeer 2000: 46 ( Allograpta ) Reunion; ** calopoides Curran 1938: 9 (Syrphus) Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo; * calopus Loew 1858: 379 (Syrphus) Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria [= abyssinica Frey 1946: 168 (Miogramma) ]; * fuscotibialis Macquart 1842: 155 (Syrphus) South Africa [= rotundicornis Loew 1858: 379 (Syrphus) ]; hypoxantha Bezzi 1923: 343 (Syrphus) Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo [= calinus Curran 1938: 10 (Syrphus) ]; nasuta Macquart 1842: 156 (Syrphus) western Africa, Diego Garcia, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar [= pfeifferi Bigot 1884: 89 (Syrphus) ]; nigra Keiser 1971: 225 (Epistrophe) Madagascar; nummularia Bezzi 1920: 137 (Syrphus) Tanzania, Kenya; phaeoptera Bezzi 1920: 139 (Xanthogramma) Tanzania; rediviva Bezzi 1915: 34 (Syrphus) South Africa; rufifacies Keiser 1971: 225 (Epistrophe) Madagascar; tenella Keiser 1971: 227 (Epistrophe) Madagascar; ** varipes Curran 1927b: 55 (Epistrophe) Congo, Uganda.
AUSTRALIAN: ** atkinsoni Miller 1921: 311 ( Platycheirus ) New Zealand; * australensis Schiner 1868: 347 (Melithreptus) Australia (NSW, Qld.); buruensis Meijere 1929: 383 (Allograpta) Indonesia (Buru); * distincta Kertesz 1899: 177 (Melithreptus) , New Guinea to Fiji & Solomons; ** flavofaciens Miller 1921: 302 (Syrphus) New Zealand; ** hirsutifera Hull 1949d: 727 (Epistrophe) New Zealand; ** hudsoni Miller 1921: 302 (Syrphus) New Zealand; pallida Bigot 1884: 93 (Syrphus) Australia; ** pseudoropalus Miller 1921: 293 (Paragus) New Zealand; * ropalus Walker 1849: 593 (Syrphus) New Zealand.
NEARCTIC: ** exotica Wiedemann 1830: 136 ( Syrphus ) Oregon to North Carolina, s. to Argentina, Hawaii (introduced) [= quadrigemina Thomson 1869: 500 (Syrphus) , = fracta Osten Sacken 1877: 331 (Allograpta) , = bilineata Enderlein 1938a: 220 (Allograpta) , = duplofasciata Enderlein 1938a: 217 (Allograpta) ]; * obliqua Say 1823: 89 (Scaeva) Washington to Quebec, s. to Argentina; Hawaii (introduced) [= securiferus Macquart 1842: 100 (Syrphus) , = baccides Walker 1849: 594 (Syrphus) , = dimemsus Walker 1852: 235 (Syrphus) , = signatus Wulp 1867: 144 (Syrphus) , = dejongi Doesburg 1958: 44 (Allograpta) ]; ** radiata Bigot (see below) Florida.
NEOTROPICAL: ** aeruginosifrons Schiner 1868: 352 ( Syrphus ) Brazil; annulipes Macquart 1850: 464 (Paragus) Colombia , Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia [= scutellata Sack 1941: 99 (Allograpta) , = geminata Fluke 1942: 16 (Allograpta) ]; ** aperta Fluke 1942: 19 (Allograpta) Surinam, Guyana [= notata Doesburg 1966: 64 (Allograpta) ]; ** bilineella Enderlein 1938a: 219 (Allograpta) Colombia ; ** browni Fluke 1942: 17 (Allograpta) Ecuador; ** exotica Wiedemann (see above); ** falcata Fluke 1942: 16 (Allograpta) Colombia , Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru; ** hastata Fluke 1942: 17 (Allograpta) Peru, Brazil; * hortensis Philippi 1865: 746 (Syrphus) Peru, Chile, Argentina [= bimaculata Enderlein 1938a: 223 (Allograpta) ]; ** insularis Thompson 1981: 28 (Allograpta) Puerto Rico; ** limbata Fabricius 1805: 251 (Scaeva) West Indies, Brazil [= fuscisquama Curran 1927a: 4 (Allograpta) ]; ** neotropica Curran 1936: 14 (Allograpta) Colombia , Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina); * obliqua Say (see above); ** piurana Shannon 1927: 9 (Allograpta) Peru, Chile [= chilensis Sack 1941: 98 (Allograpta) , = harlequina Hull 1949c: 76 (Allograpta) ]; ** pulchra Shannon 1927: 25 (Allograpta) Chile; Easter Island [= bifasciata Enderlein 1938a: 221 (Allograpta) ]; * radiata Bigot 1857: 338 (Syrphus) Florida, West Indies, intr. Hawaii (not established) [= venusta Curran 1927a: 5 (Allograpta) , = cubana Curran 1932: 3 (Allograpta) ]; * robinsoniana Enderlein 1938b: 664 (Allograpta) Juan Fernandez Island; * splendens Thomson 1869: 501 (Syrphus) Galápagos; ** tectiforma Fluke 1942: 18 (Allograpta) Ecuador; ** teligera Fluke 1942: 18 (Allograpta) Ecuador, Brazil; ** trilimbata Bigot 1889: 253 (Sphaerophoria) Mexico.
OCEANIAN: * amphoterum Bezzi 1928: 74 (Xanthogramma) Rarotonga, Fiji; ** citronella Shiraki 1963: 136 (Epistrophe) Caroline Is.: Palau & Ponape; * distincta Kertesz (see above); ** longulus Shiraki 1963: 139 (Epistrophe) Guam; * nigripilosa Hull 1944a: 52 (Xanthogramma) Society Is.; ** neofasciata Thompson 1989: 441 Marianas Is. [= fasciata Shiraki 1963: 139 (Epistrophe) ; * obliqua Say (see above, introduced Hawaii); * radiata Bigot 1857: 338 (see above, intr. Hawaii (not established) ** septemvittata Shiraki 1963: 138 (Epistrophe) Mariana Is.
ORIENTAL: ** dravida Ghorpade 1994: 7 (Allograpta) India; * javana Wiedemann 1824: 34 (Syrphus) India to Japan, s. Indonesia [= nakamurae Matsumura 1918: 9 (Xanthogramma) ]; * kinabalensis Curran 1931: 350 (Syrphus) Borneo; * maculipleura Brunetti 1913: 162 (Syrphus) India, Myanmar [= bouvieri Herve-Bazin 1923: 26 (Xanthogramma) ]; medanensis Meijere 1914: 166 (Sphaerophoria) Sumatra; obscuricornis Meijere 1914: 165 (Sphaerophoria) Java; philippina Frey 1946: 167 (Miogramma) Phillipines; purpureicollis Frey 1946: 167 (Miogramma) Sumatra; * robinsoni Curran 1928: 208 (Syrphus) Malaya [= nigrotibialis Curran 1928: 241 (Sphaerophoria) ].
PALAEARCTIC: * javana Wiedemann (see above) Japan; maritima Mutin 1986: 829 (Allograpta) Russian Far East.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Allograpta |