Crossopalpus nyaka Smith, 1969

Grootaert, Patrick & Shamshev, Igor, 2014, New Tachydromiinae (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotidae) from different types of forests along the Congo river (D. R. of the Congo), Belgian Journal of Entomology 18, pp. 1-34 : 1-34

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13272879

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scientific name

Crossopalpus nyaka Smith, 1969


Crossopalpus nyaka Smith, 1969 View in CoL

( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–3 )

Crossopalpus nyaka Smith, 1969: 35 View in CoL , Fig. 36. View Figs 36–38

MATERIAL EXAMINED: D. R. Congo: Kinshasa, 3♂, 2♀, large garden in city centre, 3 June 2012 (reg. 32001; leg. P. Grootaert; MS reference Crosso 4). A complete female in tray Congo 2 at position E7 with barcode AB42405565 and a complete male in tray Congo 2 at position E6 with barcode AB42405559 were extracted for DNA and a COI barcode is available at GenBank .

DIAGNOSIS. Medium­sized (about 2.0 mm) black species with yellow legs including all coxae, only apical tarsomere of all legs darkened; male hind basitarsus with brownish stripe ventrally on basal half (not in female). Antenna with scape and pedicel yellow, postpedicel brown; pedicel with long yellow ventral seta. Palpus yellowish.

DESCRIPTION. Since SMITH (1969) made a detailed description we only give here some clarifications to conform with the current style of description.

Male. Head: antenna with postpedicel nearly 1.5 times as long as wide; stylus about 5.0 times as long as postpedicel.

Thorax: prothoracic episterna with long upturned seta just above fore coxa.

Legs: hind basitarsus with narrow, brownish, ventral stripe on about basal half.

Wing normally developed, uniformly finely infuscate. Costal bristle moderately long, brownish yellow. Costal index: 50/27/34. Vein R 2+3 evenly bowed. Veins R 4+5 and M 1+2 somewhat convergent near wing apex, R 4+5 slightly bowed, M 1+2 somewhat undulate. Crossvein bm­cu oblique. Crossvein r­m near middle of cell bm. Halter yellow.

Abdomen: tergite 1 pale, tergite 2 unmodified; tergite 3 slightly broader than other tergites, with 2 small posteromarginal excisions dorsally; tergites 4–5 with similar excisions and also weaker sclerotised medially; tergites 6–7 weakly sclerotised; setation ordinary, minute; sternites undivided. Gland­like structure between tergites 3–4 and 4–5. Terminalia ( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–3 ) small, brown. Cerci separated; right cercus very narrow; left cercus large, with broadened tip bearing long setae. Epandrium completely divided. Right surstylus represented by 2 sclerites, with short unmodified setae. Left epandrial lamella fused to hypandrium, lacking setation apically. Left surstylus represented by 2 small sclerites ( Fig. 9 View Figs 7–11 ), with short unmodified setae. Hypandrium narrow, attenuated apically, with long, narrow gonocoxal apodeme. Phallus short. Two rod­shaped apodemes.

Female. Hind basitarsus entirely yellow; abdominal tergites 3–7 normally sclerotised, subrectangular; gland­like structures not prominent; tergite 8 dark brown, short, with sclerites separated; cercus small, subglobular, brownish yellow.

REMARKS. Our specimens fit very well with the description given by Smith (1969). In our specimens the wing is faintly brownish tinged but was described as clear in the South African specimens. Finally, Smith (l.c.: Fig. 36 View Figs 36–38 ) did not figure the long setae on the left cercus. In having legs almost entirely yellow (at most last tarsomere darkened) C. nyaka is similar to C. montalentii Raffone, 1994 described from Sierra Leone ( Raffone, 1994). However, the latter has a strong anteroventral bristle on the hind tibia.

DISTRIBUTION. South Africa (Natal), D. R. Congo.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Crossopalpus nyaka Smith, 1969

Grootaert, Patrick & Shamshev, Igor 2014

Crossopalpus nyaka

SMITH K. V. G. 1969: 35
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