Neosilba McAlpine

Galeano-Olaya, Pedro E. & Canal, Nelson A., 2012, New Species Of Neosilba Mcalpine (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) And New Records From Colombia, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 52 (31), pp. 361-385 : 363-365

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492012021100001

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Neosilba McAlpine


Key for species of Neosilba McAlpine View in CoL

1. Male terminalia hemispherical-shape.................................................................................................2

1’. Male terminalia not hemispherical-shape ..........................................................................................9

2(1). Filament of the aedeagus long (reaching or beyond the apex of the epandrium), and more or less similar width throughout its length ( major View in CoL group) ................................................................................3

2’. Filament of the aedeagus short (just reaching the base of the epandrium) and wider in any part of it ( parva View in CoL group) .................................................................................................................................8

3(2). Wing distinctly fumose to unaided eye, at least on apical half ...........................................................4

3’. Wing practically clear to unaided eye ................................................................................................6

4(3). Wing distinctly bicoloured, apical half brownish, basal half milky-yellow. Margin of scutellum with one or more setulae proximal to basal scutellar bristle.................................... N. dimidiata (Curran) View in CoL

4’. Wing more uniformly brownish fumose. Margin of scutellum without setulae proximal to basal scutellar bristle ........................................................................................................................................5

5(4’). Calypteres dusky with brownish margins and fringes. Arista extremely shortly plumose, longest hairs about equal to length of basal aristal segment ............................................... N. fuscipennis (Curran) View in CoL

5’. Calypteres white with whitish fringes. Aristal plumosity about as wide as postpedicel ......................... .................................................................................................................... N. longicerata (Hennig) View in CoL

6(3’). Aedeagus ventrally flat, not beyond the base of the cerci, surstylus with 4 prensisetae... N. plana View in CoL sp. nov.

6’. Aedeagus tubular-shape.....................................................................................................................7

7(6’). Aedeagus beyond the apex of the cerci, surstylus with 10 prensisetae at each side... N. major (Malloch) View in CoL

7’. Aedeagus beyond the base of the cerci, but not reaching their apex, surstylus with 5 prensisetae at each side................................................................................................................... N. tolimensis View in CoL sp. nov.

8(2’). Filament of the aedeagus expanded distally in ventral view (chalice-shaped)........... N. parva (Hennig) View in CoL

8’. Filament of the aedeagus expanded basally in ventral view (bottle-shape) ............. N. amphora View in CoL sp. nov.

9(1’). Epandrium narrow in lateral view, aedeagus short (just longer than C-shape part of the aedeagus) ( peltae View in CoL group) ...............................................................................................................................10

9’. Epandrium wider than the surstylus or at least 1/3 wider than long ................................................15

10(9). Filament of the aedeagus as wide as C-shape part in lateral view......................................................11

10’. Filament of the aedeagus sligthly thinner than C-shape part in lateral view .....................................14

11(10). Filament of the aedeagus spiculated, apex not with special shape.....................................................12

11’. Filament of the aedeagus not spiculated, apex with a special shape ..................................................13

12(11). Filament of the aedeagus spiculated along its length ............................ N. peltae McAlpine & Steyskal View in CoL

12’. Filament of the aedeagus spiculated only at apex and at base ................................. N. convexa View in CoL sp. nov.

13(11’). Apex of the filament of the aedeagus arrow-like shape ........................................ N. mcalpeiniei Strikis

13’. Apex of the filament of the aedeagus crown-like shape ......................................... N. parapeltae Strikis View in CoL

14(10’). Apex of the aedeagus does not reach the base of the surstylus ................................ N. concava View in CoL sp. nov.

14’. Apex of the aedeagus beyond the base of the surstylus ............................................ N. ilheuense Strikis

15(9’). Filament of the aedeagus strongly thinner than the C-shape section ( glaberrima View in CoL group) ..................16

15’. Width of the filament and C-shape section of the aedeagus similar .................................................28

16(15). Aedeagus with a single or pair of processes arising from convex side of thickened C-shape base ( glaberrima View in CoL subgroup).............................................................................................................................17

16’. Junction of the filament and C-shape of the aedeagus smooth or with some carina or with glomerule-like structure but not with any process ( Certa View in CoL subgroup) ..............................................................23

17(16). Aedeagus with a pair of tooth-like process .......................................................................................18

17’. Aedeagus with a single process.........................................................................................................20

18(17). Epandrium as long as wide.................................................................................... N. delvechioi Strikis View in CoL

18’. Epandrium 2 times as long as wide..................................................................................................19

19(18). Apex of male abdomen with a cluster of stout spines, the cluster somewhat divided on middorsal line; paramere with an elongate lade-like medial lobe and a broad, low, shoulder-like, lateral lobe ........... ............................................................................................................. N. glaberrima (Wiedemann) View in CoL

19’. Apex of male abdomen without stout spines; paramere with two subequally long lobes, the medial one more slender......................................................................................................... N. batesi (Curran) View in CoL

20(17’). Aedeagus with a spine-like process at the junction of C-shape and the filament...............................21

20’. Process at the junction of C-shape and the filament of the aedeagus different shape ........................22

21(20). Epandrium as long as wide........................................................................... N. bifida Strikis & Prado View in CoL

21’. Epandrium 2 time as long as wide.................................................................... N. pseudobifida Strikis View in CoL

22(20’). Aedeagus with a finger-like lobe at the junction of C-shaped and the filament of the aedeagus, apex of the filament beyond the apex of cerci .................................................. N. inesperata Strikis & Prado View in CoL

22’. Aedeagus with a glomerule-like spiculated at the base of the C-shape of the aedeagus ......................... ................................................................................................................ N. pradoi Strikis & Lerena View in CoL

23(16’). Aedeagus with a median carina on outer convex side of C-shape .....................................................24

23’. Aedeagus without any structure in the C-shape ...............................................................................25

24(23). Aedeagus cone-like at the base of filament (gradual slimming) ................................. N. certa (Walker) View in CoL

24’. Aedeagus suddenly slimming at the base of the filament.......................................... N. piracea View in CoL sp. nov.

25(23’). Filament of the aedeagus with distal spiculae.................................................... N. distospinosa View in CoL sp. nov.

25’. Filament of the aedeagus not spiculated ..........................................................................................26

26(25’). Surstylus with 6-7 prensisetae arranged in two groups, 2 transversely disposed near midline, and 4-5 longitudinally and laterally disposed at each side ......................... N. oaxacana McAlpine & Steyskal View in CoL

26’. Surstylus with more than 7 prensisetae at each side .........................................................................27

27(26’). Filament of the aedeagus beyond the prensisetae; surstylus with 10 distal prensisetae at each side not arranged in groups....................................................................................... N. bella Strikis & Prado View in CoL

27’. Filament of the aedeagus not reaching the prensisetae; surstylus with 9 distal prensisetae at each side.. .................................................................................................................... N. paramerolatus Strikis View in CoL

28(15’). Apex of the filament of the aedeagus not tapered nor swollen, nor S-shaped, nor bent ....................29

28’. Apex of the filament of the aedeagus strongly or slightly swollen and/or S-shaped and/or bent ( pendula View in CoL group) ..........................................................................................................................................31

29(28). Filament of the aeddeagus with spiculae ..........................................................................................30

29’. Filament of the aedeagus without spiculae.................................................. N. nigrocaerulea (Malloch) View in CoL

30(29). 1/3 distal of the filament spiculated..................................................................... N. pantanense Strikis View in CoL

30’. Flament of the aedeagus with small spiculae at base, surstylus with 6 prensisetae at each side .............. ................................................................................................................................. N. laura Strikis View in CoL

31(28’). Basal part of the aedeagus circle-shape.............................................................................................32

31’. Basal part of the aedeagus C-shape ..................................................................................................34

32(31’). Epandrium more than 5 times as long as wide in lateral view ......... N. zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal View in CoL

32’. Epandrium as long as wide in lateral view .......................................................................................33

33(32’). Surstylus with 12 prensisetae at each side ................................................................ N. orbata View in CoL sp. nov.

33’. Surstylus with 5 or 6 prensisetae at each side ............................................... N. pseduozadolicha Strikis

34(31’). Filament of the aedeagus with 4 lines of spicula in the 4/5 from the base ............. N. spiculata View in CoL sp. nov.

34’. Filament of the aedeagus smooth.....................................................................................................35

35(34). Filament of the aedeagus with different width along its length ........................................................36

35’. Filament of the aedeagus with equal width along its length .............................................................37

36(35). Aedeagus slender after C-shape and become large abruptly............................... N. cornuphallus Strikis View in CoL

36’. C-shape and the base of the filament of the aedeagus equal width .................. N. turgidiphallus Strikis View in CoL

37(35’). Apex of the filament distally strongly swollen ..................................................................................38

37’. Apex of the filament not strongly swollen........................................................................................39

38(37). Apex of the filament of the aedeagus strongly swollen (more than two times) and not clearly S-shape, filament just reaching the base of the cerci........................................................... N. pendula (Bezzi) View in CoL

38’. Apex of the filament of the aedeagus swollen, but less than 2 times, and reaching the base of the cerci ................................................................................ N. pseudopendula (Korytkowski & Ojeda) View in CoL

39(37’). Surstylus with 8 transversal and distal prensisetae at each side, gonopodite tubular-shape.................... ....................................................................................................... N. perezi (Romero S. & Ruppel) View in CoL

39’. Surstylus with 9 longitudinal prensisetae at each side, 2 located near midline and 7 laterally located, gonopodite medially wider .................................................................................. N. angusta View in CoL sp. nov.











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