Orieosia stenoptera, Vos, 2022

Vos, Rob De, 2022, The genus Orieosia Bucsek, 2012 also found in New Guinea, with description of two new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini), Zootaxa 5188 (2), pp. 179-188 : 181-182

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5188.2.7

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scientific name

Orieosia stenoptera

sp. nov.

Orieosia stenoptera View in CoL spec. nov.

( Figs 4 View FIGURES 1–9 , 17 View FIGURES 16–19 )

Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS.1108990, Indonesia, Irian Jaya, Arfak Mts, Warmare Dua , 0˚58′S–133˚53′E, 27.ii.1996, at light, primary forest/cultiv. area, ZMA-exp. 1996.

Paratypes: 4 ♀♀, RMNH.INS.1108987-989, KSP65151, Indonesia, Irian Jaya, Arfak Mts, Warmare Dua , 0˚58′S–133˚53′E, 27.ii.1996, at light, primary forest/cultiv. area, ZMA-exp. 1996 ; 1 ♀, RMNH.INS.1108999, Indonesia, Papua Barat, Birdshead Peninsula, Arfak Mountains, Maripi , 112 m, 0˚55′S–133˚58′E, 19.xi.2011, at light, Papua Insects Foundation ; 1 ♀ (syntype of hypopolius ), NHMUK010918910 About NHMUK , # 956 About NHMUK , [ Papua New Guinea], Dampier Isl. [Karkar], Feb. Mch. 1914., Meek’s Exped., Rothschild Bequest, B.M. 1939-1 ; 1 ♀, NHMUK014201615 About NHMUK , [ Papua New Guinea, Central Province], Papua, Mafulu , 4,000 ft, xii.1933, L.E. Cheesman, B.M. 1934-321 .

Diagnosis: Forewings distinctly narrower compared with the similar O. hypopolius . Head and patagia smaller than in hypopolius . Cell with two or three, tiny obscure dots, less pronounced than those in hypopolius . Hindwings narrower and darker in stenoptera than in hypopolius . Fringes of both wings longer in stenoptera than in hypopolius . Female genitalia with a longer and somewhat broader antrum than in hypopolius . Cervix bursae with two lobes covered with sclerotized striae and spikes, in hypopolius and tetrastigmata this is one field.

Description: Fwl. ♀ 9.0– 10.2 mm. Male unknown. Female with antennae ciliate. Antennae, head and thorax buff, abdomen dark grey. Legs buff. Forewings narrow with straight costa, near base more arched. Apex rather sharp. Ground colour of forewing buff, marginally slightly suffused with dark grey, in some specimens more or less sprinkled with dark brown scales. Usually with two small dark brown spots in cell, one in the middle on the cubital vein, and one at the end of the cell, in some specimens a small third spot is visible obliquely below the other one, or all spots may be missing. Fringes long, silvery white with a narrow yellowish fringe line. In some contrasted specimens a row of faint marginal spots are visible along the apex.

Hindwings rather narrow triangular, termen not concave, apex rather acute. Ground colour of hindwing grey, slightly darker near apex.

Female genitalia with a long and broad funnel-shaped antrum. Cervix bursae on top of the bursa copulatrix with two large lobes covered with sclerotized striae and spikes. Bursa copulatrix rather small.

Distribution: The species is occurring sympatric with O. hypopolius . It is found on the Birdshead Peninsula at low altitudes in the northern Arfak Mountains (Papua Barat, Indonesia) and in the far East of New Guinea on Karkar Island (former Dampier Island) and in the Owen Stanley Range (Central Province, Papua New Guinea).

Etymology: The species name refers to the relatively narrow forewings (Greek: stenos = narrow, ptera = wing) compared with its sibling species O. hypopolius .


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis













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