Pseudoikedella achaeta ( Zenkevitch, 1958 )

Biseswar, Ramlall, 2005, Report on some deep-sea echiurans (Echiura) of the North-East Atlantic, Zoosystema 27 (1), pp. 37-46 : 41

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5392733

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scientific name

Pseudoikedella achaeta ( Zenkevitch, 1958 )


Pseudoikedella achaeta ( Zenkevitch, 1958) View in CoL ( Fig. 2A, B View FIG )

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Porcupine Abyssal Plain, BENGAL 3, Discovery 229, stn 13200#94, 48º50.99’N, 16º26.03’W, 4847 m, 25.VII.1997, 2.


Colour of proboscis and trunk is light pink in preserved state. Trunk of larger specimen is 50 mm long and 10 mm across broadest part. Corresponding measurements of smaller specimen are 28 mm and 13 mm. Proboscis is truncate, 4 mm in length, rounded at distal end; lateral margins curl inwards and unite proximally to form funnel around mouth ( Fig. 2A View FIG ). Junction of proboscis and trunk is stout. Anterior end of trunk covered with small round- ed papillae, rest of integument is smooth. Single genital pore located few millimetres away from anterior end of trunk ( Fig. 2A View FIG ). Ventral setae absent.

Single gonoduct located on right side of nerve cord ( Fig. 2B View FIG ). Gonostome lateral near terminal extremity, located on a small stalk. Dorsal vessel prominent, passes anteriorly and enters proboscis. Neurointestinal vessel missing probably damaged. Intestine filled with soft mud. Anal vesicles are two slender tubes with sparsely distributed ciliated funnels.


Pseudoikedella achaeta View in CoL was originally described by Zenkevitch (1958) from specimens collected at great depths from the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. This species has also been reported from several other localities in the North Pacific and Tasman Sea ( Zenkevitch 1958, 1966; Zenkevitch & Murina 1976). Recently, P. achaeta View in CoL was recorded and described from Antarctica waters by Saiz-Salinas et al. (2000).

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