Torbenwolffia galatheae Zenkevitch, 1966

Biseswar, Ramlall, 2005, Report on some deep-sea echiurans (Echiura) of the North-East Atlantic, Zoosystema 27 (1), pp. 37-46 : 38

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5392733


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scientific name

Torbenwolffia galatheae Zenkevitch, 1966


Torbenwolffia galatheae Zenkevitch, 1966 View in CoL ( Fig. 1 View FIG A-C)

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Porcupine Abyssal Plain, BENGAL 3, Discovery 229, stn 13200#94, 48°50.99’N, 16º26.03’W, 4847 m, 25.VII.1997, 1.


Colour of preserved specimen is light pink. Only basal stump of proboscis is attached to trunk, the rest is missing. Lateral margins of proboscis unite proximally to form a narrow lower lip ventral to mouth ( Fig. 1A View FIG ). Trunk is cylindrical, 53 mm long and 12 mm at broadest part. Body wall in anterior half of trunk is thick and opaque, in posterior half it is thinner and devoid of papillae. Papillae are microscopic, arranged in concentric rings around the trunk. Gonopore located on rounded elevation of body wall ( Fig. 1A View FIG ). Ventral setae absent.

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