Simulium (Psilopelmia) ochraceum Walker, 1861

HERNÁNDEZ, LUIS MIGUEL, SHELLEY, ANTHONY JOHN, DE LUNA DIAS, ANTONIO PAULINO ANDRADE & MAIA-HERZOG, MARILZA, 2007, New specific synonymies and taxonomic notes on Neotropical black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) belonging to the subgenera Chirostilbia Enderlein, Hemicnetha Enderlein, Inaequalium Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, Psaroniocompsa Enderlein and Psilopelmia Enderlein, Zootaxa 1506 (1), pp. 1-80 : 27-28

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Felipe (2021-07-09 17:10:50, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 07:59:47)

scientific name

Simulium (Psilopelmia) ochraceum Walker


Simulium (Psilopelmia) ochraceum Walker View in CoL complex

( Figs. 49, 50 View PLATE 4 )

Simulium ochraceum Walker, 1861: 332 View in CoL . NEOTYPE ♀, MEXICO: Chiapas State, Huixtla, Morelos, (A.L. Millest) (BMNH) [Neotype designation by Shelley et al. 2000: 165.]

Simulium bipunctatum Malloch, 1912: 650 View in CoL . HOLOTYPE ♀, PERU: Rio Charape, 13.ix.1911 (C. H. T. Townsend) (USNM, cat. no. 15305) [Examined.] [Synonymized with S. dinellii Joan View in CoL by Knab, 1913: 155; revalidated by Coscarón, 1985: 320.] [Synonymy with S. ochraceum View in CoL by Shelley et al. 2000: 165.]

Simulium antillarum Jennings, 1915: 200 View in CoL . LECTOTYPE ♂, VIRGIN ISLANDS: St Croix Island, 1.5 miles west of West End, Frederiksted, 24.xi.1913 (A.H. Jennings) (USNM, cat. no. 19997). [Lectotype designation by Stone, 1969: 313).] [Synonymy of S. antillarum View in CoL with S. bipunctatum View in CoL by Shelley et al., 1989: 92; synonymy with S. ochraceum View in CoL by Shelley et al. 2000: 165.]

Simulium scutellatum Lane and Porto, 1940: 192 View in CoL [In Porto, 1940: 383]. HOLOTYPE ♀ (man-biting), COLOMBIA: Restrepo; 6.i.1935, (S.F.A.) (MZUSP). [Synonymy by Py-Daniel & Moreira Sampaio, 1995.] [Examined.]

Simulium wolcotti Fox, 1953: 138 View in CoL . HOLOTYPE ♂, PUERTO RICO: Henry Barracks, near Cayey, 1950 (I. Fox) (STMPR). [Synonymy with S. antillarum Jennings View in CoL by Stone, 1969: 313; synonymy with S. bipunctatum View in CoL by Shelley et al., 1989: 92; synonymy with S. ochraceum View in CoL by Shelley et al. 2000: 165.]

Simulium pseudoantillarum Ramírez Pérez & Vulcano, 1973: 379 View in CoL . SYNTYPES 1♀, 1♂, VENEZUELA: Monagas State, San Antonio de Maturin, [No collection date.] (Ramírez Pérez & Vulcano) (DERM). [Synonymy with S. antillarum View in CoL by Shelley et al., 1989: 93; synonymy with S. ochraceum View in CoL by Shelley et al. 2000: 165.]

The female of S. ochraceum was described by Walker in 1861 from the collection of Diptera of W.W. Saunders. No indication of the number of specimens examined was made nor details of the type locality other than Mexico. The complicated taxonomy, distribution, biology and medical importance of this species has been reviewed by Shelley et al. (2000), who also redescribed the female, male and pupa, and designated a neotype for S. ochraceum . However, at that time the authors did not include under the list of synonyms of S. ochraceum the name S. scutellatum , synonymized with S. bipunctatum in Py-Daniel & Moreira Sampaio (1995), because the type material was not available for study. Coscarón (1991) also noted the similarity of S. scutellatum with S. bipunctatum , but declined from making any synonymy until other stages could be obtained for examination. We have now been able to examine the female holotype and one female paratype of S. scutellatum , both housed in the MZUSP, and have the following comments to make. Porto (1940) redescribed S. exiguum and S. subnigrum from specimens collected in Restrepo, Colombia. In this paper the author provided a key to identify eight species of Simulium in which the name S. scutellatum was first published. He keyed out this species by the following characters “…tomentum of mesonotum yellowish; species of small size and developed scutellum…”. Following the rule of the ICZN (1999, article 12, 13) this constitutes the original description of this species. In the same year, Lane and Porto (1940) fully described S. scutellatum based on 16 man-biting females collected in Colombia, Restrepo on 6.i.1935 by S.F.A [=probably Salvador Albani]. They also recorded this species from Juquiá, São Paulo State, but in a later paper Lane & Vulcano (1943) considered this material to belong to another species that they were unable to identify. The female holotype is weakly discoloured, but otherwise in good condition. The paratype is also discoloured and the head is missing (see Material Examined). The holotype has been glued to a card point and the left side of the thorax is partially covered with glue. However, the thorax in both specimens shows a pattern commonly found in populations of S. ochraceum : with light source anterior the thorax is orange with 1+1 pair of submedian silvery white, comma-shaped cunae in anterior third ( Fig. 49 View PLATE 4 ). With light source posterior to the specimen the thorax is completely orange ( Fig. 50 View PLATE 4 ). Therefore, we consider S. scutellatum conspecific with S. ochraceum , thus confirming Py-Daniel & Moreira-Sampaio’s (1995) synonymy.

The adults of S. ochraceum are externally similar to S. callidum from which they can only be readily distinguished by the configuration of the pupal gill filaments (see Shelley et al., 2000). Simulium ochraceum s.l. is largely anthropophilic in Central America [see Dalmat (1955) for most comprehensive study of biology of S. ochraceum s.l. in Guatemala] while in Ecuador and in the majority of the Caribbean Islands it is mainly zoophilic, only rarely coming to bite man. It is, however, markedly anthropophilic in the Upper Amazon region of Brazil along the R. Vaupés, but only occasionally bites man farther north in the Amazonia onchocerciasis focus of Brazil and Venezuela. In parts of Guadeloupe and the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador it can also be a biting nuisance, in Guatemala, it is also recorded as biting cats, cattle, chickens, donkeys, dogs, ducks, foxes, goats, horses, mules, pigeons, pigs, sheep, tayras, and turkeys ( Dalmat, 1955). This species is the primary vector of human onchocerciasis in Guatemala and Mexico and may be responsible for sporadic transmission of the disease in the onchocerciasis foci of mainland Ecuador. Shelley et al. (2002) recorded S. ochraceum s.l. from Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Ecuador [including Galapagos Islands], French Guiana, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Montserrat, Panama, Perú, Puerto Rico, St. Croix and Trinidad.

Coscaron, S. (1985) Revision del subgenero Simulium (Ectemnaspis) Enderlein (Simuliidae, Diptera, Insecta). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 43: 283 - 325.

Coscaron, S. (1991) Simuliidae. Fauna de Agua Dulce de la Republica Argentina 38 (Insecta Diptera) (2), 1 - 304 [+ 78 pp. figures and figure legends].

Dalmat, H. T. (1955) The black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) of Guatemala and their role as vectors of onchocerciasis. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Publications, 125, vii + 1 - 425.

Fox, I. (1953) Notes on Puerto Rican Simuliidae from light traps (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 55, 135 - 140.

Jennings, A. (1915) Two new species of Simuliidae from tropical America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 17, 199 - 200.

Knab, F. (1913) A note on some American Simulidae. Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, 1, 154 - 156.

Lane, J. & Porto, C. E. (1940) Simulideos da regiao neotropical. III - Descricao de novas especies dos generos Simulium e Eusimulium. Arquivos do Instituto Biologico, 11, 189 - 195.

Malloch, J. R. (1912) One new genus and eight new species of dipterous insects in the United States National Museum collection. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 43, 649 - 658 + 1 plate.

Porto, C. E. (1940). Simulideos da regiao neotropica. Arquivos de Zoologia do Estado de So Paulo 1, 383 - 385.

Py-Daniel, V. & Moreira Sampaio, R. T. (1995) Generos e especies de Simuliidae (Diptera: Culicimorpha) assinalados para o Brasil ate 1995. Entomologia y Vectores, 5, 117 - 121.

Ramirez Perez, J. & Vulcano, M. A. (1973) Descripcion y resdescripciones de algunos simulidos de Venezuela (Diptera: Simuliidae). Archivos de Venezolanos de Medicina Tropical y Parasitologia Medica, 5, 375 - 399.

Shelley, A. J., Maia-Herzog, M., Lowry, C. A., Luna Dias, A. P. A., Garritano, P. R., Shelley, A., Camargo, M. & Carter, H. G. (2000) The Simuliidae (Diptera) of the secondary onchocerciasis focus at Minacu in central Brazil. Bulletin of The Natural History Museum (Entomology series), 69, 171 - 221.

Shelley, A. J., Hernandez, L. M. & Penn, M. (2002) A biosystematic revision of the blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Belize, Central America. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Entomology), 71, 135 - 271.

Stone, A. (1969) The black flies of Dominica (Diptera, Simuliidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 71: 312 - 318.

Walker, F. (1861) Characters of undescribed Diptera in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq., F. R. S. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (n. s.), 5 (1858 - 1861), 268 - 334.

Gallery Image

PLATE 4. FIGURES 45–58. Colour patterns of the female thorax. For each species first figure is with anterior illumination and second figure with posterior illumination. 45, 46: S. minuanum paratype; 47, 48: S. costaricensis holotype; 49, 50: S. stellatum holotype; 51, 52: S. spinifer holotype; 53, 54: S. spinifer paratype; 55, 56: S. hoffmani lectotype; 57, 58: S. sicuani lectotype.


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