Nops variabilis Keyserling, 1877

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121 : 107

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4427.1.1

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scientific name

Nops variabilis Keyserling, 1877


Nops variabilis Keyserling, 1877 View in CoL

Figure 71G‒L View FIGURE 71 ; 74A‒F

Nops variabilis Keyserling, 1877: 218 View in CoL , pl. 7, fig. 8. Male and female syntypes from New Granada (today city of Bogotá), Colombia, E. Keyserling (NHM 1890.7.1.492, only the female in the vial; examined). Hasselt, 1887: 85, pl. 6, figs 8–9. Berland, 1913: 85, pl. 7, fig. 11.

Remarks. Male syntype was not examined and may be lost. Fortunately specimens from Paramo de Monserrate, a locality on the outskirts of the city of Bogotá (type locality) can be assigned to this species.

Additional material examined. COLOMBIA: Bogotá: Páramo de Monserrate (4°36′21″N, 74°2′23″W) GoogleMaps , Bogotá, 1968‒1969, H. Sturm, 1♂ 1♀ 2 immature ( AMNH) . Ditto, 3200 m, 28.xii.1967, Espel grandifl, 1♀ 2 immatures ( AMNH). Cundinamarca: Páramo de Monserrate , 7 Km NE Bogotá (4°15′N, 74°01′W) 3230 m, 30.ix.1989, H. Sturm, 1 immature ( MCZ 12 About MCZ 8509). 15 km E Bogotá GoogleMaps , 3300 m, 16.iii.1974, L & N Herman, 1♀ (AMNH). Choschi Rd., 3300 m, 19.vii.1967, P & B Wygodzinsky, 1 immature ( AMNH). VENEZUELA: Mérida: Páramo La Culata , 18.5 km NE Mérida, (08°44′34″N, 71°03′44″W), 2950 m, 25.v.1998, R. Anderson, dead leaves under Espeletia schultzi , 1 immature ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Tachira: Páramo La Negra , 15 Km SE Pueblo Hondo (08°14′50″N, 71°52′31″W), 2910 m, 27.v.1998, R. Anderson, dead leaves under Espeletia sp., 1♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Males and females resemble similar congener Nops quito , which have a similar abdominal pattern as in figure 6K, and the posterior unpaired claws small ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ); but can be distinguished by having the PLS of equal size as the PMS similar to the figure 7C‒D.

Description. Male (Bogotá, AMNH): Carapace, chelicerae and legs light orange, coxae and trochanters lighter ( Fig. 74A View FIGURE 74 ). Endites, labium and sternum light orange. Abdomen light gray, dorsal pattern as in figure 6K, lighter ventrally. Anal tubercle and spinnerets light gray. Total length 8.9. Carapace 5.5 long, 3.6 wide. Sternum 4.4 long, 3.2 wide. Leg measurements: I: 3.9; II: 3.75; III: 3.5; IV: 4.0. Posterior unpaired claws small, as in other three‒clawed spiders ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ). PLS of equal size as PMS. Palp with straight embolus, not twisted and shorter than palpal tibia ( Figs 71H‒I View FIGURE 71 ; 74B‒C); embolar tip with a small cut on prolateral side and one short extensions ( Fig. 71H‒I View FIGURE 71 ).

Female (Bogotá, AMNH): Carapace, chelicerae, labium, coxae, legs, endites and sternum as in male. Abdomen as in male ( Fig. 74D View FIGURE 74 ). Anal tubercle and spinnerets whitish yellow. Total length 9.5. Carapace 5.9 long, 4.2 wide. Sternum 4.95 long, 3.8 wide. Leg measurements: I: 4.2; II: 4.1; III: 3.7; IV: 4.35. Posterior unpaired claws ( Fig. 71L View FIGURE 71 ) and PLS as in male. External genital area with slightly sclerotized anterior plate, and lep, unremarkable ess ( Fig. 74E View FIGURE 74 ). Internal genitalia with wide invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with narrow base ( Figs 71J View FIGURE 71 ; 74F).

Natural history. Specimens from AMNH were collected with Barber pitfall traps.

Distribution. Known from Venezuela and Colombia ( Fig. 57G View FIGURE 57 ).


American Museum of Natural History














Nops variabilis Keyserling, 1877

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2018

Nops variabilis

Keyserling, 1877 : 218
Hasselt, 1887 : 85
Berland, 1913 : 85
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