Parastrophia cf. ivani Vannozzi, 2017

Walter, Angelo Vannozzi & Renda, Walter, 2024, Sampling the depth: New data on the Caecidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from northeastern Papua New Guinea, Zoosystema 46 (14), pp. 327-347 : 346

publication ID 10.5252/zoosystema2024v46a14

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Parastrophia cf. ivani Vannozzi, 2017


Parastrophia cf. ivani Vannozzi, 2017 View in CoL

( Fig. 9D, E View FIG )

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Papua New Guinea • 1 sh; New Ireland; KAVIENG 2014 Stn DW4470; 2°45’S, 150°37’E; 163-358 m depth; 3.IX.2014; MNHN GoogleMaps 1 sh; New Ireland; KAVIENG 2014 Stn DW4487; 2°25’S, 149°59’E; 130-153 m depth; 6.IX.2014; MNHN GoogleMaps .


Shell small for the genus, colourless, semitransparent. Coiled protoconch small of 0.75 whorls.Uncoiled protoconch conical, slightly curved, ending with a clear varix showing a crenulated edge. Teleoconch conical, virtually smooth, gradually growing, showing a few hardly-visible rings both adapically and abapically. Microsculpture of fine growth lines. Hardly visible longitudinal cordlets occur in the early teleoconch. Aperture simple, slightly dilated and then contracted.Length c. 2.8 mm.


Two specimens, none of them in good condition, were examined. Attribution is tentative due to slight differences with respect to specimens of Parastrophia ivani examined from other localities.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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