Crioceratites coniferus Busnardo, 2003

Vašíček, Zdeněk, Błażejowski, Błażej, Gaździcki, Andrzej, Król, Maria, Lefeld, Jerzy, Skupien, Petr & Wierzbowski, Andrzej, 2020, Early Cretaceous ammonites and dinoflagellates from the Western Tatra Mountains, Poland, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (4), pp. 799-810 : 804-806

publication ID 10.4202/app.00754.2020

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Crioceratites coniferus Busnardo


Crioceratites coniferus Busnardo View in CoL in Busnardo et al., 2003

Fig. 5A–C View Fig .

1996 Crioceratites View in CoL n. sp. 1; Reboulet 1996: 177, pl. 23: 1, 2, 4, pl. 24: 7.

2003 Crioceratites coniferus View in CoL n. sp.; Busnardo et al. 2003: 61, pl. 4: 3, 6.

2005 Crioceratites coniferus Busnardo, Charollais, Weidmann, and Clavel, 2003 View in CoL ; Vašíček 2005: 251, figs. 4.1, 4.2.

2007 Crioceratites coniferus Busnardo View in CoL ; Klein et al. 2007: 38 (cum syn.).

2013 Crioceratites coniferus Busnardo et al. View in CoL ; Michalík et al. 2013: 94, fig. 65/4, 5.

Material.—Two large deformed specimens ( GEO.1.2018, Fig. 5A; G View Fig /1729/MT, Fig. 5C View Fig ), imperfectly preserved mainly in form of imprints. A silicone cast has been made from the GEO.1.2018 ( ZPAL Am. 25/1, Fig. 5B View Fig ) favourably showing morphology of the inner whorl, in particular.. All from Cretaceous, Tatra Mountains, Poland.

Description.—Free coiled involute specimens. From the earliest preserved diameter D of about 47 mm (in the axis of elongation), main and accessory ribs are distinct. The main ribs are strong and trituberculated. At first, 2–3 simple ribs are inserted between the pairs of the main ribs. The number of inserted ribs increases up to 4–5. In the ultimate whorl, the silicone cast bears strong umbilical, lateral and ventrolateral tubercles, often connected with spines. In one case, a strong ventrolateral spine with a length of approximately 21 mm is preserved.

Measurements.—In the axis of elongation GEO.1.2018 reaches a diameter of about 123 mm, while G/1729/MT of 150 mm.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—The holotype originates from the base of Hauterivian in the External Alps of Switzerland. Reboulet (1996) states that the findings from the Vocontian Basin originate from sediments around the Valanginian–Hauterivian boundary. At Butkov, Crioceratites coniferus occurs in the Upper Valanginian ( Criosarasinella furcillata Zone ), as well as in sediments around the Valanginian–Hauterivian boundary ( Vašíček 2005).


Family Lamellaptychidae Měchová, Vašíček, and Houša, 2010

Genus Didayilamellaptychus Turculet, 1994

Type species: Aptychus didayi Coquand, 1841;? Lioux (Basses Alpes), France, Lower Hauterivian, by original designation .

Didayilamellaptychus seranonis ( Coquand, 1841) Fig. 3B View Fig .

1841 Aptychus Seranonis (nobis); Coquand 1841: 390, pl. 9: 13.

2010 Didayilamellaptychus seranonis ( Coquand, 1841) ; Měchová et al. 2010: 258, fig. 11B (cum syn.).

Material.—An imprint of a thick­walled, incomplete valve with a slight rest of the original calcite material in the terminal area ( ZPAL Am. 25/12), from Cretaceous, Tatra Mountains, Poland.

Description.—On the flank of the incomplete valve, ribs with inflection are distinct. The ribs are gradually increasing in thickness and running arched towards the symphysal margin. They are connected with this margin as reversely bent toward the non­preserved existing apex of the valve. The incomplete symphysal margin is 19.5 mm long.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—According to Měchová et al. (2010) D. seranonis occurs in the Western and Central Europe (including the Western Carpathians) in Upper Valanginian to the Lower Hauterivian.


Zoological Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences










Crioceratites coniferus Busnardo

Vašíček, Zdeněk, Błażejowski, Błażej, Gaździcki, Andrzej, Król, Maria, Lefeld, Jerzy, Skupien, Petr & Wierzbowski, Andrzej 2020

Crioceratites coniferus

Michalik, J. & Vasicek, Z. & Boorova, D. & Golej, M. & Halasova, E. & Hort, P. & Ledvak, P. & Lintnerova, O. & Mechova L. & Simo, V. & Simonova, V. & Rehakova, D. & Schlogl, J. & Skupien, P. & Smreckova, M. & Sotak, J. & Zahradnikova, B. 2013: 94

Didayilamellaptychus seranonis ( Coquand, 1841 )

Mechova, L. & Vasicek, Z. & Housa, V. 2010: 258

Crioceratites coniferus Busnardo

Klein, J. & Busnardo, R. & Company, M. & Delanoy, G. & Kakabadze, M. & Reboulet, S. & Ropolo, P. & Vasicek, Z. & Vermeulen, J. 2007: 38

Crioceratites coniferus

Vasicek, Z. 2005: 251

Crioceratites coniferus

Busnardo, R. & Charollais, J. & Weidmann, M. & Clavel, B. 2003: 61


Reboulet, S. 1996: 177
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