Speccafrons digitiformis, Liu & Yang, 2015

Liu, Xiaoyan & Yang, Ding, 2015, Speccafrons (Diptera: Chloropidae: Oscinellinae) newly found in mainland China with description of a new species, Florida Entomologist 98 (2), pp. 563-566 : 564-566

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1653/024.098.0226

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scientific name

Speccafrons digitiformis


1. Speccafrons digitiformis View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs. 1-8 View Fig View Figs )

DIAGNOSIS thick grayish microtomentum; first flagellomere as long as wide; arista brown except for basal segment yellowish brown, with short pubescence. Proboscis and palpus yellow with yellow setulae.

Ocellar triangle with gray microtomentum. Scutum brown with 4 narrow black stripes and a small black macula on each postalar region. Legs yellow except for middle 1/3 of hind tibia black. Gonites tapered to narrow apices, long finger-like.


Male ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Body length 2.3–2.4 mm, wing length 1.6–1.9 mm.

Head brown with gray microtomentum, 0.7 times as long as high, as wide as thorax; face yellow, somewhat concave in lateral view, facial carina linear; frons yellowish brown with yellow apex, 0.9 times as long as wide, projecting slightly in front of eye; gena yellow, broad, 0.5 times as wide as first flagellomere; parafacial indistinct. Ocellar triangle blackish brown, with gray microtomentum, extending to 0.6 of frons, with pointed apex; ocellar tubercle blackish brown. Postgena and occiput black. Cephalic setae and setulae yellow; orb 8 moderately long; vte longest; oc hair-like, poc developed, poc 2 times as long as oc; vti hair-like, vte developed, vte 2 times as long as vti. Antenna yellow except for distodorsal margin of first flagellomere yellowish brown, with

Thorax blackish brown, thickly covered with grayish microtomentum, evenly covered with short setulae. Scutum brown, as long as wide, with 4 narrow black stripes and a small black macula on each postalar region. Thoracic pleuron glossy brown without microtomentum except for anteroventral portion of anepisternum, ventral 2/3 of katepisternum and posteroventral portion of katepimeron black. Katepisternum with some yellow setulae. Scutellum yellow, 0.7 times as long as wide; ap sc developed, 1.5 times as long as scutellum; sap sc 0.5 times as long as ap sc. Setae and setulae on thorax yellow; npl 1+2, a npl as long as p npl; a pa shorter than p pa; 1 dc hair-like, as long as a pa. Legs yellow except for middle 1/3 of hind tibia black. Setulae on legs brown. Wing 2.3 times as long as wide, hyaline; veins brown. Relative lengths of 2nd: 3rd: 4th costal sections = 4: 2: 1; crossveins r-m and m-m not approximate, r-m at basal 0.6 of discal cell. Halter yellow.

Abdomen glossy brown except for tergites 1+2 yellow with distolateral portion brown, tergite 5 yellow with a small triangular brown spot; venter yellow.Setulae on abdomen yellow. Male genitalia ( Figs. 2-5 View Figs ): Epandrium yellow with long yellow setulae; surstylus strongly sclerotized, globose,with small pointed prominence directed medially, covered with short thick setulae,weakly articulating with epandrium.Cercus separate, large and broad, as long as broad. Gonites not well demarcated, tapered to narrow apex, long finger-like; phallus short, tube-like; phallapodeme short with basal stalk broad in lateral view. Hypandrium closed.

Female. Body length 2.4–2.7 mm, wing length 2.2–2.5 mm.

External characteristics similar to male except for scutellum brown with yellow marginally. Female genitalia ( Figs. 6-8 View Figs ): Tergite 9 rhombic, as long as wide, with 2 long setae; sternite 9 semicircular, with long stout setae. Cercus short and stout with some long setae.


HOLOTYPE male, CHINA: Yunnan, Kunming, Xishan , 15-IV-2007, Coll. Hui Dong (in 75% alcohol, deposited in CAU) . Paratypes 63 males, 36 females, same date as holotype; 1 male, Guizhou, Rongjiang , Ping- yang, 02-VI-2005, Coll. Yanling Xu (in 75% alcohol, deposited in CAU) .


China (Yunnan, Guizhou) .


The new species is somewhat similar to S. pallidinervis (Becker) in having the thorax thickly covered with grayish microtomentum, scutum brown with 4 narrow black stripes and a small black macula on each postalar region. It can be separated from the latter by the following features: scutellum yellow; legs yellow except for middle 1/3 of hind tibia black. In S. pallidinervis , the scutellum is black; the legs are brownish yellow with all femora blackened except for each distal end, fore tibia weakly infuscated with dark brown medially, mid tibia narrowly and hind tibia broadly blackened medially, all tarsi pale yellow ( Becker 1911; Kanmiya 1983).


The specific name is from the Latin digitiformis (“digitiform”), and it refers to the shape of gonites.


China Agricultural University













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