Chamaecrista rotundifolia ( Persoon 1805: 456 ) Greene (1899:31)

Gomes, Aureliana Santos, Rodrigues, Erimágna De Morais, Moura, Débora Coelho, Melo, José Iranildo Miranda De, Ribeiro, Rayane De Tasso Moreira & Queiroz, Rubens Teixeira De, 2022, Fabaceae Lindl. in a Conservation Unit in the Semi-Arid Region of Paraíba, Brazil, Phytotaxa 555 (1), pp. 17-41 : 28

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Plazi (2022-07-21 14:31:33, last updated 2024-11-26 03:18:42)

scientific name

Chamaecrista rotundifolia ( Persoon 1805: 456 ) Greene (1899:31)


12. Chamaecrista rotundifolia ( Persoon 1805: 456) Greene (1899:31) View in CoL

Herbs, branches pilose, inermous. Nectary absent. Stipules lateral stipules, ovate. Leaves paripinnate, 2–foliolate, leaflets opposite, obovate, venation actinodromous, translucid punctuation absent. Inflorescence cymose, axillary. Flowers pedicellate, asymmetric, diplostemonous; calyx dialysepalous, sepals 5, corolla dialypetalous, yellow, petals 5; androecium dialystaminous, homodinamous, anthers longitudinal; ovary superior, sessile, pluriovulate. Fruit legume, sessile, linear, plane, margin straight, epicarp glabrous, brown. Seeds trapezoid, plane, coat black, hilum basal.

Examined material:— BRAZIL. Paraíba: Maturéia, Pico do Jabre , 800 m elev., 13 May 2019, fl. & fr., Aureliana Gomes 2098 ( HACAM) .

Distribution and ecology:— The species occurs from the western United States of America to Uruguay, has records in the five regions of Brazil in all its phytogeographic domains ( Flora do Brasil 2020), associated with open and anthropogenic environments with invasive plant behavior (Queiroz; Loiola, 2009; Dantas; Silva, 2013, Souto et al. 2019).

Phenology:— Registered with flowers and fruits in May.

Taxonomic discussion:— Chamaecrista rotundifolia can be recognized by the absence of nectary, bifoliolate leaves, asymmetrical pedicel flowers, dialypetalous corolla.

Flora do Brasil 2020 (2020) Fabaceae. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. [http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 115]

Greene, E. L. (1899) Chamaecrista rotundifolia (Pers.) Greene. Pittonia 4 (20 D): 31.

Persoon, C. H. (1805) Cassia rotundifolia Pers. Synopsis Plantarum 1: 456.

Souto, F. S., Quaresma, A. A., Queiroz, R. T. & Pereira, M. S. (2019) Estudo taxonomico da Tribo Cassieae (Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae) no Parque Ecologico Engenheiro Avidos, Cajazeiras-PB. Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciencias Exatas e da Natureza 3 (1): 18 - 39. https: // doi. org / 10.29215 / pecen. v 3 i 1.1146











