Poecilanthe grandiflora Bentham (1860: 80)

Gomes, Aureliana Santos, Rodrigues, Erimágna De Morais, Moura, Débora Coelho, Melo, José Iranildo Miranda De, Ribeiro, Rayane De Tasso Moreira & Queiroz, Rubens Teixeira De, 2022, Fabaceae Lindl. in a Conservation Unit in the Semi-Arid Region of Paraíba, Brazil, Phytotaxa 555 (1), pp. 17-41 : 33

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Plazi (2022-07-21 14:31:33, last updated 2024-11-26 03:18:42)

scientific name

Poecilanthe grandiflora Bentham (1860: 80)


28. Poecilanthe grandiflora Bentham (1860: 80) View in CoL . ( Fig. 3f View FIGURE 3 )

Trees, branches glabrous, inermous. Nectary absent. Stipules caducous. Leaves imparipinnate, 5–6–foliolate, leaflets alternate, ovate-elliptic, venation brochidodromous, translucid punctuation absent. Inflorescence raceme, terminal. Flowers pedicellate, zygomorphic, diplostemonous; calyx gamosepalous, sepals 5, corolla dialypetalous, papilionaceous, lilac, petals 5; androecium monadelphous, homodinamous, anthers longitudinal; ovary superior, stipitate, pauciovulate. Fruit legume, sessile, oblanceolate, plane, margin straight, epicarp glabrous, brown. Seeds orbicular, plane, coat black, hilum basal.

Examined material:— BRAZIL. Paraíba: Maturéia, Pico do Jabre , 800 m elev., 04 November 2019, fl., Aureliana Gomes 3112 ( HACAM) .

Distribution and ecology:— The species is endemic to Brazil, registered in the Northeast (AL, BA, CE, MA, PB, PE) and Southeast (MG), associated with the Caatinga and Atlantic Rainforest domains growing in gallery forest, seasonal deciduous forest and semideciduous, in areas of secondary vegetation ( Meireles & Tozzi 2007; Flora do Brasil 2020.

Phenology:— Registered with flowers in November.

Taxonomic discussion:— Poecilanthe grandiflora can be recognized, mainly, by the arboreous habit, imparipinnate leaves with alternate leaflets without translucent punctuations, lilac flowers and legume fruit, sessile. Among the Papilionoideae species found in the area, it can be readily recognized for presenting lilac flowers and legume with rigid valves.

Bentham, G. (1860) Poecilanthe grandiflora Benth. Journal of the Linnean Society Botany 4 (Suppl.). https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8339.1860. tb 02464. x

Flora do Brasil 2020 (2020) Fabaceae. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. [http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 115]

Meireles, J. E. C. & Tozzi, A. M. G. (2007) A synopsis of the genus Poecilanthe (Leguminosae, Papilonoideae, Brongniartieae). Rodriguesia 58: 255 - 264. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / 2175 - 7860200758204

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Species of Fabaceae Lindl. of the study area, Pico do Jabre State Park, Paraíba, Brazil. a Centrosema brasilianum. b Platymiscium floribundum. c Macropsychanthus grandiflorus d Centrosema sagittatum. e Ancistrotropis peduncularis. f Poecilanthe grandiflora. g Erythrina velutina. h Chamaecrista repens. i Canavalia brasiliensis. j Bauhinia cheilantha. k Stylosanthes viscosa. l Crotalaria vitelina. (Source: the authors).











