Mycomystes apicalis ( Lacordaire, 1842 ), 2021

Pecci-Maddalena, Italo S. C., Skelley, Paul & Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano, 2021, Taxonomic review of Mycomystes Gorham, 1888 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Tritomini), Journal of Natural History 54 (47 - 48), pp. 3075-3102 : 3080-3087

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Marcus (2021-08-30 17:47:40, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 02:21:37)

scientific name

Mycomystes apicalis ( Lacordaire, 1842 )

comb. nov.

Mycomystes apicalis ( Lacordaire, 1842) , new combination

Figures 7–8 View Figures 1-12 , 13 View Figures 13-18 , 19–27 View Figures 19-27 , 55 View Figure 55

Mycotretus apicalis Lacordaire 1842: 181 [description]. Crotch 1876: 448; Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3691; Kuhnt 1909: 74; Kuhnt 1911: 48; Mader 1942: 173; Mader 1951: 214; Blackwelder 1945: 465; Alvarenga 1994: 20; Skelley 1998: 16; Moreira et al. 2010a: 573; Moreira et al. 2010b: 342; McHugh and Chaboo 2015: 278; Pecci-Maddalena and Lopes- Andrade 2017: 162; Pecci-Maddalena and Lopes-Andrade 2020: 585; Pecci-Maddalena et al. 2020: 3.

Mycotretus gemmula Lacordaire, 1842: 181 [description], new synonym. Crotch 1876: 448; Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3693; Kuhnt 1909: 73; Kuhnt 1911: 50; Mader 1942: 173; Mader 1951: 214; Blackwelder 1945: 466; Alvarenga 1994: 26; Skelley 1998: 16; McHugh and Chaboo 2015: 278.

Mycotretus gentilis Lacordaire, 1842: 182 [description], new synonym. Crotch 1876: 448 [synonymy with M. gemmula ]; Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3693; Kuhnt 1909: 73; Kuhnt 1911: 50; Blackwelder 1945: 466; Alvarenga 1994: 26.

Mycotretus nigroterminatus Lacordaire, 1842:180 [description], new synonym. Crotch 1876: 448; Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3694; Kuhnt 1909: 74; Kuhnt 1911: 51; Blackwelder 1945: 467; Guérin 1948: 20; Alvarenga 1994: 30; Skelley 1998: 16.

Mycotretus pulicarius Lacordaire, 1842: 182 [description], new synonym. Crotch 1876: 448 [synonymy with M. gemmula ]; Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3693; Mader 1942: 173; Blackwelder 1945: 466; Alvarenga 1994: 26.

Mycotretus coccinelloides Taschenberg, 1870: 198 [description], new synonym. Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3692; Kuhnt 1909: 74; Kuhnt 1911: 48; Blackwelder 1945: 466; Alvarenga 1994: 22.

Mycotretus corallipennis Crotch 1876: 448 [description], new synonym. Gemminger and Harold 1876: 3692; Kuhnt 1909: 71; Kuhnt 1911: 48; Blackwelder 1945: 466; Alvarenga 1994: 22; Skelley 1998: 16.

Lectotype of Mycotretus apicalis Lacordaire, 1842 , here designated

(MNHN; Figures 19–21 View Figures 19-27 )

Colombie [handwritten]\ Apicalis Lac [handwritten]\ Type [handwritten]\ Ex-Musaeo Mniszech [printed]\ LECTOTYPE [printed] Mycotretus apicalis Lacordaire 1842 [handwritten]’.

Type specimens of the synonymised species.

Mycotretus corallipennis Crotch, 1876 , lectotype, here designated (UMZC; Figure 22 View Figures 19-27 ) ‘Nova Gr [green label, handwritten]\ LECTOTYPE [printed], Mycotretus corallipennis Crotch 1876 [red label, handwritten]’; Mycotretus gemmula Lacordaire, 1842 , lectotype, here designated (MNHN; Figure 23 View Figures 19-27 ). ‘ Colombie [handwritten]\Gemmula Lac [handwritten] Type [handwritten]\Ex-Musaeo Mniszech [printed]\ HOLOTYPE Mycotretus gemmula Lacordaire 1842 [handwritten]’; Mycotretus gentilis Lacordaire, 1842 , lectotype, here designated (MNHN; Figure 24 View Figures 19-27 ). ‘Ex-Musaeo Mniszech [printed]\ Type [handwritten]\Gentilis Lac [handwritten]\ Colombie [handwritten]\ LECTOTYPE [printed] Mycotretus gentilis Lacordaire 1842 [handwritten]’; Mycotretus nigroterminatus Lacordaire, 1842 , lectotype, here designated (MNHN; Figure 25 View Figures 19-27 ). ‘Ex-Musaeo Mniszech [printed]\ Type [handwritten]\Nigroterminatus Lac [handwritten]\ Colombie [handwritten]\ LECTOTYPE [printed] Mycotretus nigroterminatus Lacordaire 1842 [handwritten]’; Mycotretus pulicarius Lacordaire, 1842 , lectotype, here designated (MNHN; Figure 26 View Figures 19-27 ). ‘Ex-Musaeo Mniszech [printed]\ Type [handwritten]\Pulicarius Lac [handwritten]\ Colombie [handwritten]\ LECTOTYPE [printed] Mycotretus pulicarius Lacordaire 1842 [handwritten]’; Mycotretus coccinelloides Taschenberg, 1870 , lectotype, here designated (ZNS; Figure 27 View Figures 19-27 ). LECTOTYPE, Mycotretus coccinelloides TASCHENBERG, 1870 , det. I. Pecci-Maddalena 2017 [printed]\ coccinelloides, Zeitschr. 1870 . Colomb. Wallis [handwritten]”.

Other specimens examined (60)

1 male ( DZUP, dissected) ‘ ColeÇão M . Alvarenga [printed]\ Campos do Jordão , S . Paulo Brasil , I–1969, W . Bokermann [printed]\DZUP 242523 [printed]’; 1 male ( DZUP, dissected) ‘ ColeÇão M . Alvarenga [printed]\ Campos do Jordão , S . Paulo Brasil , I–1969, W . Bokermann [printed]\DZUP 242737 [printed]’; 1 male ( DZUP, dissected) ‘ ColeÇão M . Alvarenga [printed]\ Campos do Jordão , S . Paulo Brasil , I–1969, W . Bokermann [printed]\DZUP 242750 [printed]’; 1 male ( DZUP, dissected) ‘ ColeÇão M . Alvarenga [printed]\ Campos do Jordão , S . Paulo Brasil , I–1969, W . Bokermann [printed]\DZUP 242448 [printed]’; 1 male ( MZSP, dissected) ‘ BRASIL, Itatiáia, Estº R . Janeiro, Col .: DIRINGS [front] FEV 1960 [back] [printed]’; 3 males and 1 female ( CELC, dissected) ‘ VENEZUELA: Mérida, 6 km . S. Azulita , 15 July 1986, R .S. Miller colr’; 27 undissected specimens and 1 female ( FSCA, dissected) (8 nigroterminatus, 10 gemmula, 7 corallipennis, 2 nr. nigricollis, 1 nr. coccoinelloides patterns) ‘ VENEZUELA: Mérida, 6 km . S. Azulita , 15 July 1986, R .S. Miller colr’; 2 males ( FSCA, dissected) ‘ Piletas-Salta , 26 jul-3 ag 44, B . Golbach [handwritten]\ Mycocorallipennis , ex . descr & note [handwritten]\ Mycotretus corallipennis [handwritten], det . P .E . Skelley [printed]’; 12 undissected specimens ( FSCA) ‘ Fazenda Bom Jesus das Araucárias Reserve (PR, Brazil), Cultivo de Pleurotus sp ., P. L. Lopes coll. 18–19 .III .2008 (noon)’; 2 undissected specimens (FSCA) ‘ BRAZIL, Curitiba , Parana, 1–13-1969, C. W. &L.B. O’Brien, Arucaria forest’; 3 undissected specimens ( FSCA) ‘ Brazilia , Petropolis [top] February, F . Sahlberg [underside][handwritten]\ Coll E . Csiki [printed]’; 1 undissected specimen ( FSCA) ‘ Brazilia, Petropolis [front] März, F . Sahlberg [back][handwritten]\ Coll E . Csiki [printed]’; 1 undissected specimen ( FSCA) ‘ Brazilia, Rio Janeiro [top] 1851 . Jan, F. Sahlberg [underside][handwritten]\ Coll E . Csiki [printed]’; 1 undissected specimen ( FSCA) “ Peru [printed] Chanchamyo [handwritten]\[black bordered paper] 364 . 216. [handwritten]; 1 undissected specimen (FSCA) ‘P. Paprzycki , IV-29-1940, Satipo, Peru’ .


Body oval, TL = 3.48–4.61 mm (4.12 mm, n = 5); clypeus with marginal bead fine and complete across apex; mentum plate variable, from pentagonal to nearly circular in outline; procoxal lines barely visible. Dorsal colouration: head full yellowish to full blackish; thorax with pronotum full blackish or, usually, with two or three yellowish longitudinal, oval, spots; elytra full reddish or reddish and apically blackish. Male genitalia with flagellar head subrectangular or slightly subtriangular. Female with vaginal process shortened, not at the level of gonostyli.


Southeast Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela ( Alvarenga 1994), Argentina ( Figure 55 View Figure 55 ).


The species synonymised here under Mycomystes apicalis are very similar in morphological characters, body colour and shape. We observed that the pronotal colour patterns and the black elytral apical spot change according to the degree of body pigmentation. Unlike M. melanophthalmus , that has distinct colour patterns (see below), the colouration in M. apicalis seems to change continuously expressing many intermediate forms. Two large series of specimens from different countries possessed multiple named synonyms. One collection from Venezuela (Mérida) possessed five named synonyms with intermediate pattern variations. The second from Brazil (Araucárias Reserve, Paraná) on cultivated Pleurotus sp. , possessed at least three named synonyms with intermediate colour patterns. We dissected individuals with all colour patterns shown in the Figure 19–27 View Figures 19-27 and, despite these differences, the external morphological features (dorsal and ventral) and the male and female terminalia have the same morphology.


Lacordaire (1842) described Mycotretus pulicarius as a bona species and did not define it as a ‘variety’ of M. gemmula (which was described by him in the same work). Crotch (1876) included M. pulicarius under M. gemmula and only stated that M. pulicarius ‘ has the disc of the thorax black’. After that, possibly based on Crotch’s comments, authors have considered M. pulicarius as a ‘variety’ of M. gemmula (see Mader 1942; Blackwelder 1945; Alvarenga 1994). However, it is not clear whether Crotch considered M. pulicarius as a variety or not.

There were two unlabelled specimens, apparently conspecific with M. corallipennis , close to the lectotype in the UMZC collection. However, we are not sure whether they are syntypes.

Although a mentum with a nearly rounded lateral outline seems to be the most common pattern observed in the examined specimens, one examined individual and the lectotypes of Mycotretus apicalis and Mycotretus gemmula (transferred to Mycomystes ) have a pentagonal mentum. That observation suggests that the ‘mentum outline’ in individuals of M. apicalis would be a continuous character. However, a more complete taxon sampling is necessary to confirm this.

Natural history

Moreira et al. (2010a) reported Mycomystes apicalis causing injury in cultivations of Pleurotus sajor-caju (Pleurotaceae) , an edible fungus species. We have not examined vouchers from this study to confirm their identity. However, we have confirmed M. apicalis and two other species of Mycomystes from cultivated Pleurotus .

Alvarenga M. 1994. Catalogo dos Erotylidae (Coleoptera) Neotropicais. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia. 11 (1): 1 - 175. doi: 10.1590 / S 0101 - 81751994000100001.

Blackwelder RE. 1945. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Part 3. Bull United States Nat Museum. 185: 343 - 550.

Crotch GR. 1876. A revision of the coleopterous family Erotylidae. Cistula Entomologica. 1: 377 - 572.

Duponchel PAJ. 1825. Monographie du genre Erotyle. Memoires du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. 12: 30 - 61, 156 - 176.

Fauvel CAA. 1860. Catalogue des insects recueillis a la Guyane FranCaise. Bulletin de la Societe linneenne de Normandie. 5: 299 - 327.

Gemminger M, Harold E. 1876. Familia LXX. Erotylidae. In: Gemminger M, Harold E, editors. Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus Vol. 10. Monaco: Gummi; p. 2989 - 3232.

Gorham HS. 1888. Erotylidae, Endomychidae and Coccinellidae. In: Godman F, Salvin O, editors. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Coleoptera. Vol. VII. [1887 - 1899]. London: R. H. Porter; p. 1 - 276.

Guerin J. 1948. Catalogo dos Erotylidae (col.) das coleCOes do Instituto de Ecologia e ExperimentaCao Agricolas do Ministerio da Agricultura, com a descriCao de algumas especies novas. Boletim do Instituto de Ecologia e ExperimentaCao Agricolas. 8: 1 - 26.

Guerin-Meneville FE. 1841. Description de quelques especes nouvelles d'erotylides. Revue Zoologique. 1841: 153 - 155.

Kuhnt P. 1909. Coleoptera, fam. Erotylidae, subfam. Erotylinae. In: Wytsman P, editor. Genera Insectorum, fascicle 88. Belgium: P. Wytsman; p. 1 - 139.

Kuhnt P. 1911. Pars 34: P. Kuhnt, Erotylidae. In: Junk W, Schenkling S, editors. Coleopterorum Catalogus. Berlin: W. Junk; p. 1 - 103.

Lacordaire JT. 1842. Monographie des Erotyliens, Famille de l'ordre des Coleopteres. Paris: Roret.

Mader L. 1942. Erotylidae (Coleoptera). In: Titschack, editor. Beitrage zur Fauna Perus. Nach der Ausbeute der Hamburger Sudperu-Expedition 1936, anderer Sammlungen, wie auch auf Grund von Literaturangaben. Band II. Wissenschaftliche Bearbeitungen. Germany: Verlag von Gustav Fischer; p. 149 - 201.

Mader L. 1951. Die Erotyliden von Peru (Col.) [cont.]. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. 2: 197 - 225.

McHugh JV, Chaboo CS. 2015. Beetles (Coleoptera) of Peru: a survey of the families. Erotylidae Latreille, 1802. J Kansas Entomol Soc. 88 (2): 274 - 282. doi: 10.2317 / kent- 88 - 02 - 274 - 282.1.

Moreira GF, Moreira CC, Andalo V, Junior AM, Martos ET, Dias ES, Lopes PL. 2010 a. Occurrence and characterization of injuries caused by Mycotretus apicalis Lacordaire, 1842 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae) on cultivation of Pleurotus sajor-caju. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 26 (3): 573 - 575. doi: 10.1007 / s 11274 - 009 - 0205 - 1.

Moreira GF, Moreira CC, Andalo V, Junior AM, Cardoso-Freire MM, Dias ES. 2010 b. Laboratory rearing technique and biology of Mycotretus apicalis (Coleoptera: Erotylidae) on dried Pleurotus sajor-caju mushrooms. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia. 36: 342 - 345.

Pecci-Maddalena ISC, Lopes-Andrade C. 2017. Redescription of two species and proposal of a new synonym in the genus Mycotretus Lacordaire, 1842 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Tritomini). Zootaxa. 4282 (1): 147 - 165. doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4282.1.9.

Skelley PE. 1998. A Catalogue of the Crotch Collection of Erotylidae (Coleoptera). Annales Zoologici. 48: 1 - 44.

Taschenberg EL. 1870. Neue Kafer aus Columbien und Ecuador. Zeitschrift Fur Die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften. 35: 177 - 199.

Gallery Image

Figure 55. Geographical distribution of species of Mycomystes Gorham, 1888. Mycomystes apicalis (Lacordaire, 1842), Mycomystes coccineus (Lacordaire, 1842), (Diamond) Mycomystes melanophthalmus (Duponchel, 1825), Mycomystes nigriventris Pecci-Maddalena and Lopes-Andrade, 2020 and Mycomystes peruvianus (Kirsch, 1876).

Gallery Image

Figures 1-12. Generic diagnostic characters of Mycomystes Gorham, 1888: (1) Head of M. peruvianus (Kirsch, 1876), arrow showing the complete clypeal marginal bead. (2) Subgenal braces of M. coccineus (Lacordaire, 1842), arrow showing the inner carina. (3) Partial view of the mouthparts of M. coccineus, big arrows showing the apical maxillary palpomeres and small arrow showing an apical labial palp. (4) Right mandible of M. nigriventris Pecci-Maddalena and Lopes-Andrade,2020, arrow showing the teeth. (5–6) Mentum plate of M. coccineus and M. melanophthalmus (Duponchel, 1825), respectively. (7) Partial view of the pronotum and elytra of M. apicalis (Lacordaire, 1842), arrows showing the basal elytral marginal bead. (8–9) Mesotibia of M. apicalis and M. melanophthalmus, respectively. (10–11) Metendosternite of M. melanophthalmus and of a male of M. coccineus, respectively,arrow in Figure 10 showing the anterior tendon. (12) Abdomen of M. peruvianus, arrows showing the coxal lines. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (2, 4–6, 10–11); 0.25 mm (8–9); 0.5 mm (3, 7).

Gallery Image

Figures 13-18. Genitalia of Mycomystes Gorham, 1888: (13–16) Male flagellar head of M. apicalis (Lacordaire, 1842), M. coccineus (Lacordaire, 1842), M. melanophthalmus (Duponchel, 1825), M. nigriventris Pecci-Maddalena and Lopes-Andrade, 2020, respectively. (17–18) Female genitalia of M. nigriventris and M. coccineus, respectively, arrows showing the vaginal process. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (13–17).

Gallery Image

Figures 19-27. Specimens of Mycomystes apicalis (Lacordaire, 1842): (19–21) Lectotype (MNHN) of Mycotretus apicalis, here transferred to Mycomystes. (22) Mycotretus corallipennis Crotch, 1876, new synonym, lectotype (UMZC). (23) Mycotretus gemmula Lacordaire, 1842, new synonym, lectotype (MNHN). (24) Mycotretus gentilis Lacordaire, 1842, new synonym, lectotype (MNHN). (25) Mycotretus nigroterminatus Lacordaire, 1842, new synonym, lectotype (MNHN). (26) Mycotretus pulicarius Lacordaire, 1842, new synonym, lectotype (MNHN). (27) Mycotretus coccinelloides Taschenberg, 1870, new synonym, lectotype (ZNS). Scale bars: 1 mm (19, 21–26); 0.5 mm (20).


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology











