Chromolaena hirsuta (Hooker & Arnott) King & Robinson (1970c: 201)

Christ, Anderson Luiz & Ritter, Mara Rejane, 2019, A taxonomic study of Praxelinae (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Phytotaxa 393 (2), pp. 141-197 : 164-165

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.393.2.5

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chromolaena hirsuta (Hooker & Arnott) King & Robinson (1970c: 201)


2.6. Chromolaena hirsuta (Hooker & Arnott) King & Robinson (1970c: 201) View in CoL .

Eupatorium hirsutum Hooker & Arnott (1836: 239) View in CoL , non Candolle (1836: 170), nec ( Gardner 1847: 438) Baker (1876: 359), nec ( Torrey 1824: 473) Nieuwland (1915: 71) (= Agrimonia gryposepala Wallroth 1842: 49 View in CoL , Rosaceae View in CoL ). Eupatorium congestum var. hirsutum (Hook. & Arn.) Cabrera & Vittet (1963: 176) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Freire & Ariza Espinar 2014b: 332):— BRAZIL OR URUGUAY. s.l., s.d., J. Tweedie s.n. (K! [K000486819], branch to the right).

= Eupatorium subhastatum Hooker & Arnott (1836: 239) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Freire & Ariza Espinar 2014b: 332):— ARGENTINA View in CoL . Buenos Aires, s.d., J. Tweedie & M. Isabelle s.n. (K! [K000486820]).

= Eupatorium bartsiifolium Candolle (1836: 147) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL OR URUGUAY. s.l., 1833, C. Gaudichaud 822 (holotype P! [00742319]).

= Eupatorium trichophorum Candolle (1836: 147) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo, 1833, C. Gaudichaud 497 (holotype P! [P02671657], isotype G-DC! [G00494053]).

= Eupatorium hexanthum Candolle (1836: 148) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul, s.d., C. Gaudichaud 829 (holotype P! [P02671653], isotype G-DC! [GG00494063]).

= Eupatorium tozziifolium var. subpetiolatum Chodat (1903: 706) View in CoL . Type:— PARAGUAY. Amambay, s.d., E. Hassler 7659 (holotype G).

= Eupatorium congestum var. truncatum Hassler (1916: 282) View in CoL . Type:— PARAGUAY. s.l., 1900, E. Hassler 6533 (holotype G, isotype BM! [BM000096277). ( Fig. 11E–I View FIGURE 11 , 12C–E View FIGURE 12 ).

Subshrubs, up to 2 m tall, erect, xylopodium present, branched from base or only in capitulescence; stems puberulous to hirsute, eglandular or rarely glandular, leafy until capitulescence. Leaves 1.1–6.4 × 0.4– 0.2 cm, alternate, sometimes lower leaves opposite, rarely all opposite, petiolate, 3-veined, leaf blade lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, chartaceous to coriaceous, apex acute to attenuate, base cuneate to truncate, rarely rounded or cordate, margins entire to rarely crenate or serrate in apical half and crenate to serrate in basal half, adaxial surface glabrescent to hirsute, eglandular, abaxial surface glabrescent to hirsute, glandular, margins ciliate, petioles 1.2–3.8 mm long, hirsute, eglandular. Primary capitulescences corymbose or rarely glomeruliform. Secondary capitulescences corymbose, axis puberulous to hirsute, glandular, bracteate, bracts 0.7–3.7 × 0.2–1.4 cm, sometimes with margins entire, petioles 0.9–2.4 mm long, hirsute, eglandular. Capitula sessile to pedunculate, peduncles up to 1.7 cm long, puberulous to hirsute, glandular, involucres cylindrical or rarely campanulate, 4.6–7.1 × 1.9–3.4 mm, involucral bracts 14–25, 4–6-seriate, outer ovate to deltate, 1.5–3.5 × 0.9–1.8 mm, apex acuminate to cuneate, citrine, ciliate, glabrescent to puberulous, glandular or rarely eglandular, recurved to slightly recurved, abaxial surface stramineous to citrine, 3-veined, puberulous, inner linear, 4.5–6.1 × 0.6–1.2 mm, apex acute to acuminate, citrine to vinaceous, non-petaloid, ciliate, glabrescent to puberulous, glandular or rarely eglandular, recurved to slightly recurved, abaxial surface stramineous to citrine, 1–3- veined, glabrescent to puberulous, receptacles epaleate or rarely paleate, palea 0–1, linear, 5.5–5.7 × 0.4–0.5 mm, 1-veined, apex and abaxial surface stramineous, ciliate, eglandular. Florets 5–12, corollas 3.6–5.3 × 0.4–0.9 mm, lilac or rarely white, lobes glabrous to puberulous, glandular. Cypselas obconical, 2.2–3.5 × 0.4–0.9 mm, 5–6-ribbed; ribs glabrescent to setuliferous, sinuses glabrous to setuliferous, glandular or rarely eglandular, pappus setae ca. 30–43, white to stramineous, 3.8–5.6 mm long.

Distribution: — Argentina , Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay ( Freire & Ariza Espinar 2014b). In Brazil, it occurs in Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo. In Rio Grande do Sul, it occurs in all physiographic regions ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 , circles).

Habitat: —Grasslands in both Atlantic Forest and Pampa, without any clear environmental preference. It is also fairly common in anthropogenic sites such as roadsides.

Phenology: —Flowers from the end of spring to the beginning of autumun, with a flowering peak during summer, from December to March.

Etymology: —Latin hirsutus (hirsute), in reference to the indumentum commonly found in the stems and axes.

Comments: — Chromolaena hirsuta is the second most common species of Chromolaena in Rio Grande do Sul, compared to C. laevigata . It can be easily found in relatively preserved grasslands and anthropogenic sites, being one of the most common species of Eupatorieae in open areas. The species can be identified mostly by its alternate, lanceolate to deltate leaves, in general with truncate base, serrate margins and long attenuate apex.

Chromolaena congesta is the most similar species to C. hirsuta found in the study area. Both are considered part of the “ Chromolaena congesta group”, as mentioned under the description of the former. These two species share a long and well-documented morphological continuum that sometimes makes it very difficult to distinguish between them. As commented under the description of C. congesta , the relationship between both species is not well-understood, and further studies with an integrative approach are necessary to better circumscribe them. Currently, they are mostly told apart by their phyllotaxies: C. congesta has opposite leaves, while C. hirsuta has alternate leaves.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL: Rio Grande do Sul: Alegrete: Reserva Biológica de Ibirapuitã, 21 March 1998, Wasum, R. s.n. (HUCS12422); Cerro do Tigre, Fazenda Cerro do Tigre [29°39’30,16’’S, 55°24’10,17’’W], 06 January 2007, Freitas, E.M. 99 (ICN); 06 January 2007, Santos, E. s.n. (HVAT2129); BR 290, Km 541, 07 December 2012, Carneiro, C.R. s.n. (ICN184435). Arroio dos Ratos: Fazenda Faxinal, 26 March 1976, Hagelund, K. 10221d1, 10035 (ICN); 08 March 1978, Hagelund, K. 12236 (ICN, HVAT). Bagé: Rodovia BR 153, Rio Camaquã, 24 April 1986, Girardi-Deiro, A.M. et. al. 1449 (MBM); Casa de Pedra, 13 April 1991, Ritter, M.R. 621, 642 (ICN); 13 April 1991, Rossoni, M.G. s.n. (ICN92362). Barra do Ribeiro: Fazenda Barba Negra , 28 November 1977, Matzenbacher, N. I. s.n. (ICN35835). Bom Jesus: s.l., March 1933, Dutra , J. 1254 (ICN); Rio Pelotas, Rodovia São Joaquim, 11 March 2005, Hatschbach, G., Barbosa, E. & Costa, E.F. 78054 (MBM, HUCS); s.l., 02 February 2010, Pasini, E. 338 (HUCS, ICN); s.l. [28°46’S, 50°28’W], 25 March 2017, Christ, A. L. 409 (ICN). Caçapava do Sul: Fazenda Chico Dotto, 24 February 1994, Mondin, C. 864 (ICN). Cachoeira do Sul: BR 290, Km 167, 18 March 1976, Reis, I. 326 (ICN); Mina Iruí, April 1985, Sobral, M. 3837 (ICN, MBM). Cambará do Sul: estrada para Praia Grande, 10 March 2000, Wasum, R. 548 (MBM, HUCS). Candiota: Mina da CRM, 22 February 2006, Wasum, R., Pasini, E. & Grala, F. 3537 (HUCS); 21 February 2007, Wasum, R. 3940 (HUCS, HURG, FURB); 22 February 2007, Wasum, R. & Scur, L. 4020 (HUCS, ICN). Canela: Passo do Inferno, 10 February 1941, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA4856); 11 April 2005, Bordignon, S. & Apel, M. 3097 (ICN). Capão do Leão: EMBRAPA, Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas, 22 April 1999, Garcia , E.N. & Bento, L.H.G. 365 (ICN). Caxias do Sul: Vila Oliva, 03 January 1946, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA31000); 22 March 2002, Scur, L. 947 (MBM); Jardim Botânico de Caxias do Sul, 15 March 2013, Wasum, R. 5159 (MBM); Criúva, 13 April 2013, Gaio, J. & Keil, R. 338b (HUCS); Criúva, Cânion dos Palanquinhos, 04 February 2017, Gonzatti, F. 3352 (HUCS). Cruz Alta: s.l., 17 August 1986, Marchiori, J.N.C. s.n. (HDCF). Esmeralda: s.l., 23 February 1979, Arzivenco, L. 607 (ICN); February 1997, Sobral, M. 8222 (HUCS, MBM). Giruá: Granja Sodal, March 1964, Hagelund, K. 1778, 1896, 1930, 2028, 2029, 2174, 2198, 2203 (ICN). Glorinha: BR 101, Km 43, 03 March 1997, Ribas, O.S. & Pereira, L.B.S. 1839 (MBM). Gravataí: Fazenda Quatro Irmãos, 17 March 1983, Neves, N. 238 (ICN). Guaíba: BR 116, Km 24, 08 March 1976, Matzenbacher, N. I. 439 (ICN); BR 116, Km 307, 18 March 1984, Matzenbacher, N.I. s.n. (ICN59573); Fazenda São Maximiano, BR 116, Km 308, 23 March 2009, Matzenbacher, N. I. s.n. (ICN170913). Hulha Negra: s.l., 23 February 2006, Wasum, R., Grala, F. & Pasini, E. 3584 (HUCS). Ijuí: Rua Dr. Pestana, 19 February 1954, Pivetta, J. 365 (PACA). Jaquirana: s.l., 20 January 1952, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA52021); Fazenda Rodeio Velho, 19 March 2006, Wasum, R. 3623 (HUCS). Jari: s.l., 27 January 1942, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA9429). Montenegro: Pareci, 1944, Henz, E. s.n. (PACA26506); 03 October 1945, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA29672); s.l., 13 March 1948, Sehnem, A. 3288 (PACA). Nonoai: Rio Uruguai, March 1945, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA28313). Osório: Lagoa da Pinguela, 27 March 1950, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA46493); Estrada do Mar, 12 July 2015, Gaio, J., Demeda, C. & Gonzatti, F. 426 (HUCS). Passa Sete: Pitingal, 21 February 2015, Schaefer, J. 367 (SMDB). Passo Fundo: s.l., April 2009, Savaris, M. 31 (RSPF, ICN). Pelotas: Capão do Leão, 29 January 1944, Augusto, I. s.n. (ICN19040) (fl); s.l., 04 January 1954, Sacco, J.C. s.n. (PACA60513); I.A.S., 15 March 1955, Sacco, J.C. 297 (ICN, MBM); s.l., 08 March 1956, Vianna, E. s.n. (ICN1476); s.l., 20 March 1957, Sacco, J. C. 634 (PACA). Porto Alegre: Vila Manresa, 1943, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA11709); Montserrat, 14 March 1949, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA40530); Morro Santa Teresa, 29.IV.1949, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA41294); Morro da Polícia, 26 March 1993, Mondin, C. 737 (ICN); Morro Teresópolis, 26 March 1993, Mondin, C. 756 (ICN); 29 March 1993, Mondin, C. 760 (ICN); Morro Santana, 04 August 2005, Longhi-Wagner, H., Welker, C. & Silveira, G. 9821 (ICN); Morro São Pedro, Econsciência Espaço de Conservação, 18 March 2006, Setubal, R., Grings, M. & Mello, A. 159 (ICN); 28 April 2006, Fernandez, R. s.n. (ICN158161); Morro Santana, [30°03’58’’S, 51°07’41,3’’W], 05 March 2008, Fernandes, A.C. & Ritter, M.R. s.n. (ICN158476); [30°03’10,3’’S, 51°07’44’’W], 09 May 2008, Fernandes, A.C. & Ritter, M.R. s.n. (ICN158478); 21.III.2017, Christ, A.L. 393 (ICN). Quaraí: Fazenda do Jarau, January 1945, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA). Rio Grande: Domingos Petroline, 02 December 1982, Bergesch, M. s.n. (HURG528); Vila da Quinta, 10 September 1986, Parazzolo, M. & Farias, M. s.n. (HURG2048); 19 April 1995, Farias, M., et. al. s.n. (HURG2508). Rosário do Sul: s.l., 22 February 1987, Bastos, W.J. s.n. (PACA109201). Santa Maria: Chácara da Prefeitura, 15 October 1940, Rau, G. s.n. (SMDB401); Pau Fincado, Fazenda Santa Cristina, 04 March 1952, Beltrão, R. s.n. (SMDB711); Estação Experimental da Silvicultura, 01 March 1956, Camargo, O.R. 140 (PACA); Morro Pedra do Lagarto, Distrito de Santo Antão, 04 November 2015, Schaefer, J. 390, 390a (SMDB); 25 November 2015, Schaefer, J. 440 (SMDB). Santiago: próximo a Unistalda, 09 February 1990, Falkenberg, D.B. & Sobral, M. 5104 (ICN). Santo Ângelo: Granja Piratini, 09 December 1976, Miotto, S.T.S. 238 (ICN). São Borja: s.l., 1942, Baglione s.n. (PACA2981). São Francisco de Assis: estrada entre São Francisco de Assis e a praia/camping Jacaquá, 08 February 1990, Falkenberg, D.B. & Sobral, M. 5043 (FLOR); RS 287, Freitas, E.M. s.n. (HVAT1447); Fazenda Joaquim Paz, Cornelius F. & Freitas, E.M. s.n. (HVAT1449). São Gabriel: Fazenda Santa Cecília, January 1944, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA25777); Campus da UNIPAMPA, 13 March 2014, Barão, C.F. 17 (HBEI). São João do Polêsine: Vale Vêneto, 28 February 1956, Sehnem, A. 2406 (PACA). São José do Norte: 7 km ao sul do município, February 1978, Pfadenhauer 632 (ICN). São Leopoldo: s.l., 08 September 1934, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA1627); Cristo Rei, 10 March 1950, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA46229); 17 March 1950, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA46430). São Pedro do Sul: BR 287, Km 278, 08 March 2015, Christ, A.L. 19 (SMDB). São Vicente do Sul: Ponte do Ibicuí, 26 February 1985, Marchiori, J.N.C. 8 (HDCF); Cerro da Glória, 02 December 2016, Christ, A.L. 339 (ICN). Soledade: s.l., 02 April 1974, Hagelund, K. 12793 (ICN); 09 February 1975, Hagelund, K. 10047 (ICN). Torres: Butiazal, 21 March 1976, Matzenbacher, N. I. 455 (ICN); 08 May 2017, Christ, A.L. 456, 457 (ICN). Tupanciretã: s.l., 29 January 1942, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA9806). Viamão: Lombas, 17 April 1950, Rambo, B. s.n. (PACA46905); Parque Saint-Hilaire, 17 March 1982, Susin, V. s.n. (HUR283); 17 March 1982, Prado, J. F. s.n. (HURG1021); Parque Estadual de Itapuã, February 2003, Pinheiro, M. 400 (ICN); 25 March 2003, Schneider, A.A. 24 (ICN); 27 March 2004, Ritter, M.R. & Schneider, A.A. 1432 (ICN); Águas Claras, 02 March 2006, Bordignon S. & Apel, M. 3179 (ICN); Bairro Tarumã, região de entorno do Lago Tarumã [30°4’12,60’’S, 51°1’20,13’’W], 30 March 2010, Silva Filho, P.J.S. 754 (ICN) (fl).














Chromolaena hirsuta (Hooker & Arnott) King & Robinson (1970c: 201)

Christ, Anderson Luiz & Ritter, Mara Rejane 2019

Eupatorium congestum var. truncatum

Hassler, E. 1916: )

Eupatorium tozziifolium var. subpetiolatum

Chodat, R. H. 1903: )

Eupatorium hirsutum

Freire, S. E. & Ariza Espinar, L. 2014: 332
Cabrera, A. L. & Vittet, N. 1963: )
Nieuwland, J. A. 1915: 71
Baker, J. G. 1876: 359
Gardner, G. 1847: 438
Wallroth, C. F. W. 1842: 49
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1836: )
Candolle, A. P. de 1836: 170
Torrey, J. 1824: 473

Eupatorium subhastatum

Freire, S. E. & Ariza Espinar, L. 2014: 332
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1836: )

Eupatorium bartsiifolium

Candolle, A. P. de 1836: )

Eupatorium trichophorum

Candolle, A. P. de 1836: )

Eupatorium hexanthum

Candolle, A. P. de 1836: )
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