Dissomphalus penhae Brito & Azevedo, 2024

De Brito, Chirlei D. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2024, Revision of the punctatus species-group of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Zootaxa 5536 (3), pp. 389-431 : 424

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5536.3.2

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scientific name

Dissomphalus penhae Brito & Azevedo

sp. nov.

Dissomphalus penhae Brito & Azevedo , sp. nov.

( Figs 1C View FIGURE 1 , 6E View FIGURE 6 )

Diagnosis. This species is easily recognized by having harpe wide with margin of the apex straight, the aedeagal dorsal body taper-shaped, the inner median filament anterior to the aedeagal dorsal lobes and aedeagal ventral valve with apex very thin and sinuous.

Description. Median clypeal lobe trapezoidal, with one angulate tooth; median clypeal carina low in profile, complete or nearly so, straight in profile or nearly so. Frons weakly coriaceous, punctures small and sparse. Vertex crest weakly incurved. Dorsal pronotal area with anterior margin coarse. Tergal process submedian, with tuft of setae without depression. Posterior hypopygeal margin straight medially with rounded corners. Genitalia. Harpe wide basally, apical margin angulate, abaxial margin not projected; gonostipes shorter than harpe, ventral margin not excavated until outer margin of basivolsella; digitus short, basidorsal corner poorly projected; basivolsella without protuberance, without spines; aedeagal ventral valve with apex anterior to apex of dorsal one, wide, progressively narrowing apicad; inner margin outcurved; outer margin slightly sinuous, slightly curved laterad; aedeagal dorsal valve robust, with two pairs of apical lobe; outer lobe long, narrow, apical margin rounded and posterad; apex of inner median filament anterior to apex of lobe, directed dorsad; basal cover plate narrow in lateral part, posterior margin straight or nearly so; apodeme extending beyond genital ring.

Material examined. Holotype, 1♂: COSTA RICA, San Vito de Coto Brus , Las Cruces, 1800 m, 9.VII– 7.VIII.1982, B.Gill mal. trap ( CNCI).

Distribution. Costa Rica.

Etymology. This species is named after women's rights activist Maria da Penha, who fought for the conviction of her ex-husband for physical aggression, which left her paraplegic.

Remarks. It is similar to D. jaquelineae sp. nov. by having the harpe wide dorsally, inner median filament anterior to the aedeagal dorsal lobes and aedeagal ventral valve sinuous. However, D. penhae sp. nov. has aedeagal dorsal valve in bottle shape or nearly so, basivolsella without protuberance and basiventral part of the digitus sharpened, whereas D. jaquelineae sp. nov. has the aedeagal dorsal valve entirely wide and robust, basivolsella with protuberance and basiventral part of the digitus not sharpened.


Canadian National Collection Insects













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