Mallocybe kashmirana R. Khurshid, A. Naseer & Khalid

Naseer, Arooj, Khurshid, Rubab, Fan, Yu-Guang & Khalid, Abdul Nasir, 2024, Two new species of Mallocybe from Himalayan forests of Asia, Phytotaxa 640 (3), pp. 255-264 : 260-261

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.640.3.3


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scientific name

Mallocybe kashmirana R. Khurshid, A. Naseer & Khalid

sp. nov.

Mallocybe kashmirana R. Khurshid, A. Naseer & Khalid , sp. nov. ( Figures 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5 View FIGURE 5 ).

MycoBank MB847643

Etymology:—The specific epithet kashmirana refers to type locality Kashmir, Pakistan.

Diagnosis:—characterized by yellowish brown pileus without umbo with red scales, yellowish brown concolorous lamellae, larger stipe (30–35 mm) and larger basidiospores (8.6 µm).

Holotype:— Pakistan, Azad Kashmir, Bagh , Saliyan , Nari , at 1,950 m a.s.l., under mixed forest of Pinus wallichiana , Cedrus deodara and Abies pindrow , on soil, solitary, 01 September 2021, Rubab Khurshid, N-213 ( LAH37695 ) . GenBank accession ITS: OQ448898, LSU: OQ458716, mtSSU: OQ448896.

Description:— Basidiomata small to medium sized. Pileus 27–35 mm diam., conical when very young, then convex or plano-convex when mature, not umbonate, flat, margin inrolled initially, later incurved, at time undulate, not even; surface dry, rough, covered with minute scruffy appressed scales, yellowish brown (3.3 YR 7.1/5.2) with red scale when young, becoming yellowish red (1.7YR 6.5/6) with red (6.9 R 3.4/7.6) scales, concentrated in central disk. Lamellae 1–2 mm wide, adnexed, close with three to four tiers of lamellulae, yellowish brown (3.3 YR 7.1/5.2), edges concolor, serrate. Stipe 30–35 × 3–5 mm, 5 mm at apex, solid, equal, central, cylindrical to subcylindrical, equal, surface dry, finally fibrillose throughout with scattered loose fibrils or prominent with age, partial veil present when very young. Context fresh (5A2) in pileus, dirty white (5A1) to cream, 0.5–1 mm thick. Central brown (7R 8.2/4.2) to reddish brown (9.6R 3.5/7.2) in stipe context when mature, darker towards lower portion, with basal white tomentose, closely adhered soil particle Odor unpleasant.

Basidiospores [60/3/2] (7.6–)7.9–9.2(–10.3) × (4.6–)5.2–6.1(–6.8) µm, avL × avW = 8.6 × 5.7 µm, Q = 1.3– 1.74(–1.86), avQ = 1.53, light brownish in 5% KOH, ellipsoidal, thick-walled, smooth, apiculus absent or not prominent enough to observe. Basidia (21.8–) 29.5–35.3(–39.4) × (7.6–)8.4–9.7(–9.9) µm, avL × avW = 39.1 × 9.78 µm, narrowly clavate to clavate, thin-walled, primarily 4-sterigmate, less often 2-sterigmate, hyaline in 5% KOH, non-guttulate. Cheilocystidia (13.0–)14.2–19.1(–21.8) × (5.1–)6.3–7.9(–9.5) µm, avL × avW = 18.5 × 7.9 µm, thick-walled, fusiform or utriform, smooth walls, hyaline in 5% KOH, non-guttulate. Pleurocystidia absent. Pileipellis a cutis of elongate, apically cylindrical terminal elements with some short less clavate elements interspersed, hyphae (5.2–)6.1–10.7(–13.6) µm in diameter, hyaline in 5% KOH, frequently septate, crowded, regular, un branched, thin-walled, clamp connections frequently present. Pileocystidia absent. Stipitipellis a cutis, composed of parallel hyphae, (7.5–)10.7–13.8(–17.9) µm in diameter, light brownish in 5% KOH, frequently septate, unbranched, regular, with narrowly cylindrical terminal ends, clamp connection present frequently. Caulocystidia (17.4–)18.1–29.4(–34.9) × (10.3–)12.3–14.7(–16.7) µm, cylindrical to fusiform, broader than lower hyphae, smooth, empty, less frequent, hyaline to light brownish in 5%KOH.

Habit and habitat: Found on soil under conifers.

Distribution: It is first time collected from Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan.

Additional material examined: PAKISTAN, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Bagh, Saliyan, at 2,625 m a.s.l., under mixed forest of Pinus wallichiana , Cedrus deodara and Abies pindrow , on soil, solitary, 20 August 2020, Rubab Khurshid, Herb. LAH-258.

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