Eulophias spinosior, Nakayama & Yamakawa & Takami & Endo, 2023

Nakayama, Naohide, Yamakawa, Takeshi, Takami, Munehiro & Endo, Hiromitsu, 2023, Description of a New Deep-Water Eulophiid Fish (Perciformes: Zoarcoidei) from Japan, Ichthyology & Herpetology 111 (1), pp. 87-97 : 88-94

publication ID 10.1643/i2021047

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Eulophias spinosior

sp. nov.

Eulophias spinosior , new species

New standard Japanese name: Toge-itoginpo

Figures 1–5 View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG , Table 1 View Table 1

Eulophias owashii View in CoL (not Okada and Suzuki, 1954): Kudō et al., 1969: 97 (listed; Tosa Bay).

Holotype.— BSKU 107826 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 182.3 mm SL, Tosa Bay , 33811.2 0 N, 133835.0 0 E, 257–290 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 8 June 1998.

Paratypes.— 70 specimens, 94.9–180.2 mm SL. Tosa Bay : BSKU 47206 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 171.2 mm SL, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 11 January 1990 ; BSKU 82966 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 167.7 mm SL, BSKU 82967 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 167.4 mm SL, BSKU 82970 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 163.1 mm SL, BSKU 82971 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 160.1 mm SL, BSKU 82972 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 160.9 mm SL, BSKU 82974 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 162.4 mm SL, BSKU 82975 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 94.9 mm SL, KAUM-I. 100034 (ex. BSKU 82968 View Materials ), 1, F, 168.6 mm SL, KAUM-I. 100035 (ex. BSKU 82969 View Materials ), 1, M, 167.2 mm SL, 33811.7 0 N, 133836.0 0 E, 306–308 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 11 June 1997 ; BSKU 83206 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 180.2 mm SL, BSKU 83207 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 167.2 mm SL, BSKU 83208 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 162.0 mm SL, BSKU 83211 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 163.4 mm SL, BSKU 83213 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 163.7 mm SL, BSKU 83214 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 151.4 mm SL, BSKU 83215 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 156.3 mm SL, BSKU 83216 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 159.0 mm SL, BSKU 83217 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 134.6 mm SL, NSMT-P 140579 (ex. BSKU 83210 View Materials ), 1, M, 168.8 mm SL, NSMT-P 140580 (ex. BSKU 83212 View Materials ), 1, F, 156.8 mm SL, 33810.2 0 N, 133833.9 0 E, 308–313 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 17 July 1997 ; BSKU 83420 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 173.8 mm SL, BSKU 83421 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 148.0 mm SL, 33810.1 0 N, 133833.8 0 E, 306 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 9 September 1997 ; CSIRO H 8736-01 View Materials (ex. BSKU 83990 View Materials and BSKU 83991 View Materials ), 2, U, 109.1–114.3 mm SL, USNM 451536 About USNM (ex. BSKU 83988 View Materials ), 1, U, 152.9 mm SL, USNM 451537 About USNM (ex. BSKU 83989 View Materials ), 1, U, 129.2 mm SL, 33810.1 0 N, 133833.8 0 E, 293–298 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 9 October 1997 ; BSKU 83993 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 168.5 mm SL, BSKU 83994 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 163.9 mm SL, BSKU 83996 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 151.4 mm SL, BSKU 83997 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 139.1 mm SL, BSKU 83998 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 122.6 mm SL, BSKU 83999 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 109.7 mm SL, BSKU 84000 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 117.5 mm SL, 33810.6 0 N, 133834.4 0 E, 300–302 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 14 November 1997 ; AMS I.49680-001 (ex. BSKU 84012 View Materials ) 1, U, 140.5 mm SL, AMS I.49680-002 (ex. BSKU 84015 View Materials ) 1, U, 137.7 mm SL, BSKU 84003 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 170.3 mm SL, BSKU 84004 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 168.7 mm SL, BSKU 84009 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 143.7 mm SL, BSKU 84010 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 144.6 mm SL, BSKU 84011 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 153.8 mm SL, BSKU 84013 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 141.4 mm SL, BSKU 84014 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 134.1 mm SL, BSKU 84016 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 134.7 mm SL, BSKU 84017 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 118.6 mm SL, CAS-ICH 247267 (ex. BSKU 84018 View Materials and BSKU 84019 View Materials ), 2, U, 115.7–118.4 mm SL, HUMZ 231884 View Materials (ex. BSKU 84005 View Materials ), 1, F, 158.1 mm SL, HUMZ 231885 View Materials (ex. BSKU 84008 View Materials ), 1, M, 156.1 mm SL, 33810.5 0 N, 133834.1 0 E, 286–289 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 4 December 1997 ; BSKU 118751 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 174.5 mm SL, BSKU 118753 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 179.9 mm SL, BSKU 118756 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 155.1 mm SL, BSKU 118757 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 158.0 mm SL, BSKU 118758 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 174.0 mm SL, BSKU 118759 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 154.6 mm SL, collected with holotype ; BSKU 118798 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 155.0 mm SL, off Niyodo River , 300 m depth, FRV Tosa-kaiyo-maru, otter trawl, T. Ohkawa, 27 January 2016 ; BSKU 118835 View Materials , 1 View Materials , U, 135.3 mm SL, BSKU 118837 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 133.2 mm SL, 300 m, FRV Tosa-kaiyo-maru, otter trawl, T. Ohkawa, 14 October 2015 ; BSKU 118840 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 161.6 mm SL, 33810.7 0 N, 133834.5 0 E, 298–302 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 11 February 1998 ; BSKU 119420 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 166.0 mm SL, BSKU 119423 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 167.5 mm SL, 300 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 9 March 1998 ; BSKU 119428 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 164.6 mm SL, FAKU 85791 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 168.2 mm SL, FAKU 85792 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 159.1 mm SL, FAKU 85794 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 170.6 mm SL, 33811.6 0 N, 133835.6 0 E, 290–300 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 25 January 1998 ; FAKU 202873 View Materials , 1 View Materials , M, 160.5 mm SL, FAKU 202874 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 163.6 mm SL, FAKU 202875 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 170.7 mm SL, FAKU 202878 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 162.5 mm SL, 33810.6 0 N, 133834.4 0 E, 284–302 m depth, FRV Kotaka-maru, otter trawl, 11 September 1998 . Kumano-nada : FAKU 34629 View Materials , 1 View Materials , F, 150.8 mm SL, not fully counted and measured, Owase, H. Asano, O. Okamura, and K. Amaoka, 12–14 November 1961 . Suruga Bay : MSM-21-3, 1, F, 162.4 mm SL, Heda, bottom trawl, 15 October 2015 .

Diagnosis.— Eulophias spinosior is readily distinguished form its two congeners by having 133–143 dorsal-fin spines (vs. 124–128 and 116–125 in E. koreanus and E. tanneri , respectively), 109–116 anal-fin soft rays (vs. 102–103 and 90–100, respectively), 146–156 total vertebrae (vs. 141–143 and 132–143, respectively), and 5–6 pectoral-fin rays (vs. 7 in both E. koreanus and E. tanneri ). In addition, the new species is unique among the genus in lacking prominent dark markings on the sides of the head and body, whereas E. koreanus and E. tanneri have a dark band posterior to the eye and a series of dark blotches midlaterally on the trunk and tail.

Description.— General features are shown in Figures 1–2 View FIG View FIG . Counts and measurements are given in Table 1 View Table 1 . The following description is based on the male holotype ( Fig. 1 View FIG ) unless otherwise stated; data and comments in parentheses are for paratypes.

Body long, slender, eel-like, cylindrical anteriorly, progressively compressed posteriorly; body width at anal-fin origin 1.3 (1.1–1.5) in depth at same level. Trunk moderately short, preanal length 2.3 (2.1–2.5) in tail length. Head small, short, length 11.2 (10.0–12.7) in SL. Snout short, bluntly pointed in lateral view, broadly rounded in dorsal view; its dorsal profile steep, forming an angle of about 458 to horizontal axis of head and body. Eye large, oval, positioned dorsolaterally on head. Interorbital space narrow, slightly concave, its fleshy width 4.2 (3.1–6.9) in eye diameter. Mouth small, terminal, slightly oblique; posterior end of upper jaw extending to below midorbit (often slightly anterior to this level); posterodorsal margin of maxilla covered with skin; upper lip free from snout; tip of lower jaw protruding slightly beyond that of upper jaw. Nostril single, tubular; internarial width 1.9 (1.3– 2.9) times as long as nostril length. Posterodorsal margin of gill cover free from temporal region; narrow frill-like fleshy fringe developed along shoulder girdle above pectoral-fin base. Branchiostegal membranes broadly united across, but free from isthmus, with broad posterior free fold. Gill rakers small, conical, armed with very fine spines, 1–2 þ 0–1 þ 9–12 ¼ 11–14 (based on 3 paratypes: BSKU 83206 View Materials , BSKU 83207 View Materials , and BSKU 83993 View Materials ). Anus only slightly separated from anal-fin origin. Large female paratypes ( BSKU 82972 View Materials , BSKU 83206 View Materials , and BSKU 83211 View Materials , 160.9 View Materials – 180.2 mm SL) having well-developed ovaries with large ripe eggs of about 1.5–2.4 mm in diameter .

Single robust canine on anterior part of premaxillary ( Fig. 3 View FIG ); two robust canines on anterior tip of dentary; other teeth on premaxillary and dentary small, conical, arranged in almost uniserial row, except for anterior half of premaxillary where teeth in 1–2 irregular rows (see the Sexual dimorphism section for interspecific variation). Vomerine and palatine teeth absent.

Cephalic sensory canals narrow, with small but distinct pores ( Fig. 4 View FIG ). Nasal pores 2, positioned anterodorsally and posterodorsally to nostril (posterior one closed on right side in BSKU 82967 View Materials ); interorbital 1, situated mid-dorsally between posterior margins of pupils; infraorbital pores 7 (usually 7 or 8, rarely 6 or 9–10), serially arranged along ventral margin of eye; preopercular pores 5 and 4 on left and right sides, respectively (usually 4, rarely 3 or 5), obliquely arranged; mandibular pores 3 (rarely 2 or 4), serially arranged along mandibular rami; occipital pores 3 (rarely 4), transversely arranged in occipital region; postorbital pores 5 (rarely 4), anteriormost one immediately posterior to eye, other 4 (or 3) on temporal region. In some paratypes ( BSKU 47206 View Materials , BSKU 84013 View Materials , BSKU 118751 View Materials , and KAUM-I. 100034), single pore present along dorsoventral margin of orbit (supraorbital pore) .

Body covered with sparsely scattered, small, non-imbricate, embedded cycloid scales, except for fins, predorsal region, and area surrounding pectoral-fin base. No apparent lateral lines on body. Head lacking scales.

Dorsal fin long-based, with 139 (133–143) spines and 10 (7–12) unbranched soft rays; all spines short; spinous portion progressively increasing in height posteriorly, but lower than soft portion; dorsal fin originating posterior to vertical through pectoral-fin base; first dorsal pterygiophore inserted between first and second neural spines (usually between first and second, or second and third spines; rarely anterior to first, or between third and fourth spines). Anal fin long-based, with single (2 in BSKU 118840), short, slender spine and 114 (109–116) unbranched soft rays; anal fin originating below base of 35 th (34 th –38 th) dorsal-fin spine; single free pterygiophore present between spinous and soft portions of anal fin (absent in 31 of 70 paratypes). Dorsal and anal fins confluent with caudal fin. Caudal fin small, but distinct; its posterior margin rounded; most rays branched. Pectoral fin short, flaccid, length 4.3 (2.9–5.1) in HL, inserted posterior to hind margin of gill cover. Pelvic fin absent.

Coloration.— When fresh (based on two paratypes, BSKU 118798 and BSKU 118835; Fig. 2 View FIG ), body dusky olive in dorsal and lateral views, but mostly white when viewed ventrally; abdomen narrowly pinkish along mid-ventral line; some very faint dusky spots along mid-lateral line on anterior half of body (only in BSKU 118835; Fig. 2F View FIG ); head dusky olive dorsally, but generally white below horizontal through midorbit; nape brownish; iris gold, slightly tinged with brilliant green dorsally; lips, and gular and branchiostegal membranes translucent white, but anterior branchiostegal region pinkish internally; dorsal and caudal fins dusky olive; small irregular white spot on posterodorsal margin of caudal fin; anal fin mostly white, becoming olivish posteriorly; pectoral fin white. In 70% ethanol preservative ( Fig. 1 View FIG ), head and body uniformly light tan.

Sexual dimorphism.— In males (including holotype), first premaxillary tooth modified into large stout canine, followed by 1–2 irregular rows of small conical teeth, becoming uniserial posteriorly ( Fig. 3A–B View FIG ); whereas in females, first canine only slightly enlarged, and other small teeth arranged in distinct two rows, except near posterior margin ( Fig. 3E–F View FIG ). In males, anterior two teeth of mandible modified into large stout canines, second larger, followed by one distinct row of small conical teeth ( Fig. 3C–D View FIG ); whereas in females, anterior two canines only slightly enlarged, other small teeth arranged in two irregular rows anteriorly, almost uniserial posteriorly ( Fig. 3G–H View FIG ). These dimorphisms especially manifested in sexually mature individuals.

Distribution.— Eulophias spinosior is currently known from only Tosa Bay (type locality), the Kumano-nada, and Suruga Bay, all located off the Pacific coasts of southern Japan ( Fig. 5 View FIG ). Bathymetric range is 257–555 m, but usually found around 300 m.

Etymology.— The specific epithet spinosior is derived from the comparative of the Latin adjective spinosus, meaning thorny, spiny, or prickly, in alluding to a greater number of dorsal-fin spines of the new species among Eulophias .


Australian National Fish Collection


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Eulophias spinosior

Nakayama, Naohide, Yamakawa, Takeshi, Takami, Munehiro & Endo, Hiromitsu 2023

Eulophias owashii

Kudo, S. & M. Toriyama & O. Okamura & S. Morita 1969: 97
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