Gymnetis hebraica (Drapiez, 1820)

Iorio, Osvaldo Di, 2013, A review of the Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Argentina and adjacent countries: systematics and geographic distributions, Zootaxa 3668 (1), pp. 1-87 : 34-35

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3668.1.1

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scientific name

Gymnetis hebraica (Drapiez, 1820)


Gymnetis hebraica (Drapiez, 1820)

Figs. 43 View FIGURE 43 (distribution), 50 (aspects)

Gymnetis hebraica Drapiez : Ohaus 1900: 217–218 (distribution; natural history); Ohaus 1909: 32–33 (natural history); Schenkling 1921: 93–94 (catalog; distribution; references); Krajčík 1998: 77 (catalog; distribution).

Gymnetis bajula , not Olivier, 1789: Perty 1830 (distribution); Schaum 1844: 359 (correct identification); Krajčík 1998: 77 (catalog).

Gymnetis glauca Gory & Percheron, 1833: 357 (description; distribution); Burmeister 1842: 282 (description; distribution); Schaum 1844: 359 (synonymy); Krajčík 1998: 77 (catalog; distribution).

Distribution: BRAZIL ( Schenkling 1921, Blackwelder 1944, Krajčík 1998): Amazonas: Itamarati ( Ohaus 1909); Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro ( Burmeister 1842); Petrópolis ( Ohaus 1900).

Material examined: VENEZUELA: Tachira: San Cristobal, Chorro del Indio , V-1984, J. Blanco leg., 2 exx. [ ODIC]; BRAZIL: 20-X-1901, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ CBBA], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bruch], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Moser], 30-X-1901, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drapiez / determ. Moser ”; Richter Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA]; [Amazonas]: São Paulo de Olivença , Bosq Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA]; Pará: Jurutí, 24-II-2003, 4 exx. [ LABA]; Espíritu Santo: Río Bonito , I-1965, 1 ex. [ ODIC]; Linhares, I-1965, 1 ex. [ ODIC]; Mato Grosso do Sul: Río Amambai , Rancho Grande, 10-XI-1966, G.J. Williner leg., Col. IESM, 1 ex. [ ODIC]; Rio de Janeiro: Corcovado, 28-XI-1958, Alvarenga, Seabra & Martínez leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC]; Santa Catarina: Corupá, I-1961, 1 ex. [ ODIC]; PARAGUAY: “Para- / guay.” [printed on green paper], 1 ex. [ HBBA]; Altos, I-1914, 1 ex. [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bosq]; Central: 1939–1940, P. Willim leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC]; [V-1940, P. Willim leg.], # 45186, 2 exx. [ MACN], # 45188, 2 exx. [ MACN]; Guairá: [Villarrica, X-1923, Jörgensen leg.], # 13142, 1 ex. [ MACN]; Villarrica, X-1937, Bosq Collection, 2 exx. [ MLPA], 1 labeled “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bosq], XI-1937, 1 ex. [ MLPA], XII-1937, 2 exx. [ MLPA], 1 labeled “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drapiez / det. B.C. Ratcliffe 2004 ”, II-1938, 1 ex. [ MLPA]; Itapúa: Hohenau, Santa María, 15-XI-1949, H. Jacob leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC]; Hohenau, I-1953, Bosq Collection, 2 exx. [ MLPA], 1 labeled “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bosq]; Itapúa, II-1928, Dallas Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bosq], “ Gymnetina / (Gymnetoides) / hebraica Drap. / A. Martínez det. 1950”; Tierras de Herrera , XII-1954, A. Martínez leg., 2 exx. [ ODIC]; ARGENTINA: Misiones: [G. Morgenstern leg.], 2 exx. [ MACN]; Posadas, A. Breyer Collection, 1 ex. [ MACN], 27-VIII-1965, 1 female [ ODIC]; Pozo Azul, 9-XII-2007, G. Zubarán leg., 1 ex. [ GZSM]; Dos de Mayo , 1 ex. [ LPSI], 11-XII-1969, J. Carreras leg., 1 ex. [ JCDT]; Ituzaingó, Villa Udaondo, F. Penco leg., 1 ex. [ FPBA]; Aristóbulo del Valle , XI-2009, L. Aguado leg., 1 ex. [ LABA]; Formosa: San Francisco de Laishi , Reserva El Bagual, 1-X-2012, P. Torreta leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC]; Tucumán: Berg Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA]; Chaco: Río Bermejo , Richter Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA]; Dto. Resistencia, X – XII-1935, J.B. Daguerre, # 46113, 1 ex. [ MACN]; Corrientes: “Corri- / entes” [printed on green paper], Col. Berg, 1 ex. [ MLPA], 190_, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ CBBA], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bruch]; Corrientes, 1. 1909, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ CBBA], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bruch], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Moser]; Santo Tomé, Bosq Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bosq], G. Pellerano Collection, XII-1922, 1 ex. [ MACN], “ Gymnetis / litigiosa / G. et P.”, XII-1923, 1 ex. [ MACN], XI-1924, 1 ex. [ MACN], XII-1924, 2 exx. [ MACN], I-1926, 1 ex. [ MACN], II-1926, 1 ex. [ MACN], without date, 1 ex. [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / hebraica / Drap.” [handwritten by Bosq].

Note: Probably due to the confusion between Gymnetis hebraica , not Drapiez, 1820 [= G. bajula ] and the true G. hebraica , this last species was not previously mentioned from Argentina. Nevertheless, the citation of G. bajula from Corrientes ( Schenkling 1921) may correspond to G. hebraica , which is present in this province.


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia




















Gymnetis hebraica (Drapiez, 1820)

Iorio, Osvaldo Di 2013

Gymnetis hebraica

Krajcik, M. 1998: 77
Schenkling, S. 1921: 93
Ohaus, F. 1909: 32
Ohaus, F. 1900: 217

Gymnetis bajula

Krajcik, M. 1998: 77
Schaum, H. R. 1844: 359

Gymnetis glauca

Krajcik, M. 1998: 77
Schaum, H. R. 1844: 359
Burmeister, H. 1842: 282
Gory, H. L. & Percheron, A. R. 1833: 357
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