Gymnetis pudibunda porteri Dallas, 1930

Iorio, Osvaldo Di, 2013, A review of the Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Argentina and adjacent countries: systematics and geographic distributions, Zootaxa 3668 (1), pp. 1-87 : 42-43

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3668.1.1

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Gymnetis pudibunda porteri Dallas, 1930


Gymnetis pudibunda porteri Dallas, 1930

ARGENTINA: Santiago del Estero: “Santiago del / Estero 1925 / Wagner” [handwritten by Dallas], “Tipo” [handwritten by Dallas on red paper], “1628” [handwritten by Dallas on white paper], 1 ex. holotype [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / pudibunda Burm. / var Porteri / E.D. Dallas” [handwritten by Dallas on white paper] .

Material examined: ARGENTINA: Jujuy: 190_, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ CBBA] ; Yuto, III-1955, Bosq Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; Salta: “P. del Carmen”, 21-I-1936, E. Langmann leg., 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; Campo Durán (Destilería), I-1977, 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Tartagal, 18-XII-1960, A. Martínez leg., 2 exx. [ ODIC] ; Dto. Orán, Provincial Route 19, Km 4 (540 msm), 11-III-2003, J. Carreras leg., 1 ex. [ JCDT], 12-III-2003, O. Pirona leg., 1 ex. [ JCDT] ; Tucumán: [without locality], Schreiter leg., Bruch Collection, 1 ex. [ CBBA] ; [illegible number], 1899, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; [P. Girard leg.], # 16029, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Hogar Agrícola San Cayetano, XII-1935, Bosq Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; Santiago del Estero: “S. del Estero / 1920 Wagner” [handwritten by Dallas], “Homo / tipo” [handwritten by Dallas on white paper], 1 ex. [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / pudibunda / Burm.” [handwritten by Dallas on white paper] ; Santiago del Estero , Dallas Collection, 3 exx. [ MLPA], 1930, Dallas Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; Sgo. del Estero , E. Wagner leg., 1 ex. [ CBBA], 2 exx. [ MLPA], Col. A. Stevenin, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Rio Salado , Wagner col., Bosq Collection, 2 exx. [ MLPA], Dallas Collection, 2 exx. [ MLPA], G. Pellerano Collection, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Río Salado , 1922, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Icaño, 2 exx. [ MLPA] ; Santiago del Estero , 1920, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Santiago del Estero , [M.P. Gómez leg.], # 30411, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; without locality, A. Breyer Collection, 1 ex. [ MACN], “ Gymnetis / pudibunda / Bm. / Dr. Dallas determ.” ; Santiago del Estero [city], 18-II-2013, Di Iorio leg., 1 dead adult [ ODIC] ; Chaco: Charata, XII-1935, 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; Resistencia, 12-XII-1938, Dallas Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; San Bernardo, no date, P. de Maczezuk leg., 2 exx. [ ODIC] ; Córdoba: [illegible number]-1900, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ CBBA], 7-II-1904, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ CBBA], “ Gymnetis / pudibunda / Burm.” [handwritten by Bruch] ; Córdoba, Richter Collection, 2 exx. [ MLPA] ; Santa Fe: [Santa Fe city?], 9-II-1928, Bridarolli leg., Col. IESM, 1 ex. [ ODIC], “ Gymnetis / pudibunda Burm. / Bruch det.” [printed], 2[illegible number]- III-1931, Bridarolli leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Santa Fe capital, “121-53”, 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Entre Ríos: “Parana. / Jan.” [printed on green paper], 1 ex. [ HBBA] ; 190_, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ CBBA] ; without locality, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Federación, XII-2004, G. Zubarán leg., 1 ex. [ GZSM] ; Liebig, 10-I-1997, Di Iorio leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Ibicuy, I – II-2012, C. Ufor leg., 2 exx. [ CUJCP], 2 exx. [ ODIC] ; Buenos Aires: Richter Collection, 2 exx. [ MLPA] ; [Pdo. Escobar], Paraná de las Palmas, F. Penco leg., 22-I-2010, 1 ex. [ FPBA] ; Escobar, 2004, C. Ufor leg., 1 ex. [ CUJCP], II-2005, 1 ex. [ CUJCP] ; Tigre, 26-XI-2003, L. Aguado leg., 1 ex. [ LABA] ; Pdo. Tigre, Rincón de Millberg , 26-XI-2003, L. Aguado leg., 2 exx. [ LABA] ; San Fernando, 16-III-2004, M. Muñoz leg., 1 ex. [ LABA] ; Reserva Ecológica de Vicente López , XII-2012 to I-2013, L. Damer & Di Iorio leg., 15 exx. [ ODIC] ; José C. Paz, Borquez leg., XII-2005, 3 exx. [ LABA], I-2010, 1 ex. [ ABJCP], 7-I-2012, 1 ex. [ ABJCP] ; San Miguel, 30-XII-2003, G. Zubarán leg., 1 ex. [ GZSM] ; Grand Bourg, 30-XII-2009, Di Iorio leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Los Polvorines, 12-I-2012, Di Iorio leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Morón, F. Penco leg., 23-XI-2000, 1 ex. [ FPBA], 20-XII-2008, 1 ex. [ FPBA], I-2010, 1 ex. [ FPBA], 3-I-2010, 1 ex. [ FPBA], 18-I-2010, 1 ex. [ FPBA] ; Morón, Barrio Alessandro, 6-I-2009, V. Osses leg., 1 ex. [ JCDT] ; Ituzaingó, Villa Udaondo, F. Penco leg., III-2008, 1 ex. [ FPBA] ; Capital Federal: Avenida Corrientes, 2009, H. Iuri leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Villa Pueyrredón, A. Fortino leg., 19-XII-2000, 1 ex. [ AFBA], I-2003, 1 ex. [ AFBA], 29-XI-2003, 1 ex. [ AFBA], 21-XII-2005, 1 ex. [ AFBA], XII-2008, 1 ex. [ AFBA] ; Agronomía, IX-2002, L. Coronel leg., 1 ex. [ FPBA], XII-2002, E. Gogliormella leg., 1 ex. [ FPBA] ; Agronomía, A. Fortino leg., 19-XII-2011, 2 exx. [ AFBA], 2-I-2012, 1 ex. [ AFBA] ; Palermo Chico, 28-XI-2005, Vanucci leg., 1 ex. [ FPBA] ; Ciudad Universitaria, summer 2010–2011, Di Iorio leg., 93 exx. [ ODIC], 17-XII-2012, 4 exx. [ ODIC] ; Without locality: 1 ex. [ HBBA] ; 2 exx. [ ARCU] ; 2 exx. [ MLPA].

Male genitalia: parameres ( Figs. 29 View FIGURES 25–29 ); armature of the internal sac ( Figs. 60–61 View FIGURES 56–61 ).

Note 1: Blackwelder (1944) was the first one to place G. pudibunda porteri Dallas, 1930 in synonymy with G. pudibunda . It is easy to see on the illustration of Dallas (1930) that G. pudibunda porteri is only a variation of one individual with an additional yellow spot on elytra.

Note 2: Practically all specimens from Buenos Aires (except five) are distinctive because of the larger, anterior black spot on the yellow margin of the elytra in contact with the central black area ( Figs. 17–18 View FIGURES 13–18 ). In most specimens from Buenos Aires, the yellow color on the elytra is still more reduced ( Figs. 18 View FIGURES 13–18 ). In the specimens from the remaining Argentinian provinces ( Fig. 63 View FIGURE 63 ), the larger, anterior black spot on the yellow margin of the elytra is not fused but is separated from the central black area of the elytra ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 13–18 ).


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia



















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