Gymnetis schistacea Burmeister, 1847

Iorio, Osvaldo Di, 2013, A review of the Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Argentina and adjacent countries: systematics and geographic distributions, Zootaxa 3668 (1), pp. 1-87 : 43

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Felipe (2021-08-25 03:22:12, last updated 2024-11-28 19:32:12)

scientific name

Gymnetis schistacea Burmeister, 1847

stat. nov.

Gymnetis schistacea Burmeister, 1847 , new status

Figs. 69 (aspects), 73 (parameres)

Gymnetis schistacea Burmeister, 1847: 553 (description; distribution); Soukup 1942: 336 (distribution).

Gymnetis flaveola F. subsp. schistacea Burm. : Schürhoff 1937: 58 (new status), 65 (list; distribution); Blackwelder 1944: 262 (catalog; distribution).

Gymnetosoma flaveola ssp. schistacea: Krajčík 1998: 78 (catalog; distribution).

Distribution: PERU ( Soukup 1942). BRAZIL: Pará: “Gameta” [= Cametá], Col. Schaum ( Burmeister 1847); ( Blackwelder 1944): Amazonia ( Schürhoff 1937, Krajčík 1998).

Material examined: PERU: Junín: Chanchamayo, La Merced, Rio Oxabamba , 1 ex. [ CBBA] ; Loreto: Iquitos, 1 male [ ODIC] ; BRAZIL: Bosq Collection, 3 exx. [ MLPA] ; Amazonas: Manicoré, Río Madeira , VI-1921, 1 ex. [ MACN], “ Gymnetis schistacea Burm. ; São Paulo de Olivença, Bosq Collection , 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; Pará: Itaituba, IX-1965, 1 ex. [ ODIC], X-1965, 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; PARAGUAY: “Chaco / paraguayo” [handwritten by Bosq], Bosq Collection, 2 exx. [ MLPA], “1213” [handwritten by Bosq], G. Pellerano Collection, 1 ex. [ MACN], “ Gymnetis / schistacea / Burm.” [handwritten by Bosq] ; ARGENTINA: Misiones: Dallas Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / schistacea / Burm.” [handwritten by Bosq], “ Gymnetis / flaveola / schistacea Burm. / det. B.C. Ratcliffe 2004 ” ; Tucumán: C.S. Reed leg., 1 ex. [ CBBA], Dallas Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; Leales, XII-[illegible year], [illegible collector], Dallas Collection, 1 ex. [ CBBA] ; Santiago del Estero: Río Salado , A. Breyer Collection, 1 male [ MACN], “ Gymnetis / schystacea / Burm.” ; Chaco: Dallas Collection , 1 ex. [ MLPA], 1922, Dallas Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA].

Male genitalia: parameres ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 72–78 ).

Note 1: The mention of G. schistacea from Santiago del Estero by Burmeister (1866), repeated by Bruch (1911a), corresponds to the specimen of Gymnetis bruchi and not to the specimen from the Breyer Colletion, which was incorporated to the MACN after 1930.

Note 2: Schenkling (1921: 93) listed G. schistacea as a synonym of G. flaveola based on Kraatz (1888), but Schürhoff (1937) later treated it as a subspecies of G. flaveola . Gymnetis schistacea seems to be a color variation (Fig. 69) of G. flaveola (Figs. 70–71).

Note 3: The male parameres of G. flaveola ( Fig. 72 View FIGURES 72–78 ) are slightly different from those of G. schistacea ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 72–78 ).

Blackwelder, R. E. (1944) Checklist of coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Part 2. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 185, 197 - 265.

Bruch, C. (1911 a) Catalogo sistematico de los coleopteros de la Republica Argentina. Pars IV. Familias Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae (Coprini-Cetoniini), Passalidae. Revista del Museo de La Plata, 17, 181 - 223.

Burmeister, H. (1847) Supplemente zum Dritten Bande. Melitophila. In: Handbuch der Entomologie. Funfter Band. Coleoptera Lamellicornia, Xylophila et Pectinicornia. T. C. F. Enslin, Berlin, pp. 545 - 569.

Burmeister, H. C. K. (1866) Coleopteros lamelicornios melitofilos de las provincias argentinas. Revista Farmaceutica, Buenos Aires, 4, 573 - 577.

Kraatz, G. (1888) Ueber die sudamerikanische Gymnetis pantherina Burm. und die mit ihr verwechselten und verwandten Arten. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1888, 295 - 300.

Krajcik, M. (1998) Cetoniidae of the World. Catalogue - Part 1. Published by the author. Most, Czech Republic, 96 pp.

Ratcliffe, B. C. (2004) Lectotype designations in the New World Gymnetini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae). Zootaxa, 729, 1 - 19.

Schenkling, S. (1921) Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae. In: S. Schenkling (Ed.) Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio W. Junk, 72, 1 - 431.

Schurhoff, P. N. (1937) Beitrage zur kenntnis der Cetoniden (Col.). VIII. Revison der Gattung Gymnetis MacLeay. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1937, 565 - 580. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnd. 193719370104

Soukup, J. (1942) Apuntes para la zoogeografia entomologica (Entomografia peruana). Boletin del Museo de Historia Natural Javier Prado , 6, 302 - 342.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 72–78. Male parameres: 72, Gymnetis flaveola (Brazil); 73, Gymnetis schistacea (Argentina); 74, Gymnetis goryi; 75, Gymnetis hieroglyphica; 76, Hologymnetis sp. (Bruch Collection); 77, Hologymnetis undulata; 78, Heterocotinis semiopaca.


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia

















