Gymnetis cordobana ( Schürhoff, 1937 ) Iorio, 2013

Iorio, Osvaldo Di, 2013, A review of the Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Argentina and adjacent countries: systematics and geographic distributions, Zootaxa 3668 (1), pp. 1-87 : 27-29

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3668.1.1

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gymnetis cordobana ( Schürhoff, 1937 )

stat. nov.

Gymnetis cordobana ( Schürhoff, 1937) , new status

Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 (distribution), 33–35 (aspects), 39 (parameres)

Paragymnetis cordobana Schürhoff, 1937: 63 (description; distribution).

Paragymnetis flavomarginata subsp. cordobana Schhff. : Schürhoff, 1937: 67 (list; distribution).

Gymnetis flavomarginata ssp. cordobana Schürhoff, 1937 : Krajčík 1998: 77 (catalog; distribution).

Gymnetis bouvieri cordobana ( Schürhoff, 1937) : Antoine 2001: 123 (type specimens; new combination; new status), 124 (photo 4).

Gymnetis flavomarginata , not Blanchard, 1842: Aravena 1960: 142 (distribution); Aravena 1974: 119 (distribution): misidentification.

Paragymnetis flavomarginata flavomarginata , not Blanchard, 1842: Viana & Williner 1981: 35 (distribution): misidentification.

Distribution: ARGENTINA: Córdoba: El Sauce, Santa Rosa; Los Reartes; Los Molinos; La Falda; Alta Gracia; Valle Hermoso; Tanti; Los Cocos; San Javier; San Clemente; Athos Pampa ( Viana & Williner 1981); “Rep. Argentina / 21.12.30 / Sierra Cordoba ”, “10”, “ Gymn. cordobana / m. Typus / determ. Schürhoff Berlin” [red label], “1932 / 16” [green label], “Staatl. / Museum für / Tierkunde Dresden”, 1 male “ holotype ” [ SMTD] ( Antoine 2001); Col. Schürhoff, 1 male “ paratype ” [ NHMB] , 1 female “ allotype ” [MNHU] ( Antoine 2001); San Luis: El Volcán; Merlo; Villa Elena ( Viana & Williner 1981); La Pampa ( Aravena 1960): “Loventuel”, erratum pro Loventué, Fortuna leg. ( Aravena 1974).

Material examined: ARGENTINA: Chaco: [without locality], Dallas Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA] ; Catamarca: La Ciénaga (Belén), II-1928, Weiser Wolters leg., 1 ex. [ CBBA] ; La Rioja: Km 562, [M.P. Gómez leg., accessed IX-1931], # 28421, 1 female [ MACN] ; Córdoba: “Cordo- / va.”, 1 ex. [ HBBA], without label, 1 ex. [ HBBA], “ cyanipes / Burm. / Cordova ” [handwritten by Burmeister, pinned to the bottom of the drawer] ; # 11947, [Col. Günther], 1 ex. [ MACN], “ Gymnetis / cyanipes / Burm.”, “ Paragymnetis / flavomarginata ? / (Blanch.)” ; 190_, C. Bruch, 4 exx. [ CBBA], 1 labeled “ Gymnetis / flavomarginata / var. Blnch.” [handwritten by Bruch], Gymnetis flavomarginata Blch. ” [handwritten by Moser], 3 exx. [ MACN] ; Alta Gracia, La Granja, C. Bruch leg., I-1922, 1 ex. [ MACN], II-1922, 1 ex. [ CBBA], 10-I-1925, 1 ex. [ CBBA], 20-I-1925, # 24967, 1 ex. [ MACN], 6-I-192[illegible number], 1 ex. [ CBBA], XII-1926, 1 ex. [ MACN], 20-I-1927, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; [Alta Gracia, 1927, C. Bruch leg.], # 18869, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; [Alta Gracia, C. Bruch leg., accessed 21-XII-1934], # 36114, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Alta Gracia, I-1939, C. Bruch leg., 44 exx. [ MLPA] ; Cabana (Unquillo), 9-I-1926, C. Bruch leg., 1 female [ MACN] ; Sierra [de] Cordoba, Williner leg., 8-II [or XI?]- 1927, 1 ex. [ MACN], 30-I-1930, Williner leg., 1 ex. [ MACN], “ Gymnetis / flavomarginata Blnch. / Bruch det.” [printed], 8-I-1938, Bridarolli leg., 2 exx. [ MACN] ; San Javier, I-1948, Bridarolli leg., 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Cosquín, 1 ex. [ MACN], “ Gymnetis sp. ?” ; Valle Verde, II-1938, G. Pellerano Collection, 2 exx. (1 male) [ MACN] ; Río Cuarto , G. Pellerano Collection, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; San Carlos Mina, 19-I-1979, G.J. Williner leg., 1 male, 1 female [ ODIC] ; Córdoba [city?], 1969, B. Enneu leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC], I-1969, A. Stoka leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; La Cumbre, Cuchi Corral, I-1983, J. Genise leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Capilla del Monte , 10-XII-2004, F. Penco leg., 2 exx. [ FPBA], 3-I-2009, L. Aguado leg., 1 ex. [ LABA] ; Capilla del Monte , Aguas Azules, A. Fortino leg., 10-XII-2004, 1 ex. [ AFBA], 28-I to 14-II-2012, 3 exx. [ AFBA], I-2013, 1 ex. [ AFBA] ; Capilla del Monte , I-2006, M.E. Cánepa leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Capilla del Monte , Río Calabalumba , 12- III-2012, M.L. Libonatti leg., 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Villa Argüello, I-1958, 2 exx. [ MLPA], one labeled “ Gymnetoides / cordobana / Schurhoff” ; [without locality], Col. Genise, 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Río Ceballos , 14-XII-2011, G. Rodríguez leg., 1 ex. [ ABJCP], 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Dique Los Molinos, 1 female [ EAPW] ; Santa Fe: “N. de S. Fe ”, I-1931, Rodríguez leg. 1 ex. [ MACN] ; Mendoza: [without locality], P.L. Borsani leg., Bosq Collection, 1 ex. [ MLPA], “ Gymnetis / flavomarginata / var. Blnch.” [handwritten by Bosq] ; San Luis: 190_, C. Bruch, 1 ex. [ CBBA] ; Sierra Nogoli, [currently Hipólito Irigoyen], 1925, J.W. Gez leg., # 14473, 1 female [ MACN], # 14474, 1 ex. [ MACN] ; La Pampa: “Pampa Central / Cuchillocó / 1912 / A. Copello ”, 1 ex. [ ODIC] ; Without locality: 1 female [ ODIC].

Male genitalia: parameres ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 38–41 ).

Note 1: Most likely due to the small yellow spots of some specimens ( Figs. 33–34 View FIGURES 30–37 ), G. cordobana was erroneously identified as G. flavomarginata , not Blanchard, 1842. Gymnetis cyanipes Burmeister was not published.

Note 2: The type locality given by Schürhoff (1937) was erroneously stated to be in Brazil, as also established by Antoine (2001). This species is undoubtedly endemic to central Argentina ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Note 3: Gymnetis cordobana may be distinguished from the similar G. carbo by its intense metallic blue shine on the sternites and legs ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 30–37 ), and by the male genitalia ( Figs. 39 and 41 View FIGURES 38–41 respectively).

Note 4: Gymnetis cordobana was treated as a subspecies of G. bouvieri by Antoine (2001), and it is treated here as a separate species. Gymnetis cordobana may be distinguished from G. bouvieri by to its greater size, the more regularly convexity on the lateral margins of the elytra ( Figs. 33–34 View FIGURES 30–37 ), not straight and more narrowed posteriorly as in G. bouvieri ( Figs. 30–31 View FIGURES 30–37 ), and the more intense blue color on the sternites and legs ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 30–37 ). Although the male parameres of G. cordobana ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 38–41 ) are similar to those of G. bouvieri ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 38–41 ), the ratio of length of apical lobes / length of the basal portion of the parameres is 0.28 in G. bouvieri and 0.38 in G. cordobana (the basal portion of the parameres is longer in G. bouvieri and shorther in G. cordobana ).


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia




















Gymnetis cordobana ( Schürhoff, 1937 )

Iorio, Osvaldo Di 2013

Gymnetis bouvieri cordobana ( Schürhoff, 1937 )

Antoine, P. 2001: 123

Gymnetis flavomarginata ssp. cordobana Schürhoff, 1937

Krajcik, M. 1998: 77

Paragymnetis flavomarginata flavomarginata

Viana, M. J. & Williner, G. J. 1981: 35

Gymnetis flavomarginata

Aravena, R. O. 1974: 119
Aravena, R. O. 1960: 142

Paragymnetis cordobana Schürhoff, 1937: 63

Schurhoff, P. N. 1937: 63

Paragymnetis flavomarginata subsp. cordobana

Schurhoff, P. N. 1937: 67
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