Eupotemus carinaticollis (Basilewsky, 1956)

Fikáček, Martin, Matsumoto, Keita, Perkins, Philip, Prokin, Alexander, Sazhnev, Alexey, Litovkin, Stanislav & Jäch, Manfred A., 2021, The family Epimetopidae (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea): review of current knowledge, genus-level phylogeny, and taxonomic revision of Eupotemus, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 61 (1), pp. 1-34 : 16-18

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Carolina (2021-06-28 15:42:10, last updated 2021-06-28 15:48:38)

scientific name

Eupotemus carinaticollis


Eupotemus carinaticollis species group

E. carinaticollis ( Basilewsky, 1956) Burundi, DR Congo (B*òඌං-

අൾඐඌκඒ 1956, this paper) E. taianus sp. nov. Côte d’Ivoire (this paper) E. uluguru sp. nov. Tanzania (this paper)

Eupotemus limicola species group in some specimens posteriorly; ridge on interval 7 complete E. bilobatus sp. nov. Nigeria (this paper) until posterior third of elytral length. Elytral punctures E. cameroonensis sp. nov. Cameroon (this paper) of each row connected by low elevated line. Aedeagus E. limicola ( Delève, 1967) DR Congo (Dൾඅජඏൾ 1967) ( Figs 8A–C, R–S View Fig ): 0.90–0.95 mm long. Parameres ca. 3× E. ophioglossus sp. nov. Gabon, Togo (this paper)

longer than phallobase, weakly bisinuate on outer face,

E. smithi sp. nov. Côte d’Ivoire (this paper)

not widened apically in lateral view. Median lobe with

ventral impression wide in lateral view; apical disc ca.

Key to species groups of Eupotemus

1.3× longer than wide, concave in lateral view, its apex

1. Lateral ridge of the pronotum not interrupted (Fig.

deeply bisinuate. Phallobase basally with narrow, slightly

10H). Median lobe in lateral view resembling a bottle

asymmetrical manubrium.

opener ( Figs 8B, E, H, K, N View Fig ); ventral projection of me-

Etymology. The species name refers to the bilobate apex

dian lobe bifid ( Figs 8P–R, T, V, X View Fig ). ................................ ........................................................... E. limicola group of the median lobe which is a unique character of this

species. Adjective.

– Lateral ridge of the pronotum interrupted in the mid-

Biology. No data available.

dle ( Fig. 10G View Fig ). Median lobe in lateral view compressed

Distribution. Only known from two close localities in

dorsoventrally ( Figs 11B, E, H View Fig ); ventral projection of

southern Nigeria ( Fig. 13A View Fig ).

median lobe bar-like ( Fig. 6H View Fig ). ....................................... .................................................. E. carinaticollis group

Eupotemus cameroonensis sp. nov.

( Figs 8D–F View Fig , 9D–F View Fig )

Eupotemus limicola group

Material examined. Hඈඅඈඍඒඉൾ:J ( BMNH): ʽHolo- / type // BRITISH

Eupotemus bilobatus sp. nov. CAMEROON./ Manfe, 7-11.i.1949 / B. Malkin coll. // Rain forest; clear

( Figs 8A–C View Fig , 9A–C View Fig ) / stream: Gravel and / sand. // Metepitopus / occidentalis Type! / JK.

Balfour-Browne det. // HOLOTYPE / Afrometopus / cameroonensis /

Material examined. Hඈඅඈඍඒඉൾ: J ( BMNH): ʽUmuahia / J L.G / P. D. Perkins // New species to / coll. + n.g. was a / specimen in D.2.2.1 3.ix.–4.x.1960 // C. E. Tottenham / collection / B. M. 1974-587.ʼ P*ò*©*ò- / see its pinlabelsʼ. ඍඒඉൾඌ: NIGERIA: Aൻංൺ: 1 J 1 ♀ 4 spec. ( BMNH, NMPC): ʽUmuahia / 3.ix.–4.x.1960 / J.L. Gregory // C. E. Tottenham / collection / B. M. Differential diagnosis. Very similar to the other species of 1974-587ʼ; 3 ♀♀ ( BMNH): ʽUmudike / J. L. Gregory / 10-13.iv.1960 // the E. limicola species group from which it can be reliably C. E. Tottenham / collection / B. M. 1974-587ʼ.

distinguished by male genitalia only. The aedeagus (Figs

Differential diagnosis. Very similar to the other species of 8D–F) differs from other species except E. ophioglossus the E. limicola species group from which it can be reliably in the moderately widened apex of the paramere in latedistinguished by the male genitalia only. The aedeagus is ral view ( Figs 8E, U View Fig ) and the very elongate and distally unique in the following characters: deeply bilobate apex rounded (not bilobate) apical disc of the median lobe. In of the median lobe ( Figs 8A, C View Fig ; not bilobate in all other all these aspects it resembles E. ophioglossus from which species), apices of parameres not widened in lateral view it only differs in the shape of the ventral fork ( Fig. 8T View Fig ) ( Figs 8B, S View Fig ; more or less widened in all other species) which is only shallowly emarginate. Externally, it can be and ventral fork rather narrow and shallowly excised only distinguished from E. smithi by the complete ridge on ( Fig. 8R View Fig ; in contrast to E. cameroonensis , E. limicola and elytral interval 3 (see under E. smithi for details). E. ophioglossus ). Externally, it can be only distinguished Description. Body 2.65 mm long and 1.60 mm wide. Dorfrom E. smithi by the complete ridge on elytral interval 3 sal surface black. Habitus and sculpture as in Figs 9D–F View Fig ; (interrupted posteriorly in E. smithi ). The coloration of all ridge on elytral interval 3 not interrupted; ridge on interval examined specimens is paler (brown to dark brown Figs 5 View Fig interrupted anteriorly and just before its posterior end; 9A–C) than in all other species examined. ridge on interval 7 complete until posterior 0.1 of elytral

Description. Body 2.8–3.3 mm long (holotype 2.9 mm) length. Elytral punctures connected by low elevated line. and 1.5–1.8 mm wide (holotype 1.6 mm). Dorsal color- Aedeagus ( Figs 8D–E, T–U View Fig ): 0.80 mm long. Parameres ca. ation brown to dark brown. Habitus and sculpture as in 1.5× longer than phallobase, moderately bisinuate on outer Figs 9A–C View Fig ; ridge on elytral interval 3 not interrupted face, moderately widened apically in lateral view. Median throughout; ridge on interval 5 interrupted anteriorly and lobe with ventral impression rounded in lateral view; apical disc ca. twice as long as wide, concave in lateral view, its apex rounded. Phallobase basally with narrow, slightly asymmetrical manubrium.

Etymology. The species name refers to Cameroon where the only known specimen was collected. Adjective.

Biology. No data available.

Distribution. Only known from the type locality ( Fig. 13A View Fig ).

BASILEWSKY P. 1956: Contributions a l'etude de la faune entomologique du Ruanda-Urundi (Mission P. Basilewsky 1953). LXXXII. Coleoptera Georyssidae. Annales du Musee Royal du Congo Belge (in 8 o) Sciences Zoologiques 51: 172 - 174.

DELEVE J. 1967: Note sur les Epimetopinae (Col. Palpicornia), especes africaines. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique 103: 189 - 195.

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Fig. 8. Male genitalia of the species of the Eupotemus limicola species group, holotypes.A–C, R–S – E. bilobatus sp. nov.; D–F, T–U – E. cameroonensis sp. nov.; G–I, V–W – E. ophioglossus sp. nov.; J–L, X–Y – E. smithi sp. nov.; M–Q – E. limicola (Delève, 1967). A, D, G, J, M – dorsal view; B, E, H, K, N – lateral view; C, F, I, L – ventral view; O – apex of the median lobe, dorsal view; P, R, T, V, X – fork of the median lobe; Q, S, U, W, Y – apex of parameres in lateral view.

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Fig. 10. Habitus photographs of the species of the Eupotemus limicola species group, holotypes (A–F) and differences between species groups in pronotal morphology (G–H). A–C – E. smithi sp. nov.; D–F – E. ophioglossus sp. nov.; G–I – pronotal sculpture: G – E. carinaticollis species group; H – E. limicola species group.

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Fig. 11. Male genitalia of the Eupotemus carinaticollis species group, holotypes.A–C – E. carinaticollis (Basilewsky, 1956); D–F – E. taianus sp. nov.; G–I – E. uluguru sp. nov. A, D, G – dorsal view; B, E, H – lateral view; C, F, I – ventral view.

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Fig. 13. Known distribution of Eupotemus species.A – species of E. limicola species group; B – species of E. carinaticollis species group.

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Fig. 6. Male genitalia and associated structures of Epimetopidae. A–H – Eupotemus Ji & Jäch, 1998 (A–F – E. smithi sp. nov.; G – E. cameroonensis sp. nov.; H – E. carinaticollis (Basilewsky, 1956)). I–R – Epimetopus Lacordaire, 1854 (I–N – E. mendeli Fikáček et al., 2011; O – E. cf. burruyacu Oliva, 1986; P – E. multiporus Perkins, 2012; Q – E. clandestinus Perkins, 2012; R – E. thermarum Schwarz & Barber, 1917). S–Z – Eumetopus Balfour-Browne, 1949 (S–Y – E. acutimontis Ji & Jäch, 1998; Z – E. bullatus (Sharp, 1875)).A, I, S – sternite VIII; B, J, T – tergite VIII; C, K, U – sternite IX; D, L, V – aedeagus dorsally; E, M, W – aedeagus laterally; F, N, X – aedeagus ventrally (basal part omitted in X); Y – sperm pump. Color coding: green – ventral projections of the median lobe; red – median lobe; blue – paramere (pale blue – dorsal lobe; dark blue – ventral lobe). Not to scale.

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Fig. 9. Habitus photographs of the species of the Eupotemus limicola species group, holotypes: A–C – E. bilobatus sp. nov.; D–F – E. cameroonensis sp. nov.; G–I – E. limicola (Delève, 1967).

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Fig. 5. Morphology of Epimetopidae. A–B – ventral morphology: A – Eupotemus smithi sp. nov.; B – Epimetopus mendeli Fikáček, Perkins & Barclay, 2011. C–F – hind wings: C – Eumetopus schulkei Jäch, 2002; D – Eupotemus smithi sp. nov.; E – Epimetopus mendeli, adopted from Fංκගඹൾκ et al. (2011); F – Epimetopus costaricensis Perkins, 1979. G – dorsal part of the metathorax. H – scutellum. I–K – abdominal ventrites (I – Eumetopus schuelkei; J – Eupotemus smithi sp. nov.; K – Epimetopus mendeli). L–M – ovipositor (L – Eumetopus schuelkei; M – Eupotemus smithi). O – elytral punctation, slide-mounted elytra of Epimetopus costaricensis. P – female of Eumetopus acutimontis in ventral view, with the egg cases carried under the abdomen. Not to scale.


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