Eumetopus Balfour-Browne, 1949

Fikáček, Martin, Matsumoto, Keita, Perkins, Philip, Prokin, Alexander, Sazhnev, Alexey, Litovkin, Stanislav & Jäch, Manfred A., 2021, The family Epimetopidae (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea): review of current knowledge, genus-level phylogeny, and taxonomic revision of Eupotemus, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 61 (1), pp. 1-34 : 24-25

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Carolina (2021-06-28 15:42:10, last updated 2021-06-28 15:42:13)

scientific name

Eumetopus Balfour-Browne, 1949


Eumetopus Balfour-Browne, 1949

( Figs 2M–Q; 3C–D, L–O; 4A–B, D, H, L–M; 5C, I, L; 6S–Z;

7A–C; 14–15)

Eumetopus Balfour-Browne, 1949: 13 . Type species: Sepidulum bullatum Sharp, 1875 .

Eumetopus : H*òඇඌൾඇ (1991), Jං & Jඟ*ö*ü (1998a,b), H*òඇඌൾඇ (1999), Jඟ*ö*ü A. Prokin & A. Sazhnev leg.; 4 JJ 1 ♀ with egg case (IBIW): same

(2002), Sκ*òඅൾ & Jඟ*ö*ü (2003), H*òඇඌൾඇ (2004), Fංκගඹൾκ & Rඒඇൽൾඏං*ö*ü locality, 13.iv.2019, A. Prokin lgt. (2015).

Comments. Eumetopus acutimontis was so far only known

Diagnosis. Moderately large species (body length 2.6–4.3 from Hainan Island, China. The specimens from Vietnam mm); body brown to black, partly with a metallic sheen correspond well with the drawing of the male genitalia by (especially on pronotum and elytral tubercles; Figs 14– J ං & Jඟ*ö*ü (1998a), and their external morphology agrees 15); eyes not divided completely into dorsal and ventral with the female paratype deposited in the NHMW. This portion ( Fig. 4A); anterior oblique portion of clypeus is the first record of E. acutimontis from continental Asia divided from posterior parts by a ridge ( Fig. 4B); lab- and from Vietnam. rum strongly narrowed posteriorly ( Fig. 2J); mandibular Biology. All specimens were found on the wet sandy banks apex bidentate ( Figs 2M–L); apical maxillary palpomere of the Shuoi-Ngang river, by washing out the shore sedilong, strongly asymmetrical ( Fig. 2M); mentum slightly ment (Figs A–D); the specimens were floating at the water wider than long, with series of long setae along anterior surface when they were washed from the sandy shore. margin ( Figs 2N–O, 4D); pronotum 0.7–0.8× as long as Adults of some Hydrophilidae , Byrrhinus sp. (Limnichiwide, hood covering head forming anterior third of its dae) and a larva of Eulichas Jakobson, 1913 ( Eulichadidae ) length; ventral surface of the hood with set of parallel were collected from the same microhabitat. For video of a ridges ( Fig. 3D); prosternum ( Fig. 3C) slightly elevated living specimen, see Supplementary File S1. medially, ca. 0.25× as long as procoxal cavity; procoxal cavity open posteriorly ( Fig. 3C); elytron with scutellary Eumetopus asperatus (Champion, 1919) stria ( Fig. 15); elytra with tubercles on alternate intervals ( Figs 14B, 15B) ( Fig. 15); mesanepisterna narrowly separated by anterior

Material examined. INDIA: UඍඍൺඋൺκΗൺඇൽ: 5 spec. ( NHMW, NMPC): portion of mesoventrite; mesoventrite posteromesally 30 km NNE Bageshwar, west of Loharket Village, 1800–1900 m, with high bulge ( Fig. 3L); metaventrite ca. as long as, Z. Kejval & M. Trýzna lgt. mesocoxa, posteromesally with large central and a pair of

Comments. Except for the holotype, this species has not lateral smooth elevated areas ( Fig. 3L); middle and hind

been recorded from Uttarakhand. femora with posterior spine ( Fig. 4M); phallobase long and conical; parameres subdivided into dorsal and ventral

Eumetopus bullatus ( Sharp, 1875) lobe; median lobe thin, peg-like, without projections (Figs

( Figs 6Z, 14C, 15C) 6V–Z); sperm pump present ( Fig. 6Y); male sternite IX circular ( Fig. 6U). Material examined. INDIA: MൺΗൺඋൺඌΗඍඋൺ: 4 JJ 4 ♀♀ (NHMW,

NMPC): ca. 15 km E Sawantwadi, 15°55′N 73°53′E [coordinates on

Identification. The genus was revised by Jං & Jඟ*ö*ü (1998)

original labels (15°55′N 75°53′E) are incorrect, Z. Kejval, pers. comm.], who also illustrated the male genitalia for all species riverside, 40 m, 22.v.2006, Z. Kejval lgt. known at that time. One additional species was described by Jඟ*ö*ü (2002) who provided an updated identification Comments. The species was so far only known from the key. The latest recognized species was described by holotype with the type locality ‘Indiaʼ (S*ü*ò*©ඉ 1875, Jං & Sκ*òඅൾ & Jඟ*ö*ü (2003) and compared to its closest relative. Jඟ*ö*ü 1998). This is therstfi precise record, confirming the

occurrence in India. List of species (8 described species)

Eumetopus flavidulus (Sharp, 1890)

E. acutimontis Ji & Jäch, 1998 China (Hainan; Jං & Jඟ*ö*ü 1998a), ( Figs 14D, 15D, J)

Vietnam (this paper)

E. asperatus (Champion, 1919) India: Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand; Material examined. INDIA: MൺΗൺඋൺඌΗඍඋൺ: 4 JJ 4 ♀♀ (NHMW, Nepal (Jං & Jඟ*ö*ü 1998a, Sκ*òඅൾ & Jඟ*ö*ü NMPC): ca. 15 km E Sawantwadi, 15°55′N 73°53′E [coordinates on

2003, Hൾ*ô*òඎൾ*© 2006b, this paper) original labels (15°55′N 75°53′E) are incorrect, Z. Kejval, pers. comm.],

E. bullatus ( Sharp, 1875) India: Maharashtra (this paper). riverside, 40 m, 22.v.2006, Z. Kejval lgt. AඇൽΗඋൺ PඋൺൽൾඌΗ: 1 J 1 ♀

E. flavidulus (Sharp, 1890) India: Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Maha- (SLC): Vijayawada, Krishna River, 16.511°N 80.614°E, 16.ii.2014, K. rashtra, Meghalaya, Odisha; Sri Lanka Tomkovich lgt.

(Jං & Jඟ*ö*ü 1998a, this paper)

E. maindroni ( Régimbart, 1903) India: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Comments. First record for Andhra Pradesh and Maha- Nadu (RඣǤංආ*ô*ò*©ඍ 1903, Jං & Jඟ*ö*ü rashtra.

1998a, this paper)

E. schuelkei Jäch, 2002 Laos (Jඟ*ö*ü 2002) Eumetopus maindroni ( Régimbart, 1903)

E. tibialis Ji & Jäch, 1998 northern Thailand (Jං & Jඟ*ö*ü 1998a) ( Figs 14E, 15E)

E. weigeli Skale & Jäch, 2003 Nepal (Sκ*òඅൾ & Jඟ*ö*ü 2003), India: Uttarakhand (this paper). Material examined. INDIA: MൺΗൺඋൺඌΗඍඋൺ: 3 JJ 1 ♀ (NHMW): ca.

15 km E Sawantwadi, 15°55′N 73°53′E [coordinates on original labels

(15°55′N 75°53′E) are incorrect, Z. Kejval, pers. comm.], riverside,

Eumetopus acutimontis Ji & Jäch, 1998 40 m, 22.v.2006, Z. Kejval lgt. Gඎඃൺඋൺඍ: 1 J 5 ♀♀ (SLC): Junagadh,

( Figs 6S–Y, 14A, 15A, I) Girnar Mt., 21.526°N 70.48°E, 20–31.x.2012, at light, K.Tomkovich lgt.

Material examined. VIETNAM: KΗගඇΗ Hණൺ Pඋඈඏ.: 1 J 1 ♀ with Comments. The species was so far known only from the

egg case ( IBIW): Ba Ho Waterfalls National Park, river Shuoi-Ngang, type specimens (RඣǤංආ*ô*ò*©ඍ 1903, Jං & Jඟ*ö*ü 1998a) from

12°23.131′N 109°08.052′E, 18.iv.2018, A. Prokin & A. Sazhnev leg.; 12 the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Here we report it from

JJ 9♀♀ (2 ♀♀ with egg case) ( IBIW, NMPC): same locality, 2.v.2018, Gujarat and Maharashtra for the first time.

BALFOUR-BROWNE J. 1949: Notes on the subfamily Epimetopinae (Col., Palpicornia) with the description of a new genus and of three new species. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Series B 18: 12 - 18.

JACH M. A. 2002: First record of Epimetopidae in Laos (Coleoptera: Epimetopidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 72: 161 - 164.

REGIMBART M. 1903: Voyage de M. Maurice Maindron dans l'Inde meridionale (Mai a Novembre 1901). Dytiscides, Gyrinides et Palpicornes. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France 72: 331 - 339.

SHARP D. 1875: On three new species of Hydrophilidae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 11: 247 - 250.

SKALE A. & JACH M A. 2003: A new species of Eumetopus Balfour- Browne, 1949 from Nepal (Insecta: Coleoptera: Epimetopidae). Pp. 195 - 196. In: HARTMANN M. & BAUMBACH H. (eds.): Biodiversitat und Naturausstattung im Himalaya. Verein der Freunde & Forderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt, Erfurt, 408 pp.


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