Lewisister masumotoi, Ho & Ôhara, 2022

Ho, Yu-Hsiang & Ôhara, Masahiro, 2022, Figs. 23 - 34 in The Newly Recorded Fern-spore Feeding Moths in the Genus, Meyrick 1889 (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) from Taiwan, with Notes on Life History of Three Species., Zoological Studies 61 (31), pp. 1-11 : 3-8

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.6620/ZS.2022.61-31

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Lewisister masumotoi


Lewisister excellens Bickhardt, 1912 View in CoL ( Figs. 1–3)

Lewisister excellens Bickhardt, 1912 View in CoL , 223 [Java]; Ôhara et al. 2001, 60 [ Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah]; Mazur, 2008, 91 [ Taiwan: Taitung]; 2011, 75 [ Indonesia, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan].

Lewisister curvistriatus Bickhardt, 1914 , 313 [Sumatra], synonymized by Mazur, 1997, 90.

Material examined: 1 ñ, 18. Oct. 1999, Ulu Senagang, Crocker Range Park, Malaysia, leg. K. Mizota (MO-00-0171, SEHU). 1 ò, 9. Nov. 1989, Sungai Penuh to Tapan, Jambi km 15, Indonesia, 1450 m, leg. A. Löbl (MO-00-010, PCSM). 1 ò, 23. Aug. 2021, Xuanyuan trail, Fuxing, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 24.6544, 121.4079, leg. F. S. Hu ( PCHO). 1 ò, 6. May 2020, Huisun Forest Reserve, Ren’ai, Nantou, Taiwan, 24.0907, 121.0341, leg. Y. H. Ho ( PCHO). 1 ñ, 26. Mar – 5. May 2018, Huisun Forest Reserve, Ren’ai, Nantou, Taiwan, leg. W. R. Liang ( PCHO). 1 ñ, 8. Apr. 2007, Road No. 20 after Chulai, km 202, Taitung, Taiwan, 300 m, Plain forest litter, sifted, leg. S. Vit ( PCTL).

Diagnosis: This species can be distinguished from Lewisister masumotoi sp. nov. by the following characters: 1) third dorsal stria incomplete; 2) body larger than L. masumotoi sp. nov. ( PEL = 3.95–4.20 mm); 3) lateral sides of parameres little outwardly curved on apical one-third.

Additional description on the basis of Taiwanese specimens: Body length, PPL, male, 4.39 mm, female, 4.26 mm, PEL, male, 4.20 mm, female, 3.95 mm, body width, EW, male, 3.19 mm, female, 3.05 mm. Biometric data are given in table 2. Body oval, convex, black and shiny; apices of segments of maxillary palps yellowish brown.

Frontal stria ( Fig. 2A View Fig ) deeply impressed laterally and absent medio-anteriorly. Orbital stria absent. Head covered with coriaceous microsculpture; surface broadly and deeply excavate on frons and clypeus. Mandibles well developed, with a large denticle on inner side. Anterior margin of labrum feebly emarginate at middle ( Fig. 2A View Fig ).

Pronotal sides ( Fig. 1A) regularly convergent apically. Apical angle obtusely angulate. Marginal pronotal stria complete, median half impressed on underside (hypomeron). Lateral pronotal stria impressed on apical two-thirds to four-fifths (complete on specimen of Java). Disk of pronotum with large depression behind anterior angle; surface covered with coriaceous microsculpture. Posterior margin of pronotum obtusely angulated posteriorly at middle. Prescutellar impression of disk with a longitudinal puncture.

Epipleural marginal stria ( Fig. 1A) present on median third and its ventral edge carinate; elytral marginal stria complete; disk of epipleura feebly excavated on median third. External subhumeral stria complete. Oblique humeral stria lightly impressed on basal third. First and second dorsal striae completely and deeply incised, their outer edges subcariniform; third dorsal stria incomplete, present on anterior half and with a short rudiment on apical fifth, basal end attaining basal margin of elytron; fourth dorsal striae short, present on anterior one seventh, sometimes reduce to short rudiment and barely visible; fifth dorsal striae absent; sutural stria incomplete, present on apical three-fifths. Surface of elytra shining, sparsely covered with fine punctures.

Propygidium ( Fig. 2B View Fig ) and pygidium ( Fig. 2C View Fig ) sparsely and irregularly covered with large and round punctures. Punctures of pygidium becoming denser near apical margin.

Anterior margin of prosternal lobe ( Fig. 1B) round, its marginal stria complete, outer side of stria strongly carinate; disk of lobe convex longitudinal medially and coarsely punctate laterally. Prosternal keel ( Fig. 2F View Fig ) rather wide, its median disk with fine punctures and alutaceous microsculptures; carinal striae present and united anteriorly as a straight stria (anterior part of striae); lateral disk densely covered with coarse punctures; posterior margin of keel straight. Lateral descending striae of keel deeply and completely impressed, outer sides of striae strongly carinate.

Anterior margin of mesoventrite ( Fig. 1B) broadly and slightly curve outwardly; marginal stria complete; intercoxal disk sparsely covered with fine punctures separated by four to ten times their diameter. Mesometaventral suture lightly impressed and angulated at middle. Post-mesocoxal stria of metaventrite absent. Lateral metaventral stria well impressed, extending posteriorly and obliquely, the anterior side of stria strongly carinate. Lateral disk of metaventrite densely covered with large, round, shallow and setiferous punctures, punctures becoming smaller medially. Punctation of intercoxal disk of metaventrite similar to that of intercoxal disk of mesoventrite.

Lateral disk of first abdominal sternite ( Fig. 1B) covered with large, longitudinal and setiferous punctures separated by about one-third of their diameter; two lateral striae complete on each side, their outer edges carinate.

Protibia ( Fig. 2D View Fig ) with sixteen denticles on outer margin. Profemoral anterior stria complete. Meso- and metatibiae ( Fig. 2E View Fig ) with three rows of long and stout spinulae on outer margin.

Male genitalia as shown in figure 3. Lateral sides of parameres straight on basal two-thirds and a little outwardly curved on apical one-third; ratio of length of parameres to basal length about 2.58.

Distribution: Indonesia, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan ( Mazur 2011) ( Fig. 7 View Fig ).

Lewisister masumotoi Ho et Ôhara , sp. nov. ( Figs. 4–6) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:C29E7CFB-A399-4516-93A6-FA662D4C3365

Material examined: Holotype: 1 ò, 29. Jul – 14. Aug. 2011, Meiling, Nanxi, Tainan, Taiwan, leg. M. L. Jeng ( NMNS ENT 8328-6 About ENT , NMNS) . Paratypes. 1 ò, 26. Jun. 1986, Malibulu, Taimali, Taitung, Taiwan, leg. K. MASUMOTO (MO-10-007, SEHU). 1 ñ, 13 – 27. Aug. 2011, Meiling, Nanxi, Tainan, Taiwan, leg. M. L. Jeng ( NMNS ENT 8328-7, NMNS). 1 ñ, 9 – 12. Jun. 2011, Meiling, Nanxi, Tainan, Taiwan, leg. M. L. Jeng, ( NMNS ENT 8328-5, NMNS). 1 ò, 26. May 2019, Huisun Forest reserve, Ren’ai, Nantou, Taiwan, by Berlese funnel, leg. Y. H. Ho ( PCHO). 1 ñ, 28. Jul. 2020, Guanyin Dong trail, Fuxing, Taoyuan City, 24.8132, 121.3661, leg. B. H. Ho & K.W. Chan ( PCHO).

Diagnosis: This species can be distinguished from Lewisister excellens by the following characters: 1) third dorsal stria complete, which is incomplete on L. excellens ; 2) body smaller than L. excellens ( PEL = 2.42–3.23 mm); 3) lateral sides of parameres weakly convergent on apical one-third.

Description: Body length, PPL, male, 2.71 mm, female, 3.60–3.70 mm, PEL, male, 2.42 mm, female, 3.10–3.23 mm, body width, EW, male, 1.80 mm, female, 2.28–2.38 mm. Biometric data are given in table 3. Body oval, convex, black and shiny; apices of segments of maxillary palps yellowish brown.

Frontal stria ( Fig. 5 A View Fig ) deeply impressed laterally and absent medio-anteriorly. Orbital stria slightly incised. Head covered with fine punctures and coriaceous microsculpture; surface excavate on frons and clypeus. Mandibles well developed, with a large denticle on inner side. Anterior margin of labrum feebly round.

Pronotal sides ( Fig. 4A) regularly convergent apically. Apical angle obtusely angulate. Marginal pronotal stria complete anteriorly but shortened at latero-anterior angle; stria also impressed on median one-third of underside (hypomeron). Lateral pronotal stria deeply impressed completely, its outer edge strongly cariniform. Disk of pronotum with large depression behind anterior angle; surface covered with coriaceous microsculpture. Posterior margin of pronotum obtusely angulated posteriorly at middle. Prescutellar impression of disk with a longitudinal puncture.

Epipleural marginal stria ( Fig. 4A) present on median one-third with ventral edge carinate; elytral marginal stria complete; disk of epipleura feebly excavated on posterior two-thirds. External subhumeral stria completely present. Oblique humeral stria lightly impressed on basal third. First to third dorsal striae completely incised, with outer edges subcariniform; fourth dorsal stria only present on apical one-sixth, with a short rudiment on basal fifth; fifth dorsal stria sometimes present apically, and formed by a line of dots; sutural stria present on apical two-thirds to fivesixths. Surface of elytra sparsely covered with fine punctures.

Propygidium ( Fig. 5B View Fig ) and pygidium ( Fig. 5C View Fig ) sparsely and irregularly covered with large and round punctures. Punctures of pygidium becoming denser near to the apical margin.

Anterior margin of prosternal lobe ( Fig. 4B) round; marginal stria complete, outer side of stria strongly carinate; another short stria present laterally, its outer edge strongly carinate; disk of lobe convex longitudinal medially and coarsely punctate laterally. Prosternal keel ( Fig. 5F View Fig ) narrow; carinal striae impressed parallel and united anteriorly as an arch (anterior part of the stria round); median disk with fine punctures and alutaceous microsculptures; lateral disk densely covered with coarse punctures; posterior margin of keel straight. Lateral descending striae of keel completely and deeply impressed, outer sides of striae strongly carinate.

Anterior margin of mesoventrite ( Fig. 4B) broadly and slightly curve outwardly; marginal stria complete; another short stria present behind antero-lateral angle; intercoxal disk sparsely covered with fine punctures separated by four to seven times their diameter. Mesometaventral suture lightly impressed and angulated at middle. Post-mesocoxal stria of metaventrite absent. Lateral metaventral stria well impressed, extending posteriorly and obliquely, the apical end attaining near metacoxa. Lateral disk of metaventrite densely covered with large, round, shallow and setiferous punctures, punctures becoming smaller medially. Punctation of intercoxal disk of metaventrite similar to that of intercoxal disk of mesoventrite.

Lateral disk of first abdominal sternite ( Fig. 4B) covered with large, longitudinal setiferous punctures separated by their own diameter; lateral stria completed on each side, its outer edge carinate.

Protibia ( Fig. 5D View Fig ) with fifteen denticles on outer margin. Profemoral stria complete. Meso- and metatibiae ( Fig. 5E View Fig ) with three rows of long and stout spinulae on outer margin.

Male genitalia as shown in Fig 6 View Fig . Lateral sides of parameres straight on basal two-thirds and weakly convergent on apical one-third; ratio of parameres length to basal length about 1.66.

Etymology: The specific epithet, masumotoi , is named in honor of Dr. Kimio Masumoto, who is the first person to collect this species, as well as the collector of one of the paratypes, and also a specialist of coprophagous group scarab-beetles and family Tenebrionidae .

Distribution: Taiwan ( Fig. 7 View Fig ).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Universidade Federal de Pelotas


Agricultural Development and Advisory Service


National Museum of Natural Science


Ministry of Natural Resources














Lewisister masumotoi

Ho, Yu-Hsiang & Ôhara, Masahiro 2022

Lewisister curvistriatus

Bickhardt 1914

Lewisister excellens

Bickhardt 1912

Lewisister excellens

Bickhardt 1912
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF