Phrynobatrachus sp. 3

Bittencourt-Silva Keywords., Gabriela B., 2019, A herpetological survey of western Zambia, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 181) 13 (2), pp. 1-28 : 9

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Phrynobatrachus sp. 3


Phrynobatrachus sp. 3

Material. HILLWOOD FARM: BMNH 2018.5866–67 ( Fig. 6D); NKWAJI: BMNH 2018.5856– 57, BMNH 2018.5858–60, BMNH 2018.5861 ( Fig. 6E), BMNH 2018.5862 –63; BMNH 2018.5868–69 ( Fig. 6F), BMNH 2018.5870–72. Comments: All specimens are morphologically similar to P. natalensis , however the BLAST search shows sequence similarity with P. natalensis from South Africa (GenBank accession number DQ 347303) varying between 90–91% (see Fig. 5). These populations form a northern Zambian clade, sister to southern, western, and eastern African clades. Further investigation is needed to resolve the taxonomical status of this group.

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