Novispathodus ex gr. abruptus ( Orchard, 1995 ), 2005

Leu, Marc, Bucher, Hugo, Vennemann, Torsten, Bagherpour, Borhan, Ji, Cheng, Brosse, Morgane & Goudemand, Nicolas, 2022, A Unitary Association-based conodont biozonation of the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) and associated biotic crisis from South China, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (19) 141 (1), pp. 1-61 : 29-32

publication ID 10.1186/s13358-022-00259-x


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scientific name

Novispathodus ex gr. abruptus ( Orchard, 1995 )


Novispathodus ex gr. abruptus ( Orchard, 1995)

Figs. 16E View Fig ; 17W, Y, Z View Fig , AE; 18H; 20A–G, K, L, M, Q, X

1981 Neospathodus homeri Bender ; Koike, pl. 1, fig. 5.

1984 Neospathodus sp. A ; Hatleberg & Clark, pl. 3, fig. 8, 21.

*1995 Neospathodus abruptus n. sp.; Orchard, p. 118, 119, figs. 3.16–3.19, 3.23–3.26.

2005 Novispathodus abruptus (Orchard) ; Orchard, p. 90, text-fig. 16.

2009 Novispathodus abruptus (Orchard) ; Orchard & Zonneveld, p. 784, fig. 15 parts 34–37.

2012a Novispathodus sp. nov. A; Goudemand & Orchard in Goudemand et al., p. 1031, figs. 2A, R?, Z?.

2012a Novispathodus sp. nov. B; Goudemand & Orchard in Goudemand et al., p. 1031, fig. 3V.

2018 Novispathodus abruptus (Orchard) ; Maekawa in Maekawa et al., p. 33, figs., 18.1–18.3, 18.20, 18.23, 18.24, 18.26, 18.27 (only).

Material.> 50 specimens.

Diagnosis. As in Orchard, 1995.

Remarks. Here we consider Nv. abruptus in a broad sense, including elements that correspond to Nv. abruptus sensu stricto together with forms that have been suggested to deserve assignment to separate species, such as Nv. sp. nov. A and Nv. sp. nov. B Goudemand and Orchard (in Goudemand et al., 2012b). We consider the most diagnostic feature of Nv. ex gr. abruptus is the terminal 1–3 progressively smaller denticles at the posterior end.

(See figure on next page.)

Te P 1 element of this species is less robust, more rectangular with more fused denticles than that of Ic. crassatus . Its morphology also recalls that of the homologous element in Nv. pingdingshanensis , but its basal cavity is relatively smaller and its denticles are not as posteriorly recurved nor usually as broad as in the latter. Te P 1 element of Tr. symmetricus has more posteriorly reclined denticles, it may have a small terminal denticle but not several of increasingly smaller size. Yet, the distinction between Tr. symmetricus and Nv. abruptus may be confusing. Te P 1 element of Tr. homeri has a more elongated basal cavity and a more developed, posteriorly reclined and laterally deflected process than in both Tr. symmetricus and Nv. abruptus . Goudemand and Orchard (in Goudemand et al., 2012b) implicitly suggested that elements like those of their Nv. sp. nov. B, where the small terminal denticles are not increasingly smaller but of equal (small) height instead, may be transitional between Nv. abruptus and Tr. homeri (compare the elements illustrated in figs. 2.9 and 3.17 of Orchard 1995, assigned to Tr. homeri and Nv. Abruptus , respectively). Note further that, based on the material from Tsoteng, it is likely that suchP 1 elements were still associated with a Novispathodus apparatus. Tis suggests that P 1 elements like that of Tr. homeri may have evolved before the more substantial modifications of the rest of the apparatus implied by the difference between Novispathodus and Triassospathodus .

Occurrence. Worldwide occurrence in latest Smithian and early Spathian rocks. Xenoceltites View in CoL and Tirolites View in CoL beds within Nv. pingdingshanensis and Nv. brevissimus zones, Japan ( Koike, 1981; Maekawa et al., 2018). Oman ( Orchard, 1995). British Columbia ( Orchard & Zonneveld, 2009), South China; Goudemand et al., 2012b; this study).










Novispathodus ex gr. abruptus ( Orchard, 1995 )

Leu, Marc, Bucher, Hugo, Vennemann, Torsten, Bagherpour, Borhan, Ji, Cheng, Brosse, Morgane & Goudemand, Nicolas 2022

Neospathodus abruptus

Leu & Bucher & Vennemann & Bagherpour & Ji & Brosse & Goudemand 2022


Leu & Bucher & Vennemann & Bagherpour & Ji & Brosse & Goudemand 2022


Leu & Bucher & Vennemann & Bagherpour & Ji & Brosse & Goudemand 2022
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