Brailovskylus Eger, 2017

Eger, J. E., 2017, Brailovskylus mexicanus, a new genus and species from Mexico and Central America (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae: Pachycorinae), Dugesiana 24 (2), pp. 251-256 : 251-252

publication ID 10.32870/dugesiana.v24i2.6718

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scientific name

Brailovskylus Eger

new genus

Brailovskylus Eger , new genus 4E7A1F0A3963

Description. Medium sized, oval, dorsum densely and uniformly punctured ( Figs. 1-2 View Figures ), punctures on venter not as dense, sparse laterally on propleura and mesially on abdomen ( Fig. 5 View Figures ). Pronotum and scutellum forming smooth curve in lateral view, pronotum slightly higher than scutellum ( Fig. 3 View Figures ).

Head ( Fig. 6 View Figures ) porrect or slightly declivent, triangular, narrowly rounded apically, lateral margins slightly to moderately sinuate, mandibular plates a little shorter than clypeus, dorsum moderately convex, lateral and anterior margins not elevated or carinate; antennal segments cylindrical; rostrum just reaching base of abdomen or to posterior margin of third sternite.

Pronotum about twice as wide as long, evenly convex, lacking transverse impression, anterolateral margins slightly convex, posterior margin straight to slightly concave. Ostiole located about 1/3 of distance from metacoxae to lateral margin of metapleura ( Fig. 4 View Figures ); peritreme slightly elevated, parallel-sided or narrowing slightly toward apex, elongate, slightly angled anterad, distance from apex of peritreme to anterior margin of metapleuron and anterolateral corner of evaporative area equivalent to or less than width of peritreme at apex. Thoracic sterna shallowly sulcate.

Posterolateral angles of abdominal sternites 3-7 acuminate or with very short spines; spiracles not associated with distinct calli. Posterior margin of seventh sternite broadly and deeply concave in both sexes, mesial half of concavity shallowly concave or transverse and slightly elevated; male genital cup and female genital plates broadly exposed ( Figs. 7, 9 View Figures ).

Male genital cup exposed in ventral and caudal views. Parameres ‘L’-shaped ( Fig. 15 View Figures ); proctiger simple, lightly sclerotized, with bands of setae at anterior and posterior margin; theca with two conjunctival appendages, vesica enclosed by tubular median penal lobe ( Figs. 13-14 View Figures ).

Female genital plates exposed, genital chamber with long sclerotized groove. Spermathecal duct relatively long and branched, one branch terminating in large oval spermathecal diverticulum the other in the spermathecal pumping region ( Fig. 10 View Figures ). Pumping region ( Fig. 11 View Figures ) with well developed proximal and distal flanges and a simple oval bulb connected to the pump by a long, sclerotized, convoluted duct.

Type species. Brailovskylus mexicanus .

Etymology. I am pleased to dedicate this genus to Harry Brailovsky in recognition of his friendship and extensive contributions to our knowledge of the Heteroptera.

Comments. Brailovskylus is closely related to Symphylus and Stethaulax Bergroth, 1891 , but is easily distinguished by the elongate ostiolar peritreme which nearly reaches the anterior margin of the metapleuron. It shares this character with Lobothyreus Mayr, 1864 , Crathis Stål, 1861 , Homaemus Dallas, 1851 , and Sphyrocoris Mayr, 1864 , but the shape of the peritreme is different than in those genera (see Figs. 40, 41, and 43 in Eger et al. 2015 and Figs. 9 View Figures , 13, 14 View Figures , and 19 in Weiler et al. 2017) and resembles that of Symphylus and Stethaulax (Fig. 44 in Eger et al. 2015 and Figs. 20 and 21 in Weiler et al. 2017). In the key to genera by Eger et al. (2015), Brailovskylus will key to couplet 13 with Crathis and Lobothyreus . It can be separated from these genera by having a relatively flat head with lateral margins relatively straight. The heads of Crathis and Lobothyreus are strongly convex and the lateral margins are distinctly concave.

The genitalia are closer to those of Stethaulax than those of Symphylus . Symphylus has hatchet-shaped parameres and the first conjunctival appendages are lightly sclerotized, elongate and acute ( McDonald 1966) while in Brailovskylus the parameres are ‘L’-shaped and the first conjunctival appendages are oval with a sclerotized tooth on the lateral margin. In Symphylus the spermathecal duct is not branched as it is in Brailovskylus . Stethaulax has hook-shaped parameres and both pairs of conjunctival appendages are elongate, membranous proximally with a large sclerotized thorn distally ( McDonald 1966). Both Brailovskylus and Stethaulax have a branched spermathecal duct with a membranous oval spermathecal diverticulum.











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